
Ukrainian mum who survived assassination attempt poses for Playboy after op (

A UKRAINIAN mum who survived a suspected assassination attempt has posed for the cover of Playboy. TV presenter Iryna Bilotserkovets can be seen wearing a metal bikini and eye patch after reconstru…

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1 year ago

This woman actually lost her eye and her jaw got broken. By 3 bullets . She needed to cover one eye because they couldn’t get the reconstruction good enough which is why she had to wear light shades when going out.

1 year ago
Reply to  john

My hero.

1 year ago
Reply to  john

Yeah @john if it’s in Playboy, it must be true!

1 year ago
Reply to  chud

Its on the net, not just playboy.

1 year ago
Reply to  john

I’ll give you some information about this “mum”. She’s a wife of a really disgusting young politician, who appeared out of nowhere and made it to the top. He’s a well-known thief and he did a lot of criminal deeds in Kiev using his power. Fun fact: his poor mum suddenly became a millionaire. Once he was asked to do make a donation but said “My situation is not good and declined”. Btw at the beginning of his career in politics he was accused of pursuing kids by some parents.
Irina doesn’t always use his surname, she’s Lyashenko. There’s NOTHING about her on the Internet, I could find only one stupid interview where she is called “a model, a cosmetologist and a…. SURGEON! Lol. A girl of many talents. She’s not a successful and popular model, only a few photoshoots with naked butt and open mouth (she’s a mum of three!). Noone ever saw their three kids. Her instagram is just a series of naked photos. Noone knows how she got hurt and whether it’s true. Having such husband she could be shot just by anyone ans she’s obviously not a good girl. Maybe it’s just an act for money and she’s ok.

1 year ago

I’m glad she survived, but damn… a playboy model is not exactly the image of a hero.

1 year ago
Reply to  mechanical

Read book if psalms….

1 year ago
Reply to  SlavicGirl

of, sorry

1 year ago

Both photos you posted today the other one with that pervert wearing woman’s lingerie are DEMONIC. Demonic world.
Frankly, I see demonic people everywhere, the give away is not a slutty outfit but lies they are constantly saying. Lies, lies more lies and always lies.

1 year ago
Reply to  simon

I was thinking that yesterday. When has the world ever been this polluted with evil?

1 year ago
Reply to  cajungirl

Well if you leave down South America you’ll find the world has always been fallen.

1 year ago
Reply to  cajungirl

None of us were there, but we were told “It will be as in the Days of Noah…”

1 year ago
Reply to  cajungirl

I don’t know, I am thinking about it sometimes and maybe this is really the worst period ever. It’s like we are so advanced, we have access to all things, yet we are so freaking wicked. And there is no excuse for being evil, it’s not some Mayan kingdom from Apocalypto movie, where people were not aware of God, Jesus ( even though there was a conscience and free will, no? )
We are so backward if you think about it.

1 year ago
Reply to  cajungirl


The idea that the world is worse or less moral today than before, is a myth sold to cover the reality of history. The world of corrupted humanity, has been this, and certainly more polluted for a very, very long time. It sits at the heart of Luciferianism and it stretches across the ages and empires of our world.

What has changed is the ebb and flow of knowledge of this Liciferian characteristic among the populace.

Some examples:

In openly pagan Rome and Greece, say at the turn of 0 CE, street and bathe house orgies were the norm, including young children. If you ever have a chance to see the bath houses that still stand, the murals inside are essentially versions of this pornographic imagery here, and their festivals of gorging and vomiting between home orgies are well documented.

In the Middle Ages, The infallible Pontificus Maximus (the head of Roman popery) unequivocally stated ~1300 CE “Sex with children is no worse than wiping one’s hand with the other.” Popes held ‘jousts of wh0res’ and we’re well documented to have retinues of young boys and cadres of children by prositutes they called their “nephews.”

In Babylon, the Luciferian oligarchy held temple orgies fuelled by hallucinogens with transgendered “female” eunuch teenage priests to worship the great mother. Young women after reaching 12 or 13 were made to go to Babylon’s red district.

Justinian of Byzantium in the 500s CE, declared draconian purity decrees repressing all sexuality on his populace, then married a high class prostitute who gave on stage sex shows. And then she slept with his entire court, and he put to death anyone who tried to tell him what was happening.

In Japan the Geisha culture developed from Saburuku, in which women whose families had been killed by the shogunate wars, were then brought as entertainment for the high class Luciferian Oligarchy. These practices of highly devious walled in sexual spaces for essentially slaved, “service girls and boys,” stretched from at least the 700s CE until 1956 there.

Indeed the modern “pure” heroes, are almost all invariably orgiastic sex addicts and/or murderers of a highly devious nature. Martin Luther King (his name MLK is quite literally “Malek,” as the bull of sacrifice in the Bible) was most certainly regularly hosting and participating in en masse queer orgies. Ghandi maintained a large cadre of lovers for essentially gnostic sex rituals. Churchill was an open eugenist.

Yet, again, the only difference is the ebb and flow of public’s awareness of this ever present reality of the detestable nature of those in whom they place their faith to lead them. You are simply more aware because you have access to Luciferian bombardment through electromagnetic communications.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

When i read the comments i see all the focus on lucifer and his gangs, god is forgotten and considered like an NPC, why?

1 year ago
Reply to  bartcat


While I can’t really speak for the general tone of the forum’s comment section let it be clear:

YHWH is all; Hei is the most high.

This place is guided towards showing people just how pervasive the (not so) hidden hand of Luciferianism is within our society. There is a process of waking up from slumber which necessarily includes recognising the symbols of occult MAGIk that once kept us slumbering.

This vigilance is urged in scriptures:

“Be vigilant and of sober mind. Your enemy the di-hevel prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”

Yeshua said:

“There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the rooftops.”

Certainly then, we must proclaim from the rooftops what the Luciferians conceal, the abominations whispered in the inner rooms, while the man of many faces wears a mask of the pious and false righteous.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


True historical mentions is not necessarily the way to the Truth if one makes wrong assumptions based on those same facts.

You write:
“The idea that the world is worse or less moral today than before, is a myth sold to cover the reality of history. The world of corrupted humanity, has been this, and certainly more polluted for a very, very long time.”

And then you go on with a list of deviant practices from the rich and powerful of yesterday.

Yes, they are still practiced today but by whom again ? the rich and powerful of today.

Yet, these are not the mainstream. The populace. US.

@cajungirl IS right: this depravity is, probably for the first time ever, being pushed on us as the new normality.
And we are starting to absorb it.

How is it that all modern dogmas have emerged from generates/killer/pedophiles and satanists? From Freud to the creator of transmovement?

If we feel the world is becoming wicker its because it is absorbing those new dogmas as advanced laws. Only faithless and soul less populace can do so.

And At no time in history have humans been so faithless and soul less to the point of accepting such depravity.

Its no myth: this feeling of general debacle and of a near END is our soul speaking to us. and its heard in all parts of the worlds by all those who still got some faith in them.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

Radius Area Length Phi Intensity Energy

My initial comments here are designed to be just that: an initial starting point from which we can begin a deeper conversation and examination of humanity across the ages. They are not designed to be extensive or particularly profound.

For clarity, my understanding of your stance here is:

1) Wr agree the Luciferian Oligarchy, the El-ites have long been this corrupt and there is no significant change recently in their actions
2) We agree that the Luciferian Oligarchy has dictated the flow of the mass culture for a very long time
3) You disagree with me in that you believe that the open corruption of the general populace is a novel and unique phenomena of our times, and that corruption

Unfortunately, you haven’t introduced any counter examples or evidence that supports your statements for us to discuss. You also seem to want to limit the conversation to the United States, a country that has less than 5% of the world’s population, and has existed for less than 300 years. This scope is too narrow, to have any relevant discussion on the overall condition of humanity.

However, let’s begin with this very narrow scope, and in terms of the US I will posit that nothing has changed, except that the veneer of moral hypocrisy of its populace has grown thinner and more transparent; and that it’s populace is generally becoming progressively more dumbed down.

Let us examine this American patriotic myth of “moral goodness,” a form of mind control, and the supposed lack of corruption among the populace, by examining the very earliest European-American settlements on the continent:


Your nation now celebrates a holiday in which they give thanks that a friendly native tribe saved the English settlers, now revered as great American heroes from starvation and freezing to death. What they don’t tel you; is that those same settlers, only 2-3 years later, turned around and massacres the tribe which saved them under false pretenses: raping, murdering and pillaging every last man, woman and child of the tribe which had saved their lives only a few years earlier. It wasn’t only governor Bradford massacring an entire peoples as thanks for saving their lives; it was the common pilgrims, most of whom were not El-ites.

In fact they were commoners and “puritans,” the types who hated all dancing, drinking, singing, or any kind of fun and declared it “unchristian.” These same folks so obsessed with moral purity that they wouldn’t even engage in line dancing, supposedly in the name of a man who saved prostitutes and turned water into wine, repaid those that saved their lives, by massacring/genociding their entire peoples a few short years later when they had established themselves better, and no longer needed those pesky natives around occupying land they considered their “manifest destiny,” and god given right.

So here we find, in one narrow example, how the very foundation of the USA is full of false righteousness, false moral puritan hypocrisy and genocide in the name of G-Zeus, the antiXristos.

Moreover, this mass genocide is a celebrated as a ritualistic “family” national holiday. Ritual holidays tinged with darkness, dressed as “wholesomeness” are one of the primary tactics of the Luciferian oligarchy to indoctrinate the populace and gain their subconscious consent; make them glorify and give thanks that their nation is founded when others kindness was returned with mass murder, year after year, you shall give thanks for their mass murder as a “manifest destiny.”

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


thank you for your reply. Let me please clarify:

**1) Wr agree the Luciferian Oligarchy, the El-ites have long been this corrupt and there is no significant change recently in their actions**

Yes they have long been corrupted however NO, there have been significant changes in their actions recently.

Like a “preparation” sort of work which has started some 200 years ago with the different revolutions (french revolution, industrial revolution, technological revolution, sexual revolution, social revolutions etc

**2) We agree that the Luciferian Oligarchy has dictated the flow of the mass culture for a very long time**
I agree

**3) You disagree with me in that you believe that the open corruption of the general populace is a novel and unique phenomena of our times, and that corruption**

No, what I believe is that the loss of morality, faith and spirituality is a recent phenomenon which is the result of active work led by the elite the last 300 years or so (since the Siecle des Lumières)..

