
Scientific American ‘targeting’ scholar critical of transgenderism, he says | The College Fix (

The publication’s dismissal is a way to ‘smother’ his research into gender dysphoria, psychologist said.

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1 year ago

Two genders , 2 sexes only,, you have the freedom to pretend but don’t force science to fit your pretensions

Crazy Bear
Crazy Bear
1 year ago

It’s a mental health issue coupled with self destructive spiritual issues. They hate themselves so much that they refuse to accept the facts of their gender and sexuality. Deep seated insecurities and an inability to deal with rejection from people that should have been a foundation for normal emotional and spiritual development. Broken homes and absent parental figures have destroyed the youth of these past couple of generations. No morals , no structure, no discipline, no direction, no genuine role models. It’s a purposefully broken society and far too many people refuse to see how they’ve been manipulated by a demonic agenda.

1 year ago
Reply to  Crazy Bear

It’s also a chemical issue, we are all blasted with these chemicals. They aren’t just causing disease and death but are causing gender confusion and have been dumped on us for years through food, hygiene products, laundry detergent and softeners, paints, dyes and many more including the jets and planes with their aerosol sprays. This was very planned to create low birth rates, move the populations into more manageable and smaller groups and push their half man half women luciferianism into a physical state giving them more power and more platform to exist.