
After a somewhat manic MTV spot Brittany Murphy departs with a familiar sign

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1 year ago

I kept wondering if she was happy or on something through the whole video. That sign off at the end… Sigh

1 year ago

What does the sign mean? I can’t see very well. One eye sign?

1 year ago

Brittney Murphy was an Illuminati sacrifice, back before these things were a known/mainstream thing. Back then it seemed like just an accident or overdose, much like River Phoenix & Heath Ledger. But looking back I’d bet my bottom dollar that these were all sacrifices.

K.A. Davison
K.A. Davison
1 year ago

I had not seen that video but am very glad I did and appreciative of your posting it. I could not hold in the laughter when she did her mocking pantomime (?) of a runway model. I do not recall the film, but that film included an interview with her in the bonus section. I still remember how impressed I was by her intellectual maturity, possibly because you saw the quirky young lady with the beautiful-funny face and somehow missed how intelligent she was. I will admit that since her death there has never been a time that I saw her image that I was not overwhelmed by a great sense of loss and tragedy for someone who was a positive contributor, not to the squalid film industry, but to the human race. Though I did not know her this old man adored her as if she were my own granddaughter. In this life the loss of youth, sweetness, beauty, joy and the energy that they contribute to life may be the worst punishment that fate can bestow on humanity. I do believe that her life was taken from her and believe that the one who did it, or those thieves that stole her life deserve the worst punishment that eternity can provide. The poor, dear little girl wasn’t given a chance at life, and I truly despise those responsible. Thank you for the opportunity to reflect.

1 year ago

This was filmed at a Blockbuster, and interestingly, she perished not long after they perished. Her breakout “blockbuster” film role was in Clueless, so maybe she was assigned by her handlers to play the role of a lovably clueless goofball in real life too.
Blockbuster & Murphy both have gematria of 38, known (like its reverse, 83) for being the value of many words pertaining to death & misery.
She died on the eve of the 10-year anniversary of the release of the misery fest Girl, Interrupted. In that film, she had a typical Hellywood role (“a sexually abused eighteen-year-old girl with OCD who self-harms and is addicted to laxatives” & who “keeps and hides the carcasses of the cooked chicken that her father brings her in her room.”), the type of role which of course leads to “critical acclaim” for debasing oneself in front of millions. She was pronounced dead at 10 AM (okay, 10:04) just to give us the hint about that film’s 10-year anniversary. A girl interrupted, just like the title.