**Unfortunately, you haven’t introduced any counter examples or evidence that supports your statements for us to discuss.**

why should I need to produce counter evidence to justify my interpretation of those facts? Have you presented any evidence proving how the elite have actively brainwashed populations in the past as they are actively doing right now, for no apparent purpose?
I dont believe so.

**You also seem to want to limit the conversation to the United States, a country that has less than 5% of the world’s population, and has existed for less than 300 years. This scope is too narrow, to have any relevant discussion on the overall condition of humanity.**

I never have. I am not even American..

**in terms of the US I will posit that nothing has changed, except that the veneer of moral hypocrisy of its populace has grown thinner and more transparent; and that it’s populace is generally becoming progressively more dumbed down.**

We agree

**Your nation now celebrates a holiday in which they give thanks….. that a whom were not El-ites.**

First, as I said, it is not my country.
Second, as you mentionned: “pilgrims” did terrible things, we agree.

What you have a hard time understanding is that if indeed, the average joe did horrendous elite-type things, it was motivated by either “religious interpretations”, superstition, greed, ignorance etc

This is so far away from what is happening now. The average joe around the world who is being brainwashed to let go of his decency, morality and spirituality is being so for different reasons: not for supersitition, religion, greed or by ignorance

Indded, this arrogant contemporary world of ours is doing so thinking this is the best way to go for all of us and that we need to be free from any constraints which may be based on morals, religion or even wisdom, respect etc

Yet, those settlers killing indians as many other greedy populations did before, were acting for a purpose: to settle, to make a better life for themselves and their families, whatever the means (and the dead). However terrible, they did have a purpose which ultimately is a human one: the need to survive at all cost.

But what is the purpose of this current population accepting to be brainwashed like never before? It has None

It has no purpose, or if any, it is to simply according to the credo “live as thou wilt”. We all know whose purpose it is. And where it will lead us.

That is the reason why our current situation is a different phenomenon as it is the result of the elite global preparation which has been set into motion the last 200 years or soy.

The stage is set.
Let the actors come in and the audience enjoy the final show.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

******my comment has been erased twice already.. hope it wont again********


thank you for your reply. Let me please clarify:

**1) Wr agree the Luciferian Oligarchy, the El-ites have long been this corrupt and there is no significant change recently in their actions**

Yes they have long been corrupted however NO, there have been significant changes in their actions recently.

Like a “preparation” sort of work which has started some 200 years ago with the different revolutions (french revolution, industrial revolution, technological revolution, sexual revolution, social revolutions etc

**2) We agree that the Luciferian Oligarchy has dictated the flow of the mass culture for a very long time**
I agree

**3) You disagree with me in that you believe that the open corruption of the general populace is a novel and unique phenomena of our times, and that corruption**

No, what I believe is that the loss of morality, faith and spirituality is a recent phenomenon which is the result of active work led by the elite the last 300 years or so (since the Siecle des Lumières)..

**Unfortunately, you haven’t introduced any counter examples or evidence that supports your statements for us to discuss.**

why should I need to produce counter evidence to justify my interpretation of those facts? Have you presented any evidence proving how the elite have actively brainwashed populations in the past as they are actively doing right now, for no apparent purpose?
I dont believe so.

**You also seem to want to limit the conversation to the United States, a country that has less than 5% of the world’s population, and has existed for less than 300 years. This scope is too narrow, to have any relevant discussion on the overall condition of humanity.**

I never have. I am not even American..

**in terms of the US I will posit that nothing has changed, except that the veneer of moral hypocrisy of its populace has grown thinner and more transparent; and that it’s populace is generally becoming progressively more dumbed down.**

We agree

**Your nation now celebrates a holiday in which they give thanks….. that a whom were not El-ites.**

First, as I said, it is not my country.
Second, as you mentionned: “pilgrims” did terrible things, we agree.

What you have a hard time understanding is that if indeed, the average joe did horrendous elite-type things, it was motivated by either “religious interpretations”, superstition, greed, ignorance etc

This is so far away from what is happening now. The average joe around the world who is being brainwashed to let go of his decency, morality and spirituality is being so for different reasons: not for supersitition, religion, greed or by ignorance

Indeed, this arrogant contemporary world of ours is doing so thinking this is the best way to go for all of us and that we need to be free from any constraints which may be based on morals, religion or even biology or wisdom, respect etc

Yet, those settlers killing indians as many other greedy populations did before, were acting for a purpose: to settle, to make a better life for themselves and their families, whatever the means (and the dead). However terrible, they did have a purpose which ultimately is a human one: the need to survive at all cost.

But what is the purpose of this current population accepting to be brainwashed like never before? It has None

It has no purpose, or if any, it is to simply live according to the credo “live as thou wilt”. We all know whose purpose it is. And where it will lead us.

That is the reason why our current situation is a different phenomenon as it is the result of the elite global preparation which has been set into motion the last 200 years or so.

The stage is set.
Let the actors come in and the audience enjoy the final show.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed


Thank you for the clarifications.

I read this that you wrote:

Yet, these are not the mainstream. The populace. US”

And saw the US captialized, as meaning The United States, rather than being a phonetic emphasis for tone. It is good to have a better understanding of what you meant.

In your latest comment you stated:

“What you have a hard time understanding is that if indeed, the average joe did horrendous elite-type things, it was motivated by either “religious interpretations”, superstition, greed, ignorance etc.”

I assure you I don’t have a hard time understanding this. I dedicated a lot of time to writing the Thirteen Monkeys, as well as offering deeper commentary and conversations here, to discuss the abominations of the cargo kultery of the Luciferian run mass religions. They’ve created many flavors of Luciferian ice cream so that those who like chocolate hate the ones that love strawberry; these RE’s Legions exist expressely for the purpose of harvesting the masses Ki and taking away their ability to independently think. Am I to believe that this is really “faith?”

It is here that we greatly differ. It is certainly True that their are fewer and fewer people that profess belief in a higher power, or some other organized religious dogma. I do not consider this faith: It is supersticion borne from ignorance. Simply put, one type of ignorance, false beliefs in supersticions designed for mind control, are being exchanged for another set of false beliefs.

Are we to believe that just because 99.9% of common Babylonians believed in burying statues under their house, they they were somehow more filled with the spirit of YHWH than say, those who wear crystals on their neck for energy healing? When we consider that those babylonians were content to practice essentially solar demon voodoo, I’d say they never had any faith, they were merely ignorant.

Are we to believe that just because 99% of the pilgrims were “christian” puritans that attended Sunday Church to profess a belief in G-Zues, and hated line dancing, but then went about massacring every last man woman and child that stood between them and their greed, that somehow they had more “faith.” No, they simply had their ignorance channeled somewhat differently. Even H1tl3r openly professed that Nasism was christian, and he worked closely with the Vati-Kainus; the largest and most influential RE-Legion of abomination over the past 1500 years. the masses blowing incense to statues and kissing them is not faith.

Are we to believe that romans on Saturnalia, December 18-26, running around in grand drunken festivities and giving eachother gifts dedicated to SATurN are any different then all of the people running around lying to their children about SAnTANICk to perpetuate vapid consumerism while they pour themselves another rum at 10 AM?

True faith is born from the search for Truth; it comes not from ignorance, superstition, and having corrupt religious institutions to tell you what to do, who to murder, and what to believe. True faith is the tree that sprouts from a profound and ongoing conversation with YHWH.

In this regard, the world has not changed whatsoever, simply the man of many faces, is slowly changing his mask as the cosmic mill turns.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Thank you for your clarifications, sorry for the use of “Us” in capital letters 🙂

We agree that:
***It is certainly True that there are fewer and fewer people that profess belief in a higher power, or some other organized religious dogma.***

However, we differ in our deductions originating from the facts. For example, you replied:

***I dedicated a lot of time to writing the Thirteen Monkeys, as well as offering deeper commentary and conversations here, to discuss the abominations of the cargo kultery of the Luciferian run mass religions. They’ve created many flavors of Luciferian ice cream so that those who like chocolate hate the ones that love strawberry; these RE’s Legions exist expressely for the purpose of harvesting the masses Ki and taking away their ability to independently think. Am I to believe that this is really “faith?”***

***I do not consider this faith: It is supersticion borne from ignorance. Simply put, one type of ignorance, false beliefs in supersticions designed for mind control, are being exchanged for another set of false beliefs.***

It is not about what YOU believe faith is or is not. It is about what the POPULACE believe it is. I will explain why so below (and the concept of intention).

I took special care to specifically write together the words “religion, superstition, greed etc” to catter for the different views/interpretations of what faith could be for you or others.

Hence, what you think proper faith is or is not has no value: what matters is what the population is inspired by.

You added:
***99.9% of common Babylonians believed in burying statues under their house they were somehow more filled with the spirit of YHWH than say, those who wear crystals on their neck for energy healing?***

***True faith is the tree that sprouts from a profound and ongoing conversation with YHWH.***

Again, it is not about what YOU believe is the ultimate faith.

If they were not filled with the spirit of the supreme Father, they did believe in supreme forces. However you like it or not, they bowed to other things than themselves or their ego.

This isnt even the case today: most are bowing down to their own self and ego. Everything is about narcissism, one is his own god.

Like in ancient times, the success and realization of the mythical gods are being exposed through carved and painted images (photos, social medias) for the sole purpose of greed and ego and to attract fans! (think stars and influencers).

Those who believe in a higher power dont have the same motivations than those who believe in crystals or magic.

Dont mix their different intentions for this is what differentiate a same action: one who uses crystals believes HE can himself harness forces, winds, spirits and that HE can change his life/future: he is his own god.

While the other who prays to a statue believes such changes can only happen through an external force to which he bows down to and supplicates to have his wishes realized.
Hence, such a person does believe in a higher force to which, through the supplication, he acknowledges he is inferior to and dependent to.

Revering to oneself or to someone else are 2 opposite mental appreciations of the universe and our life purpose in general.

If you dont make the distingo between those 2 opposite intentions, I do.

