
Gen Z gays can teach us men a lot about masculinity

So the Gen Z gay community can teach us men how to be men in new opinion piece published in USA Today.

Really?  Agenda pushing as usual to attack “toxic masculinity” as Gillette and Braun ads have taught us.


What’s the matter with men? ‘Real masculinity’ should look to queer community, Gen Z.

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G. Floyd
G. Floyd
11 months ago

USA Today is a paper my father would “read” mostly because of the colors. Selling America Fake News (now in color) USA Today is best at soaking up puppy urine.

11 months ago

Um, NO.

I swear, if men get any less masculine… yeesh. PLEASE let’s not put every straight male in a Queer Eye “reform program” – in truth, they really need just the opposite. Thank goodness I’m married to (apparently) one of the last real men out there, who knows that “masculinity” does NOT equal “toxic”.

11 months ago
Reply to  vievie

Same here, vievie. My husband is a real man. Sure, he has a bit of intense psycho-spiritual stuff to work on, but so do most of us. Also, we spent our first ten years together unmarried and working through the major issues that most couples never broach, even after (or shall I say, especially after) marriage. Anyway, congratulations on making a wise choice!

Burn Notice
Burn Notice
11 months ago

Articles written with total bias, such as this one done by a self identified gay male gen z writer, are totally worthless. This is just another individual furthering an agenda to promote his lifestyle beliefs. How boring.

Jay P
Jay P
11 months ago

The reason why the “PTB” keep pushing the “femboy/soyboy” & “toxic masculinity” narrative down all our throats is because they don’t want a society in which strong, independent, free-thinking, intelligent, and most of all UNAFRAID masculine men that won’t roll over and submit when tyranny knocks on their door- real men who will stand up & fight the evil that’s being spread by these same “PTB” (Powers That Be). It’s the same principle they’re using with the “gun violence” narrative, so they can eventually disarm the entire American population.

In short, they’ll do ANYTHING to make the transition from “free constitutional republic” to “communist one-world government” smoother, faster, and less bloody (although the ‘bloody’ part is a perk for them, as they’re always looking to depopulate’ us GOYIM.

11 months ago
Reply to  Jay P

I wonder where the “real men” were during the height of the CovAin’t who wore masks, social distanced, closed their businesses, and took the jab(s). ‘Cuz I didn’t see very many, anywhere, and I was traveling via RV for several months across the US in 2020 and 2021. My husband and I were sometimes the only people who went barefaced inside stores and even outside pumping gas! Just sayin’.

Crazy Bear
Crazy Bear
11 months ago

That shirt collar looks about right, just big enough for dainty little neck and a mottled pattern shirt to hide the inevitable jizz dribbled down the front. I can learn about as much about being a man from these pole smokers as the visiting the Hoover Dam will teach me about the Amazon Rain Forest.

the great plague
the great plague
11 months ago

Ultra-masculine is gay. Sparta and every other “warrior cult” society have proven this a thousand times over.

11 months ago

Cult is the operative word. They were not Godly societies.

11 months ago

You don’t go to a satanist to learn about Christianity

11 months ago
Reply to  john

Satanism comes from christianity, acknowledged by your 444gem. Have a look at Jayz’s thread

the great plague
the great plague
11 months ago

For those who misunderstood my previous comment: for a man to truly be a man there have to be women around. The ultra-masculine warrior cults that dominate this planet completely exclude women and idolize the male ideal. This is the true source of toxic masculinity, and the solar male deity religions that you cling to.

11 months ago

The cuckolded generation wearing man buns and pink have nothing to do with masculinity.
The globalists/satan need weak men and easily manipulated by emotion women for their plans to work.

11 months ago

This seems to be many gay men’s secret fantasy. I saw in a show recently how this football team bravely allowed an openly gay guy on the team. He immediately started fantasizing about and admitting he hoped everyone on the team would be gay so they could have gay showers and win football games together

11 months ago

Hahahahahaha! What a sick agenda the mockingbird media clowns are shoveling out!