
Elite Pedophilia And The Propaganda Machine (

“Where are all these pedophiles coming from?”

An unavoidable connection one makes when exploring the deep-state are its ties with child trafficking rings and sexual abuse. The downfall of Jeffrey Epstein brought this issue into the limelight, but few people truly know how long stuff like this has been going on. It’s a difficult topic that many authors are reluctant to tackle for their own safety and sanity.

One such book that I recently read is The Apocalypse of Yajnavalkya, and believe me when I say – There’s never been ANYTHING written like this before. It places the matter of elite pedophilia in a deeper historical context that sheds new light on this awful phenomenon. It’s rare for one to put forth a paradigm-shattering theory of the world that leaves even experienced researchers both deeply perturbed and awestruck, but this book succeeds.

The overarching narrative the otherworldly author uses to tie together tens of thousands of years of human history is as worrisome as it is compelling. It draws on several disciplines of modern science, as well as just about every religious scripture that has ever been written. Published anonymously by the mysterious Library of Cernê, this reads like a handbook for living on Planet Earth, complete with a history of the world, cosmology, threat assessment, and a guide to personal growth and salvation.

If correct, we now know the true governing powers of the world, how long they’ve been in charge, where they came from (down to their genetics and family bloodline), how they operate, what the deal is with all the alien task forces and hearings, and what’s to become of the ruling class and us.

I reached out to the publishing company and they’ve graciously let me reproduce one of the most important chapters of the book – which you can syndicate with attribution. Be forewarned, this chapter explores the darkest evil being perpetrated today, and it is on such a scale and duration the mind recoils in either disbelief or horror. However, with the overwhelming success of Sound of Freedom, the world is now ready to explore the most heinous secret ever kept by the ruling classes.

So, without further ado…

A sneak peek into the world’s most controversial book……..

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1 year ago

Sorry but that link looks suspiciously like a honey pot.

1 year ago

Not wishing to seem uncharitable, but this does feel like a sales pitch and looks like utter new age nonsense.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rosey

Definitely, lots of new Age nonsense with bit of Q nonsense on the top of sound of sirens* , oh dear, bots are really busy these days 😱😅

1 year ago

The chapter presented is concise, with minimal window dressing. It mentions the growth of the pedophile crime from occult origins. Most of it conforms to what vigilant citizen has been covering.

1 year ago
Reply to  jiminycricket

“Everyone is following in the footsteps of the Crowley belief system of ‘Do What Thou Wilt’”

NO. They are NOT.

I am tired of idiots misquoting this and blaming Crowley for society’s problems. The “W” in Wilt is capitalized. This is because it is a reference to ones True Will, which is essentially ones divine purpose for living. A major portion of Thelema is developing the discipline and skill necessary to genuinely contact ones higher self and learn this purpose. And once you have learned it, then you must devote yourself to it entirely “without lust of result.” You do NOT get to just do whatever you want in Thelema; you get to do what you were born to do and nothing else.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kali

What if they think they’re born to do evil?

1 year ago
Reply to  nodnoc

And so what if they do think so? What’s your alternative? Force your way into every home, and exercise violent fascistic control of every thought, every word, and every action to ensure that no one ever disagrees with your Bible? Brutally suppress any and all spiritual practices contrary to yours to make sure no one ever learns or believes anything you personally dislike? You can’t change another’s Will, and they can’t change yours, no matter what extremes you go to. If that means you end up clashing on a battlefield one day, then that’s what it means. You’ll just have to man up and fight that battle when it comes.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kali

And to do so without interfering with anothers will. Hence, evil deeds against another are not acceptable or part of Thelema.

Fudge Dredd
Fudge Dredd
1 year ago
Reply to  Kali

This may be so, but I personally know some people (goth “occultist”) who aren’t interpreting that as you defined it. Seems like some people are misinterpreting that ignorantly or conveniently and feeds their narcissism.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fudge Dredd

That’s true; there are some who do either misunderstand or intentionally twist the concept to justify themselves. But that is their own personal failing. The ideology of Crowley is not to blame for it.

1 year ago

Those who aren’t against you, are for you.

1 year ago

And most recently, Kid Rock photographed drinking a Budlight…in public!

1 year ago

Library of Cerne, sounds like CERN and Cernunnos, the horned god. Also Cerne Abbas, English site of the hillside inscription of a Nephilim like giant and Cerner, the medical IT company.

1 year ago

I think there’s zero to see on the active side of the link (REPORT >). Someone doesn’t want me to look?

1 year ago
Reply to  DNA999

@DNA999 click “visit link” directly beneath the caption photo.