So please tell me, when in history has mankind believed in their own higher force and self instead of a higher Being? Please, tell me when?

Isnt this the ultimate goal that the Deceiver has promised to humans, ie, to harass those who have faith in a supreme Being until mankind becomes faithless?

Then, how can you conclude by saying that:

***In this regard, the world has not changed whatsoever, simply the man of many faces, is slowly changing his mask as the cosmic mill turns.***

If most of the times, I do agree with your observations, I totally reject the deductions you draw from these which I find biased.

Biased by your own belief system.

You do not have the supreme Truth, because you are a human being and truth is not for you nor for me nor for the Aryeh Yehudah however much you believe it.
In your writings, you dont even take the cautionary step to believe that this secret teaching of Aryeh Yehudah could be wrong/corrupt/misunderstood at one point. Objectivity requires it.

There is only one and only Truth and it belongs to the Father.

Like I said some months ago, your interpretations or mine are just what they are, ie, interpretations: you may base them on factual and objective elements, yet, the understanding of the intent, context and meanings of those same elements are merely conjecture and guesswork.

So how can guesswork and conjectures lead to Supreme Truth?

For example, the belief that 2 words sharing the same etymology necessarily links the two concepts when one omits to add to the equation the importance of the “intention” put into those same words?

Take the example of murder/assassination/homicide: what differentiates those legal terms? the answer is Intention and only intention.

Go to a courtroom and see how different 2 cases involving death will be handled when one is done intentionally and the other by accident.

2 identical actions may be embodied in the same ways, just like 2 words can share the same etymology, yet through different intentions, their effects can be opposite both at the macro and at the microscopic levels.

One could even draw similarities with the Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle and the observer effect where intention is corrolated to the act of measurement (since the intention is a mental “measured” decision which will affect the end-state of the system).

Likewise, just as the uncertainty principle, the more precise one measure is, the least the others. I did mention this to you that the more one is into the details, the least he can have a grasp of the global picture.

Hence, to omit to take into consideration “intention”, from which stems everything, necessarily yields to an incomplete equation and hence, to mere conjectures or falsity rather than Truth.

For example, to say that if one believes in a supreme Being named xxxx, which name refers to such and such past idol/god, then the believer necessarily bows down to him even though his intention (and hence the effects of it) are directed at THE Supreme Being.

Just like for the principles mentioned above, what matter are the (measured) intentions and only the intentions.

Hence, if one:

  • revers to a unique supreme Being that is above all and everything,
  • believes that such Being is the originator of everything
  • believes that it is to such Being that he will return to
  • trusts that Being enough to follow His laws as he believes they repulse chaos and the inequity of men and evil;

Then such reverence and faith is indeed aimed at THE One and Only Supreme Being.

However or whatever one calls Him with the lips makes no difference as long as the soul has recognized Him for what He is: the Supreme, the One and Only who is not a human to nourish one’s evil thought that a mere human could be levelled to a supreme entity.

This is where your interpretation of your facts and mine disagree. Yet, for the rest, I am with you.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed


It is clear there is a lack of understanding regarding the true, magnificent power of The Word.

Yeshua said:

“It is written: ‘And he was numbered with the transgressors’; and I tell you that this must be fulfilled in me. and I tell you that this must be fulfilled in me. Yes, what is written about me is reaching its fulfillment.”

The Ancient Greek word now translated as “lawless” or “transgressors” is ἄνομος, said ‘A-Nomos.’ Its roots are:

a = Not or Without in the Ancient Tongue as a prefix
Nomos = NAME

TO be A-Nomos is to be without The Name. It is equally the root of the word ANOMOSity in english; which means be an adversary; as the word SATAN means “adversary,” in many senses.

The reason for the word being translated as “lawless” comes back to the fact that the Aryeh Yehudah word “Torah” meaning “The Breathe” is also considered the Law, as in the natural law of the universe, the laws of YHWH. To be without the true name of YHWH is to be “ANOMOS.” To be with Satan, and certainly the entirety of history has demonstrated this.

All those people that you uphold for “faith,” were without the true name of the ineffabe creater YHWH ELOHIM. Instead the placed their faith in superstitions, and the dark forces which lead downthe path to oblivion. One only needs to look at the history of these A-Nomos to understand just how dark and abominable these superstitions are:

1) The Akkadians, who would say things like Aku is my fortune, were renowned for their pleasure in extremely brutal and wicked actions, skinning people alive. They did all this in the name of Aku, the Lunar Deity.
2) The Mayas upheld as holy, all of them, in committing child human sacrifice to appease the Venus cycle, in order to please Lucifer, in the name of hAMARUCA. Ha-Mar is of course identical to the deity of luciferian kult of silence AMARU/Amurru…
3) The Christians had a ball committing genocide as public spectacle for a good 1000 years, burning, skinning, and generally committing horrible atrocities in the name of G-Zues, the Illuminator, the AntiXristos himself.
4) The Maha-Amutians to this very day live in terribly oppressive socieities the world round, engaging in mass, semi-occult homosexuality in their underground tea shops, because they are forbidden to even see a woman. The penalty for a woman speaking to a man in the street is death in Saudi Arabia, all in the name of Allah.

Alla is the ancient Ugaritic deity of the underworld that subsumes and keeps deities no longer worshiped. The modern Allah’s “99 names” are all taken from former pagan deities whom they have subsumed into a culture of solar tyranny in oppression, and the words to this day, AL-LA means “There is no YHWH.” AL- LA = NO ALohim

To be not the Name comes with deadly, abominable consequences that leads to tremendous suffering and unbridled power and wealth of the Luciferians. There is a reason the Luciferians have set about so strongly to replace the name of YHWH Elohim, with the name of the illuminator in every culture around the world, From “god” in English, coming from the Pheonician Ba’al Gad, to Deus from the Greek Zues in all Latin and Greek, to Bog the dualistic pagan deity in Russian.

To call any of the above things I have mentioned as faith, what is abominable superstition is quite frankly, abhorrent. Go to California, and you will find lots of what you call faith, steeped heavily in Luciferian superstition. Those people wearing crystals around their neck, really believe in its supernatural power from outside themselves, yes to channel their energy, but of course, coming from supernatural powers of the “energetic field.” The people have children according to “aiming for a star sign,” including taking soothesaying readings and gurus to find out what star sign is best for them under which to have the child. There are more soothsayers, and pagan tarot card readers in California, that there are schools.

Equally these people attend a myriad of New Age and higher power kults. Ever heard of Nixium? Or how about Heaven’s Gate? It is not faith to drink cyanide punch because you believe you’re gonna go hang out on a comet. It’s the same thing the Babylonians and their solar voodoo statues were doing. Being without the name of YHWH. You want to call this Faith?

In fact, the word used for “not the name,” is quite revealing in the source text. Yeshua says “it is written,” in the quote above. He is referring to the passage in Isiah 53, which uses the word:

פָּשַׁע “Pasha”
This word, which is exoterically translated as transgressor, is still used widely to regard the holiday of the spring Equinox: “Easter” (which is just Ishtar…)

In Latin derivative languages it is called Pasca, or Pasqua, literally meaning “To Pass the Equator.” What is it that the sun does at the spring equinox, when day and night are the same? It passes the equatorial point on its looping analemma of each year. This is the same word used for worship in relationship to the Hindu Ganesha (whose name is identical to ther serpent HANAS, meaning again “The Not”) whose golden looping weapon, the ties that bind, are called PASHAS. This is the whirling fire scythe east of Eden. To be Pashas, is to listen to the serpent, and find the looping solar analemma, looping time, sitting at the gate to the East.

There is a lot of depth to unpack here regarding the looping of space and time. Particularly, Yeshua is saying, just before he is betrayed, that he will fulfill what is written in Isiah 53, and he will undo the PASHAS; he will unknot, the looping whitehead knot of time.

Isiah 53 states:

Therefore I will give him a portion among the great,
    and he will divide the spoils with the strong,
because he poured out his life unto death,
    and was numbered with the Pashas.
For he bore the sin of many,
    and made intercession for the Pashas.

In the context of our discussion, it is important to understand that the Greek serves as a password key unlock to the Hebrew: to be a “transgressor” in the Hebrew as a Pasha, means to be a pagan sun worshipper, the ones who worship the crossing of the sun at its analemma, which means to place one’s faith into many things, except the ONE TRUE NAME of YHWH.

The use of “A-Nomos” in the Greek, referencing the Pashas, is indeed to tell us two things: One in reference to the adversary, as inANOMOSity, and secondly in reference to the Greek word for the Egyptian NOMOS, now written as nomes in English, but written in Greek as νομός. A nome is an administrative district, which comes up again in Revelations, but in this context, it means to be without a chief shepherd. That is, to be Nomos, is to be with The Name, and thus part of the domain, or the district of YHWH, under his one True Name. Ha Shem. The Chief shepherd is YHWH.

Anything else, is not faith.

@lgageharleya @Maciej

This may help answer some questions.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


I’ve added a bit more depth here after re-reading and realizing the above makes certain assumptions about knowledge depth which may be confusing. Below is certainly more in depth and explanatory.

It is clear there is a lack of understanding regarding the true, magnificent power of The Word.

Yeshua said:

“It is written: ‘And he was numbered with the transgressors’; and I tell you that this must be fulfilled in me. Yes, what is written about me is reaching its fulfillment.”

The Ancient Greek word now translated as “lawless” or “transgressors” is ἄνομος, said ‘A-Nomos.’ Its roots are:

a = Not or Without in the Ancient Tongue as a prefix
Nomos = NAME

TO be A-Nomos is to be without The Name. It is equally the root of the word ANOMOSity in English; which means be an adversary; as the word SATAN means “adversary,” in many senses.

The reason for the word being translated as “lawless” comes back to the fact that the Aryeh Yehudah word “Torah” meaning “The Breathe” is also considered the Law, as in the natural law of the universe, the laws of YHWH. To be without the true name of YHWH is to be “ANOMOS.” To be with Satan, the adversary, and certainly the entirety of history has demonstrated this fact; the fruits of those without The Name are rotten, bloody piles of abomination.

