
Fury as Porsche 'airbrushes out' statue of Jesus in 911 promo advert (

The controversial video, which features luxury Porsche cars cruising along the mountains in Portugal, has been deleted off the manufacturer’s YouTube channel but remains on their website.

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1 year ago

Great find!

What is the famous Porsche model? Oh, yes, the 9/11.

Porsche also recently had an ad campaign called “Form Follows Fantasy.” I’m sure you’ve already figured out this is a 666 reference, with ‘F’ being the sixth letter of the alphabet. In an original version of this campaign, they considered using an android, likely a continuation of the ongoing transhumanist agenda push. What is perhaps even more interesting is that the association of F and 6 is not just conceptually related for Porsche, but there is a curious historical link also.

That’s because Mr. Ferdinand Porsche, the founder of Porsche, was a chaffeur to Archduke [F]ranz [F]erdinand. The Archduke’s chaffeur played a key role in the assassination of the Archduke, “errantly” parking Franz just outside a café where an assassin, who had already failed to kill the Archduke earlier in the day, *just so happened to be contemplating his failure.* He did not fail this second time. I do not know whether Mr. Porsche was the chaffeur that day, but the connection is interesting to me. This killing, as you know, is credited with igniting the likely occult ritual known as WW1.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud

That’s very interesting, thank you for sharing. One might think that if they did not want a religious symbol to be present in their ad, they’d simply not include this shot in the ad at all. So clearly they did this on purpose.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud

Connecting the dots …

1 year ago

And ye shall know by their fruits. Porsche is running with the devil. A materialistic outlet for the incredulous masses.

1 year ago

I’m running out of things to like.