
UK Parliament Demands TikTok & Rumble deplatform & demonitize Russell Brand (

Rumble Refused.

@ggreenwald: With the below letter to TikTok from the UK Parliament, they sent a similar letter to Rumble, demanding that Rumble deplatform and demonitize Russell Brand – a citizen who has not been charged with, let alone convicted of, any crimes.

Since when do Western political officials have the power to impose extra-legal punishment on people for alleged crimes they’ve never been charged with? What gives US and UK officials the right to demand that tech companies remove or demonatize speakers? Our questions to the MP: 

Here’s Rumble response to the despotic demands of the UK Parliament, demonstrating once against Rumble’s willingness to take a stand for the free speech, due process and free internet values it says it defends:


Rumble’s response to the UK Parliament’s letter to our CEO @chrispavlovski 

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Jay P
Jay P
1 year ago

Sure, why not. It isn’t like the guy has been CONVICTED OF ANY CRIME, has he? Matter of fact he hasn’t even been CHARGED. But in true tyrannical fashion, let’s cancel someone JUST BECAUSE he “allegedly” sexually assaulted some women a decade ago, conveniently the details of the supposed crime are fuzzy as are dates, times, and circumstances. Not to mention the “victims” names/locations are being withheld. Probably because these women never were assaulted, hell in all actuality they probably don’t even exist!!

Jay P
Jay P
1 year ago

As per normal, GUILTY until proven INNOCENT.

1 year ago

Another take-down of a vocal critic of Biden and Socialist woke B.S.

1 year ago

Brand is being used by the wayward wizards for some purpose we don’t yet fully know. But we ought to see that this is a public *show* for a reason. He’s the fall guy for another of their cover stories. Smoke and mirrors, more mumbo jumbo BS.

Ambassador for The Lord Jesus
Ambassador for The Lord Jesus
1 year ago
Reply to  Sharine

It is all smoke and mirrors. Control op he is. I wish ppl that claim they are awaken see the game they are playing. Research Russel. He is a part of this diabolical show. Smh!

1 year ago

Eh. Brand made a big deal about sticking up for Ellen Page and insisting that he was all for kindness and inclusion in honoring her name change to Elliot and using he/him pronouns. The fact that the beast system has now turned on him is kind of ironic. And perhaps a bit of karma