All those people that you uphold for “faith,” were without The True Name of the ineffabe creater YHWH ELOHIM. Instead, they placed their faith in superstitions, and the dark forces which lead down the path to oblivion. One only needs to look briefly at the history of these A-Nomos to understand just how dark and abominable these superstitions are and what these many branches of Luciferianism leads to:

1) The Akkadians, who would say things like Aku is my fortune, were renowned for their pleasure in extremely brutal and wicked actions, skinning people alive. They did all this in the name of Aku, the Lunar Deity.

2) The Mayas upheld as holy, all of them, in committing child human sacrifice to appease the Venus cycle, in order to please Lucifer, in the name of hAMARUCA. Ha-Mar is of course identical to the deity of luciferian kult of silence AMARU/Amurru…

3) The Christians had a ball committing genocide as public spectacle for a good 1000 years, burning, skinning, and generally committing horrible atrocities in the name of G-Zues, the Illuminator, the AntiXristos himself.

4) The Maha-Amutians to this very day live in terribly oppressive soceiities the world round, engaging in mass, semi-occult homosexuality in their underground tea shops, because they are forbidden to even see a woman. The penalty for a woman speaking to a man in the street is death in Saudi Arabia, all in the name of Allah.

Alla is the ancient Ugaritic deity of the underworld that subsumes and keeps deities no longer worshiped. The modern Allah’s “99 names” are all taken from former pagan deities whom they have subsumed into a culture of solar tyranny in oppression, and the words to this day, AL-LA means “There is no YHWH.” AL- LA = NO ALohim. Now pray to and turn SEVEN TIMES (SHIVA, The destroyer = 7) around the Black Kube of Saturn, the KABBA-ALLAH, and tell me it is faith.

To be without The True Name comes with deadly, abominable consequences that leads to tremendous suffering, and result in unbridled power and wealth of the Luciferians. There is a reason the Luciferians have set about so strongly to replace the name of YHWH Elohim, with the name of the illuminator in every culture around the world, From “god” in English, coming from the Pheonician Ba’al Gad, to Deus from the Greek Zues in all Latin Languages, to Bog the dualistic pagan illuminator in Russian and Cyrillic languages. The Word makes the world; know them by their fruits.

To call any of the above things I have mentioned as faith, what is abominable superstition is quite frankly, abhorrent.

Go to California, and you will find lots of what you call faith, steeped heavily in Luciferian superstition and MAGIcianry. It is HOLLY-wood, the wood used for magic wands in Druidic Rites; the same ones practicies in the cremation of KHERES (Care) at the Bohemian Grove. This is just like the “Care” Act of the US Government in 2020. Kheres, means literally the Horns of the Sun, the Red Horns of an annular eclipse at Sunrise, which occured on the day of the Sun’s Return, December 26th, in 2019 over Babylon (and Qatar) at the outset of CORONA. WHy do you think it is the KERAN/Quran? Because KHARAN comes from the same root as Kheres, and means both “horns” and to “emit rays.” Luciferianism is not faith no matter what mask it wears to deceive the people who refuse to call upon the True Name of YHWH.

Those people wearing crystals around their neck, really believe in its supernatural power from outside themselves, yes to channel their energy, but of course, coming from supernatural powers of the “energetic field of Gaia.” The people plan to have children according to “aiming for a star sign,” including paying large sums of money (like Meni, the lunar deity…) for soothe saying readings and gurus to find out what star sign is best for them under which to have the child.There are more soothsayers, and pagan tarot card readers in California, that there are schools. There increased narcissism and egotism, has not dulled their search for MAGIk and superstition. This is faith you say?

Equally these people are patrons and followers of a myriad of Luciferian New Age kults. Ever heard of Nixium? Or how about Heaven’s Gate? It is not faith to drink cyanide punch because you believe you’re going to go hang out on a comet with super angel aliens in the 5th dimension. It’s the same thing the Babylonians and their solar voodoo statues were doing. Being without the name of YHWH. You want to call this Faith? Do not make the mistake of believing in the mask of egotism, hiding a revival of ancient luciferian superstition.

In fact, the word used for “Not the Name,” is quite revealing in the source text regarding this ancient Luciferianism that is making an open revival, thus increasing open egotism and narcissim among the populace. Yeshua says “it is written,” in the quote above. He is referring to the passage in Isiah 53, which uses the Aryeh Yehudah for “transgressor,”

פָּשַׁע “Pasha”
This word, which is exoterically translated as transgressor, is still used widely to regard the holiday of the spring Equinox: called “Easter” (which is just Ishtar…) in English

In Latin derivative languages it is called Pasca, or Pasqua, Pashein, etc. literally meaning “To Pass the Equator.” What is it that the sun does at the spring equinox, when day and night are the same? It passes the equatorial point of Earth and on its looping analemma of each year. The Day and Night are equal length. This is the same word used for worship in relationship to the Hindu Ganesha (whose name is identical to the serpent HANAS, meaning again “The Not” Why did they bother to change Berashit, meaning a Gift, to GENES-Is, the serpent is, because of the power word.) Ganesha’s golden looping weapon, the ties that bind, are called PASHAS. This is the whirling fire scythe east of Eden in Berashit. To be Pashas, is to listen to the deceptions of the serpent as Hava did, and find the looping solar analemma, looping time, sitting at the gate to the East.

There is a lot of depth to unpack here regarding the looping of space and time. Particularly, Yeshua is saying, just before he is betrayed, that he will fulfill what is written in Isiah 53, and he will undo the PASHAS; he will unknot, the looping whitehead knot of time.

Isiah 53 states:

Therefore I will give him a portion among the great,
    and he will divide the spoils with the strong,
because he poured out his life unto death,
    and was numbered with the Pashas.
For he bore the sin of many,
    and made intercession for the Pashas.

In the context of our discussion, it is important to understand that the Greek serves as a password key unlock to the Hebrew: to be a “transgressor” in the Hebrew as a Pasha, means to be a pagan sun worshipper, the ones who worship the crossing of the sun at its analemma, which means to place one’s faith into many things, except the ONE TRUE NAME of YHWH.

The use of “A-Nomos” in the Greek, referencing the Pashas, is indeed to tell us two things: One in reference to the adversary, as inANOMOSity, and secondly in reference to the Greek word for the Egyptian NOMOS, now written as nomes in English, but written in Greek as νομός. A nome is an administrative district, which comes up again in Revelations, but in this context, it means to be without a chief shepherd. That is, to be Nomos, is to be with The Name, and thus part of the domain, or the district of YHWH, under his one True Name. Ha Shem. The Chief shepherd is YHWH.

Anything else, is not faith.

@lgageharleya @Maciej

This may help answer some questions.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


The passage above may help with beginning to search for greater understanding to the questions you have posed.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Thank you for your thorough answer and please excuse my forced absence.
First, I would like to reaffirm my state of mind :
Like I previously said, I like to crash test an information before I absorb it Whatever are the subjects or my personal sensibilities. I try to go to the source too. You have your method to define what is the source, I have mine.
Please bear in mind that I do not take into consideration some passed (or past) knowledge in forming my opinions and beliefs : I throw it all and look for it myself, everywhere, anywhere. Like you, I ask and inquire to the Supreme One.
What matters most to me is clarity for **Truth is ALWAYS crystal clear **.
As per spirituality, I believe that what the soul and the mind cannot comprehend in a blink of an eye, is not from who you call YHWH : my Lord and your Lord, the Lord of every single creature of this universe, who has given life to all and to everything.

That being said, I will cover every point you mentioned in separate posts to make it more readable and digest (5 or 6 posts will follow).

1 year ago
Reply to  SoulVibe


I will give a better response when I have time, but by this reasoning, then walking, talking, and feeding oneself are not from YHWH… because well, it takes humans more than a “blink of an eye,” to learn these things.

Being a human is not about instantaneous ease of understanding all; it is designed to be challenging.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


I’ve already discussed above how the idea of instantaneous comprehension being proof of Something being from YHWH is absolute non-sense, and completely contrary to the human experience which we live. If you accept that YHWH made our bodies, which is a core tenant of scriptures, then you must accept that we are asked to affront challenges and to grow our capabilities as a human. Giraffes are born walking, elephants too… but a human takes as long as 2 years to take a solid step. Speaking and the word are fundamentally human, none of us learn to really speak properly until after again 2-3 years, and then language development can be a lifelong process. Is music from YHWH? Then why do birds have to learn the call from their mothers, and why do humans need to practice and repeat music making for years before becoming proficient at expressing themselves through this medium? Or what about the written word? The scriptures are a written word, and humanity lived without this for a very, very long time. To this day, most humans can’t really write until they are trained around 6 years old!!

This your argument I believe, is a tremendous fallacy which denies human existence and experience; which is undoubtedly the creation of YHWH. You are unknowingly professing the virtue of ignorance. Certainly many Truths can be revealed in a “blink of an eye,” but to assume that this is the ONLY manner is wrong.

Let’s look at scriptural passages which directly contradict your idea:

The opening of the psalms, which predate the Quran by 1000+ years, and which are quite literally “wisdom sayings “ begins as this:

Blessed is the one
Who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that transgressors take
or sit in the company of mockers,

but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
and who meditates on his law day and night.

That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
    which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither—
    whatever they do prospers

Now why should we have to meditate on the word of YHWH if everything from YHWH is to be understood in an instant? It seems you do not know the scriptures to even put forth this argument.

From proverbs:

An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.

I again fail to see how one could seek True knowledge if it is to be acquired in a “blink of an eye.”

From proverbs again:

“Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance.”

Again I really fail to see how the scriptures can command us to increase learning in The Truth if it must all be understood in the “blink of an eye.”

It seems you do not know the scriptures.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


I will now for the last time address the issue of “faith.” It appears we are having a semantic argument and little more. We agree people are more egotistical than ever, we do not agree they have aroooed their equal superstitions. Their pagan gods before were statues, now they are their American IDOLS. Again you have failed to address the extraordinary superstition present in Kali Fornai; soothsayers and new age junk abound, worship of “earth mother,” and divine energy. It’s the same pagan superstition as thousands of years ago. The increased egotism is likely more widespread that it ever has been in human history before, but superstition and false idolatry abounds as it always has. Again Superstition is not what I was calling Faith.

