
Origins of the satanic panic explored in new documentary 'Satan Wants You' (

Satan Wants You explores the story behind the 1980 book Michelle Remembers that recounts therapy sessions between a Canadian psychiatrist and his patient, who shares supposedly recovered memories of childhood abuse that occurred during satanic rituals.

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1 year ago

The messages from a show like this are pretty clear:

Therapists: Don’t take ritual abuse cases

Survivors: Don’t speak up, no one will believe you

The General Public: It’s all fake, there are no “satanists”

There are well documented cases of recovered memories winning court cases. And even when they don’t, it isn’t proof that they didn’t happen, just that the cases weren’t prosecutable. In the words of Goel, “The law has nothing to do with justice.”

Let us continue to pray that God will shine light upon the things hidden in darkness.

1 year ago
Reply to  breaker

Hallelujah Amen.

Good Game
Good Game
1 year ago

Where to watch this film?

1 year ago

I need to watch this, as one of the directors is an old friend. The events in the book also took place in my hometown, so I understand why my friend was interested in the topic. As he also grew up here. However, I’m concerned that they reveal that it was all lies and delusions. Because as most readers of this site know, SRA is very real and very well hidden to the public. It is so easy for people to say that it’s delusions. It is the best way for an abuser to gaslight their victims.