I have abstained from discussing the origin of the word “faith.” It comes from the Ancient Greek word, Φαέθων through the Latin “Phaethon,” said “Faith-on.” What does this word mean? Again it means “The shining one,” and it is the name of the son of the sun, who drives his chariot for a day and is struck down by Zeus. These patterns which relate belief in the divine to light, and the sun, are a hallmark of the solar, astrotheological Luciferian religions, which at the end of antiquity, from the 4th-7th century, changed themselves into a false monotheism and subsumed the old practices. An early version is Akhenaton, very much mirrored in the Mithraism, Sol Invictus Kult, and then into the Catulus Church and Maha Amutism. The worshippers of Sol Amon, the sun king put on new masks and created mass centralized religion, which is Re’s Legions, the armies of the sun god.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

To think of all the times and ways I’ve used the word ‘faith’. I feel annoyed that so many words are encoded in tricky ways. @444gem

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon


It’s okay. The entirety of language is coded… but the awareness of this is the greatest importance.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


-1st of the series of comments-

First, you must have not understood my previous comments to reply :

  • « all those people that you uphold for “faith,” were without the true name of the ineffabe creater YHWH ELOHIM. Instead the placed their faith in superstitions, and the dark forces which lead down the path to oblivion. One only needs to look at the history of these A-Nomos to understand just how dark and abominable these superstitions »


  • « Luciferianism is not faith no matter what mask it wears to deceive the people who refuse to call upon the True Name of YHWH. You want to call this Faith? »

Indeed, you replied by recounting more stories about the Mayas, Akkadians etc..Why ?
Do you think I need to be convinced by the fact that their « faith » is nowhere near what I myself or yourself, consider faith ? No, I dont need to be.
Like I said above, I put aside my personal beliefs and faith : I simply mentioned facts which are that such people **too** were convinced that they did follow a faith : theirs. You may call it ignorance, luciferianism or else, it still is a belief in another entity that they consider above themselves and to which they rever to. That fits with the definition of a « faith » which comes from « trust, confidence and reliance ».
Trusting something or someone doesnt mean that the source of this trust is truthful ; it just states the condition of what is today called « faith » or a « faith ».
Hence, yourself or myself cannot oppose that such a person does have faith/ a faith just because we do not put our trust and confidence in that same entity.
So why do you claim I give credit to such faiths just because I use the proper term ? How is that my personal acceptation of their faith? or an acknowledgment from me that superstition and Faith (with a capital F) are the same ? It isnt.

Thus, my previous comments were meant to say that, contrary to your assertions, I believe the situation of today is nothing compared to the past, in that, not so long ago, people did believe in something which they bowed to. Not anymore: the people of today have faith in nothing but themselves.

They may follow luciferianism without labelling it consciously, sheeps that they are, but at the end of the day, they only believe in their own self and what can feed their ego and vain desires.

This is unique in mankind’s history. Unique !
Such situation is a dream for all those who want to destroy Faith in general : they have succeeded in stripping people away from any type of spirituality so, after a while (which is righ NOW), those who do believe in a Supreme One are laughed at, despised and mocked.
This is why in my previous comments I emphasized on the special and unique times we are currently living.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoulVibe


“The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” A very old saying…

Take one look at the extraordinary oppression in Saudi Arabia and Persia, all done in the name of Alla, and it is clear what good intentions can bring when the people are deceived. Let’s hacksaw a journalist, and execute a woman that speaks to a man on the street! That’s what sharia says 🙂 All those good intentions, don’t mean a thing when she’s getting her head chopped off because Alla wants it.

All those witch burnings, inquisitions and atrocities committed by the followers Catulus church and it’s offshoots? Also very revealing about the fruits “good intentions” when they are accompanied by utter ignorance. Their intentions are only one of the factors at play here. Without knowledge, wisdom and understanding of The Truth, people’s intentions are simply a good tool to manipulate them into committing atrocities.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Thank you for your time and thoughts. Let me react: 

  • “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”

LIke you said, it is a mere saying which I dont agree with.

Like I extensively wrote before, G-d perfectly knows what the pure mind and sould intend.
If someone has a good and pure intention, he cannot “go to hell” for the evil outcome he hadnt meant. Or that would be unfair. And G-d isnt unfair.

As further proof that such saying is ridiculous and only aims at brainwashing mankind so it believes it is unworthy of goodness, observe how all nations and peoples instinctively operate with regards to the intention of an act.

For example, if one inadvertantly kill someone who suddenly jumped in the road, he wont be punished by a court.
However, if the driver had taken drugs or alcohol, which he knew could alter his driving and cause accident, he would get punished with jail.
Still, his sentence would be mitigated and shorter than if he had seen the person standing on the road and purposely hit him.

While all 3 scenarii involved the same results, the 3 different intentions yielded much different punishments.

Do you think G-d is less fair and just than mankind ? I dont.


1 year ago
Reply to  SoulVibe


I’m not going to go around in circles with you about all the well intentioned people that committed mass murder. It’s a historical fact.

You haven’t addressed anything or provided any evidence for anything on this point. You’ve provided a single hypothetical example of basic English common law which discusses “state of mind,” and varying extenuating circumstances involving negligence by a single pedestrian.

I could give a million legal examples where well intentioned people are still punished with huge amounts of jail time. Can you actually address the genocides committed by the “well intentioned” masses of these religions, instead of playing logical hopscotch; ignoring what is difficult and deflecting into barely related topics of modern legalism.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


We are not turning in circle, you keep making assertions which I debunk using the same valid argument which you cannot disprove.

Proofs again…

  • « Can you actually address the genocides committed by the “well intentioned” masses of these rereligions »?

How can YOU claim that they were well intended when they were obviously not ?
You must prove that they were well intended since you make this claim.

And after that, prove that they were clearly commanded to perform such mass genocide by the G-d they serve.

Dont ask me to contradict claims which you havent even proved in the first place. 

« instead of playing logical hopscotch; ignoring what is difficult and deflecting »
sorry to say, this is you who is doing so. Not me. All is clearly answered and illustrated. Point after point.

  • « into barely related topics of modern legalism »

Of course it is related. You keep answering off topic and when I provide such clear and simple example, you want to decide it is not related ?
Plus, if it werent related, you would easily debunk my example. Which you cant.


  • I could give a million legal examples where well intentioned people are still punished with huge amounts of jail time. 

And I would still prove you that if, they got time, it is only because of the judge/jury bias. A bias is an ill intention. Many studies are ready to back my claim.
Again, it all comes back to intention.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


In response to:

  • « look at the extraordinary oppression in Saudi Arabia and Persia, all done in the name of Alla, and it is clear what good intentions can bring when the people are deceived. »

First, why would you choose that (easy) example of saudi arabia while you probably know saudis only account for less than 2% of muslims ? Why, if not to make an irrelevant point ?

Most muslims do not consider saudis as tenants of the laws.

Also, if your claims were true, then why dont all muslims countries follow sharia « laws » ?

Why do they use standard codes of laws instead? Because they largely answer to the quranic precepts. Simple.

If they dont implement sharia laws, it is also because most of sharia laws are based on hadiths, not on what they believe is the word of G-d.

Even their prophet banned them from writing anything about him or his life and only refer to the Quran.

Have they listened ? No.

Why ? Because hadiths were first used as political power, just like today : egyptian and iranian and saudi « scholars » fight to assert their different mostly-wrong interpretations of details.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoulVibe


Still waiting on Persian oppression? Guess we know which side of that conflict you’re on…

Would you like further examples of the massive oppression and atrocities by the priests of Alla and their “well meaning” people?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


  • “Would you like further examples of the massive oppression and atrocities by the priests of Alla and their “well meaning” people?”

I would gladly so. AFTER you have objectively proved your biased claims first, like I repeatedly asked you to do already :
“You must prove that they were well intended since you make this claim.
And after that, prove that they were clearly commanded to perform such mass genocide by the G-d they serve.
Dont ask me to contradict claims which you havent even proved in the first place”

  • « Guess we know which side of that conflict you’re on… »

Signs that you are running out of arguments ? 🙂

And who are the « we » ? Are there several persons in you ? 🙂

More seriously :
How would you even know which side I am with?

Simply because I reason with objectivity, you now want to label me ?

How could you when I am only on the side of Truth and fairness?
How could you when I only have a high intolerance to unfairness, injustice and lies?

There is no room for bias in my life. Sh@t is sh@t.
Evil is evil, whoever one is, whatever his beliefs or origins or “race” are.
I only look at what one does: this is the only thing that speaks of who a person really is.
Not words. Not labels.
How could you label me when I myself dont have a label for who I am ?
I am simply a person whose purpose in life is to navigate in this tough world without selling out my values and my soul.
I am simply a person who acknowledges that there are other souls out there, all looking to do the same thing, differently.
I am no better than them, they are no better than me. I leave that to the Judge.
Meanwhile, I forbid myself to step unto them. Or to strip them away from their opportunities, respect, shares or dues. Even if that means to lose some of mine.
I go out there on the internet to share and confront my understanding so I can ponder.
Not to share negative energies, harass, mock or despise.

We all are our first enemy : ego, greed, passions ; they all are opened doors for Darkness to operate.
The only way to resist this attack is to be fair, objective and true to those I cross path with while I navigate in this crazy world.

This is what I am doing right now.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoulVibe


How arduous it is; you set an impossibly high standard and burden of proof. I could tangentially prove 1000 ways these people believes they were serving their “god,” and no matter what I said, you would always have a fall back about the uncertainty of their state of mind. This is the sign of someone who knows they have nothing to back their claims except opinion and can’t admit it, but needs to wiggle into doubt. Cognitive dissonance…

Intention, at least in English, implies mental state not action. We agree that right action is important, but it is patently silly to believe that all wrong action came from nefarious intent.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


  • « How arduous it is; you set an impossibly high standard and burden of proof »

which high standard ?
As per the burden of proof, it isnt hard : you make a claim, prove it.


  • « I could tangentially prove 1000 ways these people believes they were serving their “god,” :
  • « no matter what I said, you would always have a fall back about the uncertainty of their state of mind. »

And yet, you still havent proved it once.

Also, your initial claims were not about their personal intention or their state of mind..

Indeed, you asserted as proven fact that, because of their faith in Allah, muslims commit and have committed atrocities and that they even are commanded by their scripture to murder non believers.

I exposed your lies.

Now, you want to hide behind the general concept of intention which I have thoroughly explained already?

Whatever the topic, you have proved nothing yet.  


  • « This is the sign of someone who knows they have nothing to back their claims except opinion and can’t admit it, but needs to wiggle into doubt »

Where did you see one single opinon in what I wrote ? Or a doubt?

You must have mistaken with your own posts..
I have nothing against you as a person. I just cannot accept illogical or subjective or even lies as proofs.
Just back your claims so we can move on please.

  • “it is patently silly to believe that all wrong action came from nefarious intent.”

What is silly is to claim that I have said such a thing when I claimed the exact opposite.
Just today, in reaction to you quoting the saying “The road to hell is paved with good intentions », I explained I didnt agree with it.

By quoting it to suggest I was heading to hell, you proved that it is you who believe that wrong actions motivated by good intention still deserve « hell »…

….And you are the one accusing me of « cognitive dissonance» ?…..

1 year ago
Reply to  SoulVibe


I don’t believe you’re going to hell. Never crossed my mind. You’re projecting some seriously negative thought crimes into what I wrote.

My point was to enter into a discussion of the fact that much of ancient folk wisdom discusses this very principle. It doesn’t mean that folk wisdom is right, but it is a common, essentially universal human theme across the world:

The person who is well intentioned, has good intent, but is deceived by themselves and/or others into committing terribly dark acts.

Stories such as:

1) Oeudipus and his Mother (Ancient Greece)
2) Othello (Early modern Britain)
3) Rebecca advising Jacob to deceive her father (Torah)

T.S Eliot said “Most of the evil acts in this world are done by people with good intentions.”

My point was never to condemn or judge you, but to discuss why then this theme of good intentions ending in evil acts and tragedy, is so universal within the human consciousness. I saw you claimed it’s just “mind kontrol,” but the real world examples of it are vast.

I dont even Have to dig very far to find a global example where people’s good intentions were used against them: COVert IDentificafion 19. Most of the world cowered in fear, and said and did some pretty horrible stuff such as: “The unvaxed deserve to die.” or refusing to allow husbands to accompany their wives while they gave birth… pretty horrible stuff, all committed with the best of intentions.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


  • You’re projecting some seriously negative thought crimes into what I wrote. »

You wrote : « The road to hell is paved with good intentions »

You stress the importance of word. I do too.
I also pay attention to the syntax : ellipsis had a meaning here.
And the words that immediately followed too. See below.

  • « My point was to enter into a discussion of the fact that much of ancient folk wisdom discusses this very principle »

After offering your dubious saying, you straight jumped to the saudi arabia/beheading/terrorist topic…
You call that « a point to enter a discussion » ? Or a passive agressive point you tried to make ?

  • « I don’t believe you’re going to hell. Never crossed my mind.

I am happy to know that now.
As for the rest, I totally agree : this is why I replied to your saying with a long elaborated answer which rejected my belief in said saying (and you ignored it).

1 year ago
Reply to  SoulVibe


Still waiting for you to address Persian oppression; which you have patently ignored. You have yet to piece a shred of evidence of anything, but rather only your idealized opinions with nothing backing them. You even claimed you don’t need to provide evidence of anything directly. The double standard… and no, my points made here are bit the shallowest, you simply ignore and don’t respond to what is inconvenient, while failing to provide anything tangible to back your view points.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


  • « you even claimed you don’t need to provide evidence of anything directly. »

it’s a lie.
I have repeatedly said I dont have to disprove your assertions if you havent even proved it in the first place. Pure logics and good manner.

  • « Still waiting for you to address Persian oppression; which you have patently ignored. »

Are you now playing the dumb card ?
No, I wont fall for your tricks, please read previous answer please..
You have yet to piece a shred of evidence of anything, but rather
only your idealized opinions with nothing backing them”.
Objective readers can go through all of our respective comments to get an idea of who does what you claim.
Objective readers will know who is hiding away behind false excuses.


1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


You also claimed:

  • « Let’s hacksaw a journalist, and execute a woman that speaks to a man on the street! That’s what sharia says All those good intentions, don’t mean a thing when she’s getting her head chopped off because Alla wants it »

You really dont know any scripture other than yours, do you ?

If you dont, which I respect, then do not assert what you totally ignore.

Did you hear Allah ask for anything ? Or maybe it was YHWH ? Or Hashem ?

No, G-d has not asked for a journalist to be beheaded. Neither for a woman to be beheaded if she speaks to a man. It’s a lie.

On top of that, neither do Sharia laws : again, a lie.

As further proof, I have been there twice : have you ?

I spoke on “one-on-one” with both female and male strangers, looked right in their eyes and stood CLOSE to them, in the streets.

Unless you believe you are speaking to a ghost, I wasnt beheaded, nor jailed, nor even spoken to for having done so. And I have done it many times in different cities.

As for Kashoggi : when has his death been linked to sharia or Allah?
Are you that deceived that you even link political murders to the muslim faith ?
Then, according to your reasoning, Cli-t-ns and Putin must be muslims too?
As you perfectly know, if humans fail in being wise, it isnt because of G-d/Allah/YHWH but only because of subjective « thinking » and interpretation of humans?

Such mindset and behaviors are the work of evil, just like the atrocities performed across times by the religious el-te, from Asia to America.

Hence, how can you claim that G-d/Allah/YHWH has asked for such evil acts ?

Why do you twist the facts to make them compatible with your bias? This sole post is proof of it.

Where is the scientist mind that observes facts with a neutral, objective and critical approach ?

Or are you some genius autodidact only interested in making the numbers speak if they fit with his spiritual agenda ?

Your leitmotiv here is that one needs to step outside his comfort zone and relearn everything because, according to you, all that he knows is wrong. Yet, you cant even think that you TOO may be so.

It doesnt mean that one has to change his perception of truth, it just means that one can listen to a point and acknowledge it and address it objectively.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoulVibe


Anyone with marginal knowledge knows the passage of the sword; “the convert or die,” all tbe terrorists use. Most of those terrorists are “well intentioned.” Truly they are, they ar deceived by their well intentions to believe they serve Alla.

“But when the forbidden 4 months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever you find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.”

Convert or die; hacksaw em to death unless they bow before Alla. I know this stuff better than you think; I’ve studied and read where it was actually all stolen from by Maha Amuts handlers.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Lets go on with the shocking lies:

  • « Anyone with marginal knowledge knows the passage of the sword; “the convert or die,” »


By simply reading this subjective assertion, I already know you have never ever read the Quran or you are simply a liar. What follows proves it.

  • “But when the forbidden 4 months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever you find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, then open the way for them”

This extract is from sura 9, verse 5.
It is important to mention it, unless you want your readers to blindly believe your lies without checking for themselves ?.
First, what is the context of the extract that you knowingly try to hide?
As the previous verses are quite long to quote here, I will sum them up.
Muslims made peace treaties with different pagan tribes. Some of them broke their oath multiple times and attacked the muslims. Yet, Muslims were not allowed to fight back and severe the treaties.
When they finally are allowed to announce that the peace treaties will be officially broken with them, muslims are ordered to offer a 4 months notice during which the pagans attackers can move freely within the muslim territories without being fought back.

When the 4 months notice was over, muslims were allowed to finally defend themselves against the pagan attacks: this is the verse 9:5 mentioned by @444gem which specifically recalls the « war ».
Yet, if the pagan attackers converted, they couldnt be fought anymore since that made them brothers in faith.
The severance of the peace treaties wasnt allowed with the other pagan tribes which kept their oath as their prophet was ordered in verse 9 :8 :

**« as long as they remain true to you, be true to them »**.
So, if they were ordered to stay at peace with peaceful pagan tribes, how can you then even pretend that muslims are ordered to :

  • « Convert or die; hacksaw em to death unless they bow before Alla »

You also carefully avoid to mention the verse which immediately follows and which you must have read, verse 9 :6 :
« If any one of the idolaters should seek your protection, grant it to him so
that he may hear the word of God, then take him to a place safe for him».
Again :
if a pagan, who doesnt convert and has unjustly attacked and severed multiple peace treaties, asks for protection, he must be granted it and even taken to a safe place.. !
Who does this ? NATO ? Your country ? Who ?
How then can muslims be worse than so called « civilized » nations when they cant even behave such a way at wars ?

  • I know this stuff better than you think »

Not only have you shown the world that you don’t ; you also have shown the world that you dont shy away from some manipulative twisting of the Truth.
The book is out there for those who care for truth and Truth. 

1 year ago
Reply to  SoulVibe


I was discussing how the maha Amut terrorists use it. Go back and read What I wrote. Many of those terrorists intend to honor Allah and this passage… and they don’t even know it properly.

This is what happens when your personal beliefs imparted through institutional religion get touched, your thinking gets clouded; and emotion takes over to protect the psyche from damage. Then you call me a liar because your psychic difficulty is kicking in, whereby if you were to accept anything, a carefully constructed religious lie of monumental proportions would come crashing down.

Still waiting for you to address Persian oppression?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


  • Still waiting for you to address Persian oppression?

I reject your manipulative tricks. Read my 5 previous answers to that same exact question.
Go on and repeat your question a 6th time, I will give that same answer.

  • Go back and read What I wrote.

I did and have replied. So please, reply back. C L E A R L Y.

For the sake of our minds and objectivity, quote my words, sentence by sentence and explain why I am wrong in my claims, just like I do with yours.

  • “I was discussing how the maha Amut terrorists use it.”

You pretend to speak Truth when all your ideas are biased: you are incapable of refraining from labelling and injecting your personal bias in your writing.

You spontaneously quoted a verse, thinking you had THE best proof ever.

Unluckily for you, while I had warned you many times that I have a collection of most scriptures, you thought I wouldnt go check for myself?

Or you thought I had never pondered over that verse already, like for other scriptures?

And so I used that verse to expose your lies and you are now trying to convince your fans in some parallel discussions that those who call you on this verse you hid are are actually “terrorists”?

You are not discussing with a brainwashed fan.

Nor a terrorist, so keep your good manners like any adult sure of his case would do.

  • This is what happens when your personal beliefs imparted through institutional religion get touched, your thinking gets clouded; and emotion takes over to protect the psyche from damage. Then you call me a liar because your psychic difficulty is kicking in, whereby if you were to accept anything, a carefully constructed religious lie of monumental proportions would come crashing down.

First, I called you a liar because you did lie.
I repeat: I fight for Truth and reject the lies you invent. Why hide behind some false invented claims to oppose me ?
Or do you abhorre those who have enough objectivity to mention what you hide by pure bias ?

You accuse others when you are the one violently criticizing all that is not from your crew. Is that all that you have gained from your superior truth ?..

1 year ago
Reply to  SoulVibe

Read the quote of what I said, which you are using to make some pretty baseless emotionally charged claims against me, as your personal institutional solar religion has been touched:

I said:

“Anyone with marginal knowledge knows the passage of the sword; “the convert or die,” all tbe terrorists use. Most of those terrorists are “well intentioned.” Truly they are, they are deceived by their well intentions to believe they serve Alla.”

We were previously discussing how people that are well intentioned can have their good intentions used against them when they are ignorant of The Truth and DECEIVED. Do you really not see how I was pointing out exactly how this passage is misapplied by manipulating the well intentioned with their IGNORANCE? You seem to think my reading of this passage is the same as a radicalized terrorists, which is simply wrong Ralf.

The whole point is to demonstrate how well intentioned people misuse this passage in ignorance in order to justify some pretty horrible actions. And how some very wicked men use it to manipulate (often) very young and desperate boys into committing abominable acts of terrorism and murder. Most of these young guys sincerely have the good intention to serve Alla, and are deceived with their good intentions because it is accompanied by ignorance.

Yet, Instead of being able to continue to have an objective, unemotional conversation about the nature of peoples intentions being used to manipulate them, your bias towards your own institutional religion has caused you to instead, quite ironically, accuse me of a thought crime (supposedly spontaneously quoting a verse) based solely on your misreading of the comment. Followed by launching into some diatribe full on attacking me and calling me a liar, a manipulator, etc. and claiming I have some giant bias, all based on your misreading of what I wrote and assumed thought crimes.

Clearly the bias is yours.

I’m still waiting for an unbiased acknowledgement and in depth discussion of Persian oppression, which is tremendous. I know a good number of Persian refugees, all of whom are still practicing Muslims, who were forced from their country to escape the tyranny of their Islamic government (which was installed by America specifically for this Neo-colonial purpose)

You were very quick to denounce the Saudi’s who you claim aren’t even “real”Muslims, which belies a pretty huge Sunni-Shia bias on your part; a common plague of divide and conquer in the Muslim world which has been the basis for a whole lot of wars, and murder by well intentioned but deceived people. Telling me I must first unequivocally prove the state of mind of both all humans and “god” before you will address something, an impossible task, is not addressing this. It is outright ridiculous.

Do you see how you’ve flown way off the handle and simply deflected the entire conversation into trying to call me a liar, and to manipulatively discredit me, so as to avoid an actually unbiased discussion of simply whether good intentions can be used against people to manipulate them. This happened because we are talking about your religion; something tells me it wouldn’t have unfolded as such if were were discussing Taoist terrorists…

This is how the institutional solar religions (and kults) control humans psyches… It installs a “do not touch” button into your mind around the temple, priesthood and it’s doctrines, that makes your emotions take over whenever the house of cards might come crashing down, and full on attack the person who makes you enter into cognitive dissonance.

It is a very powerful form of MAGIk.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

You are digging lower.
You have been touché, quite seriously. I can see that.
You cant even contradict my arguments, and you resort to easy attacks, such as even calling me “Ralphie” while I repeatedly said I wasnt him.
That makes you a liar.
You react in paranoid mode; you accuse those you communicate with of being the same and one person just because you cannot accept that a person may plaintly knock out your arguments.
You are voluntarily deviating attention from what is counting really: the revelation of your lies and errors. So many.

So call me Ralphie if that saves what is left of your confidence but readers can now see what this so called truth is doing to you and to your “followers”.
Here are 2 suggestions for you and @lgageharleya :

1 – copy paste my comments and those of that ralphie and compare them with text recognition tools.

2 – ask the owner of this site to confirm if ralphie and I have the same IP address. He doesnt have to give you my IP details, yet, he may just say if “yes” or “no” we connect from the same places. And we certainly are not.
You should have done that right from the start to avoid the confusion and the insults.
I am waiting for both of your excuses. Unless your characters and idea of Truth prevent you from basic manners?
As for @Ralphie, you could step in instead of letting people harass me for who I am not. I know you have been enjoying your time lurking around, you left some clues behind.
You 3 are worth the same.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoulVibe


Again your resorting to false accusations of thought crimes. Pointing fingers and name calling, while I simply try to show you some deeper realities that are understandably uncomfortable to your established Islamic word view.

In my previous comment, I am showing you that you grossly misinterpreted my statement, and made it clear what O was trying to say; despite two long rants where you just sling mud at my face based on a completely and totally false reading of what I wrote; it belies that you are may have an automatic defensive mechanism around the topic of violent Islamic extremism. It is highly ironic, as we agree around the misuse of the passage of the sword to deceive the naive!!

If you read this previous comment and remove the emotion, you’ll see that I am very directly responding to you. I’m trying to show you softness and kindness, and I’m trying to turn the conversation back to a constructive place of dialogue; where we discuss how (or in your opinion how not) good intentions can lead to evil acts.

I don’t consider my argument “beat,” I’m not in a debate with winners and losers; I was trying to have a very constructive conversation around how ignorance can lead people with right intention to commit wrongful acts, until you went off and started name calling based on misreading what I wrote. I have enough to write about this topic to fill books…

Are you willing to return to the constructive conversation?

And again, will you please address the massive oppression in Persia by its Islamic state. If you are located in a country where criticizing this government is dangerous, then please use the phrase Alpha and Omega on your next comment.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


See above

1 year ago
Reply to  SoulVibe

@soulvine You have called me “the most aggressive and injust (sic) person I have discussed with here. By far.”
and have stated in no uncertain terms, “I decide you are an unworthy revengeful being who needs to stay away from me.”

I replied, after you called for Gem to chastise me, “If I need to stay away from you, then simply cease to address me. Gem is not my daddy.”

Since then, yesterday, you have tagged me at least three times. So, why would you persist in doing so given your despicable opinion of me? I have respected your feelings by leaving you alone, kindly do the same, or stop playing your games of rush and strike, just for appearances. That is not honorable behavior.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


You copy pasted almost the whole of our exchange, yet you purposedly ignored my last comment which was:

“I havent called for your dad, but for Gem.
  This is a public forum and you freely decide to post on it. Hence, you accept
that anyone, including me, react to your comments.
As a well mannered person, I will address you if I wish to react to your
comments so in turn, you may decide or not to react to mine.
You have your answer right here: why do you then pretend you ignore why I tag you?

If you have had a memory loss since yesterday: since you both accused me of being ralphie, I directed my comment to the both of you.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoulVibe

I could copy/paste the rest and it wouldn’t reflect well, either. Regardless of whether you call Gem my dad or no, you called for his aid to “put me in my place”. That is “well-mannered”?

Keep justifying your own behaviors. I am not interested in any way.
I can let our disagreement go.
Can you?

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


It wasnt to “put you in your place” as you say.

He knows you well and I thought he could maybe find the words to make you understand I wasnt ralphie.
Just like he did the first time we clashed.

It was pretty much the exact same scenario: I had genuinely replied and like yesterday, offered excuses because you had had a “hard week”: then, you just lashed out at me.

You felt I was playing with you.

I was not, just like yesterday.

No disagreement on my side: i have clarified my intent.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoulVibe

Then your idea to cease communication seems wise, for now. Why won’t you adhere to it? Seems to me your colossal ego can’t manage it.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I will apologize to everyone here for speaking when I was smack in the middle of a dark period of painful loss. I should have not engaged at all. Lesson learned. Many might think that would be obvious, yet here we are. I was wrong for engaging during such a time. I needed to go to YHVH and work it out with Heim in private, then return. Let my impulsive actions be instructive to avoid them. I wish everyone most well and hope I may be forgiven for words hurtled in pain.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

@lgageharleya sorry for your loss, may YHWH help you with you.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I wasnt aware of your situation just like you weren’t of my own loss.

I wish you well too.
You are not alone and I am not your enemy.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Mine or yours?
You could simply have ignored my tag.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoulVibe


  • « I’m still waiting for an unbiased acknowledgement and in depth discussion of Persian oppression, which is tremendous. »

  For the 6th time, see copy pasted answer above

  • « Telling me I must first unequivocally prove the state of mind of both all humans and “god” before you will address something, an impossible task »

You should have thought about it before you made your claim first.
As usual, you rant and when asked to prove, you deflect. Like you said, this is ridiculous.


  •  « This happened because we are talking about your religion »


  • « You were very quick to denounce the Saudi’s who you claim aren’t even “real”Muslims, which belies a pretty huge Sunni-Shia bias on your part »

What if I am not ! ? Play again 🙂
You should quiet that thing that « tells » you all those lies.

  • « something tells me it wouldn’t have unfolded as such if were were discussing Taoist terrorists… »

Of course I would. And I already have!

Have you forgotten the beginning of our discussion where you even accused me of giving caution to luciferianism and paganism just because I opposed your claims?
YOu are quick to forget. Not me.

Like I have repeatedly said and proved : where is truth, I am there.

  • « This is how the institutional solar religions (and kults) control humans psyches… It installs a “do not touch” button into your mind around the temple, priesthood and it’s doctrines, that makes your emotions take over whenever the house of cards might come crashing down, and full on attack the person who makes you enter into cognitive dissonance. »

That is you and your faith that you have described.
Read again your comments, your semantics, the derogatory terms you keep using in every comment you post in this site to accuse people of being deceived.
Read again and compare our semantics, our argument’s validity and objectivity.
Compare accusations you’ve made on me without any proof (if it is not of being a pagan or some deceived person, then I am some shia troll named Ralphie). Is that the credo of your faith ?

  • « I know a good number of Persian refugees, all of whom are still practicing Muslims »

I am sure they would appreciate how you consider them and their religion

  • « forced from their country to escape the tyranny of their Islamic government (which was installed by America specifically for this Neo-colonial purpose) »

If yourself acknowledge the involvement of politics, why do you want to chim that in in our discussions on religion ?

  • « The whole point is to demonstrate how well intentioned people misuse this passage in ignorance in order to justify some pretty horrible actions. »

You may have thought you demonstrated it in the intimacy of your mind.

Until this comment of yours, and while the verse at hand has been mentioned by you some 10 posts earlier, you are NOW telling me that you actually offered a demonstration along with that verse?

Which demonstration?
You simply claimed that muslims are terrorists because they follow the laws of Allah and you chose that verse to prove your point. 

Now you want to tamper with the discussion history too ? This is so dishonest. You dont even own your assertions once they collapse. 

  • « Most of these young guys sincerely have the good intention to serve Alla, and are deceived with their good intentions because it is accompanied by ignorance. »
  • « into trying to call me a liar, and to manipulatively discredit me, so as to avoid an actually unbiased discussion of simply whether good intentions can be used against people to manipulate them. »
  • « Do you really not see how I was pointing out exactly how this passage is misapplied by manipulating the well intentioned with their IGNORANCE? »

 Have you pondered on my long elaboration of what intention is ?
If so, you wouldnt even bother to present such an argument (just now btw).
A good intention cannot involve harm nor violence.

I have repeatedly used the words « pure and sincere » to describe what a good intention is. What is « pure » when one has a violent intent ?

Now, you want to prove that people who want to do harm are welll intended and for proof, you quoted a verse which actually forbids them to defend themselves against, let alone attack, belligerent pagans until they are allowed by G-od to officially break the treaties they previously had with the pagan attackers who broke them several times before ?
To defend oneself doesnt implies ill intention. This is what we base the notion of self defense on.
So why do you pretend that those who consciously want to harm others and hence are ill intentioned were actually well intentioned but deceived by such verses and religion ?
The only point you can actually prove is that, contrary to your bias, this verse forbids them to cause intentional harm, even while defending themselves.
Is this evil or deceitful to you ? My objectivity and honesty forbids me to pretend such a thing.

  • Yet, Instead of being able to continue to have an objective, unemotional conversation about the nature of peoples intentions being used to manipulate them, your bias towards your own institutional religion has caused you to instead, quite ironically,
  • Followed by launching into some diatribe full on attacking me and calling me a liar, a manipulator
  • Clearly the bias is yours


  • Do you see how you’ve flown way off the handle and simply deflected the entire conversation

How ? By replying to each one of your comments ?
When I called you a liar, I clearly exposed the lies and the will to dishonestly assert or hide facts. that is the definition of a liar.
You pretend that « I deflect » : let me take the time in the coming days to copy paste every single argument I have presented to debunk your false claims vs which ones have been replied to.
As per my own replies, readers can see how long my posts are and how I take special care to requote you, point after point. Not you.
When I called you a manipulator, it is because you insist asking 1 off topic question that I refuse to reply to until you prove first the claim you first asserted.
It is also because, on top of being ill mannered and without intellectual integrity, you turn the table on me.
You may be an expert in manipulative techniques with your fans, you wont with me : one way to unmask manipulative questions is to ask simple questions. I have offered answered to each one of yours. They are waiting for your objective feedbacks.
Yet, you refuse to reply, sentence by sentence, to my claim. Because that would unmask your inconsistencies, and you know it.
Hence, you cannot but dilute the conversation, jump here and there. And when you happen to discuss with someone you cannot play words with, you insult, you accuse.

Hence, I can objectively say what I say about you.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoulVibe


Sorry, but last comment is just utter nonsense… I draw a line on a conversation when false words are put in my mouth; and I’ve given you a few chances to realize the error and go back to a constructive conversation, but your heels are dug in within a false mental framework that needs me to be a liar.

This last comment tells me your not having this conversation in good faith, at least not anymore.

Here’s what I’m going to do:

1) address your accusations and the words you falsely place in my mouth here.
2) offer you the sources on the etymology of the Quran
3) show you how the Kabba-Allah and Kabbalah are from the same root Luciferian source.

You don’t have to agree, but after this I’m going to leave the conversation here and wish you many blessings and all the best.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


1) The false words, misunderstandings and accusations in this previous comment:

You quote me and state:

“« Telling me I must first unequivocally prove the state of mind of both all humans and “god” before you will address something, an impossible task »

You should have thought about it before you made your claim first.”

This is a highly immature statement; and it only belies that’s fact that you have done everything possible to discuss Iranian oppression. You claim why bring politics into religion, but when a religion controls the state, t you cannot divide these things.

Do I think the Saudi and Persian and Afghani and Pakistani governments represent Maha amutists as a whole? Absolutely not. But you haven’t understood what I stated: that many people whom are good intentioned are deceived by these people into committing abominable acts.

Equally this phenomena is not at all unique to Maha Amutism, it’s a universal theme in religious and state dictatorships, as well as even today from the influence of Luciferian propaganda in the west. A lot of parents now let their 12 year olds sever their generals and take hormones with good intentions in the USA…

Next false claim:

You stated:

“ You may have thought you demonstrated it in the intimacy of your mind.

Until this comment of yours, and while the verse at hand has been mentioned by you some 10 posts earlier, you are NOW telling me that you actually offered a demonstration along with that verse?”

No, I didn’t think I demonstrated that with this verse, I offered you a bunch of historical examples as jumping off points to discuss the topic of eight intention and right actions, and how they are not always connected, ranging from the Akkadians to the Japeneae to the Romans. You brushed these aside as nothing and ignored them. Then when Maha Amutism was mentioned, you went berserk and started insulting me and falsely accusing me.

I again, offered a verse in the Quran which is used to deceive ignorant people with good intentions into committing bad acts, and then you just went off calling me a liar. I don’t think that is a full demonstrations, it’s supposed to be a point of conversation and dialogue which brings up a tough issue.

Instead of continuing the dialogue, you simply started viciously attacking me based on shadows you were swinging at.

Next false statement:
You State:

“ Yet, you refuse to reply, sentence by sentence, to my claim. Because that would unmask your inconsistencies, and you know it.”

No I don’t refuse, I’m actually responding with great detail. If you look at the exchange you cherry pick and misinterpret, what I believe is subconsciously, tiny portions of what I right and don’t respond to about 80%.

Up to now it seems you haven’t asked a single simple question I’ve failed to respond to; if I have it certainly hasn’t been the intention . My perception is that you’ve just gone on calling me a liar throwing false accusations and generally twisting any words you can once the topic got onto Maha Amutism. Maybe this isn’t personal to you, but the change in tone shows a high likelihood you either were set out to discredit me, or the Maha Amutism really, really touched a sensitive nerve in you.

To your question “is it evil or deceitful to defend yourself but not harm others?” We agree, it is not evil to defend yourself. Again, my point was to show how a verse about “do no harm,” is twisted and recited at beheadinfa by well meaning but deceived young men that are brainwashed into becoming terrorists.

This is said to discuss my understanding that right intentions are not enough to ensure right action.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


  • ” when false words are put in my mouth”

I have always quoted you word for word exactly to avoid such accusations. So please refrain.

  • « your heels are dug in within a false mental framework that needs me to be a liar. »

That is your mental framework. I dont need you to be a liar, yet, you did. That actually disappointed me.
Again, you go on manipulative mode. Now you deflect but before you go, you still want to :

  • « offer the sources on the etymology of the Quran »
  • « show how the Kabba-Allah and Kabbalah are from the same root Luciferian source. »
  • « to leave the conversation here and wish many blessings »

Look at your skills :
while I kept asking we exchange with logical, critical and objective reasoning – which etymology doesnt allow as it is mostly based on suppositions (dixit your screenshots above) – you again impose it, hence refusing critical debate, and finally announce you cannot but deflect because of said objective requests of mine... ?

What is it if not a manipulative way to run away from a critical debate you cant sustain?
What is it when one imposes to only approach topics through the lense of etymology, which he masters, while rejecting logical reasoning?
Isnt that a manipulative way to stay the “master” of the discussion?

Are you searching for Truth, or to impose your truth?

1 year ago
Reply to  SoulVibe


Not doing this. You have cherry picked partial quotes, and then apply your own meanings to them so you could call me a liar. Such as when you seemed to believe I was lying because I discussed how a verse about self defense is used to justify terrorists beheading “infidels.” You claimed I was a liar and that I was stating the text actually permits the hacking to death of others…

Now you’re claiming words and etymology have no meaning. I assure you I don’t base stuff on mere phonetic similarity. What I am asserting about these connections comes from an extensive cross disciplinary analysis and synthesis of the theologies/mythologies, anthropology, symbolism, archeo-genetics, primary source texts and artifacts, linguistics, historical records, architectures, etc. of civilizations across the world and spanning about 17,000 years time.

The picture that has emerged from this kind of extensive decades long study, is that a common thread binds most all of history: occult Luciferianism. If you can’t accept the hidden existence of occultism, which is purposefully obfuscated (that’s why it’s OCCULT) then I don’t know why you’re even on VL.

The history of humanity is like a fractal, with repeating patterns and governing equations which appear self similar but slightly altered depending on the scales in space and time (geography and era.) When we find that many of these cross disciplinary areas align coherently, but contradict the exoteric, public academic record, the likelihood it is a coincidence becomes exceedingly low.

When at the pyramids of Giza some years ago, in my much younger, much more idealistic years, I asked a guide why they refuse to let any of us below the sphinx and cut funding on anything that probes the area. His response was:

“Egypt is a Muslim country; and according to Islam’s authorities the Earth and humans are only 6,000 years old. If we discover things from 10,000 years ago at Giza, a place of great pride of the Arabic world, then everyone will know our Muslim leaders are liars.”

This is when I understood just how intensely pervasive the occult Luciferians were using Re’s Legions to Decieve the world about true history, and that usually if something was called “crazy,” or purposefully shoved into obscurity with unnatural vehemence, then I should dig there and search for The Truth as the evidence told me, wherever that led.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


I still have some pending posts since yesterday…

  • ” when false words are put in my mouth”

I have always quoted you word for word exactly to avoid such accusations. So please refrain.

  • « your heels are dug in within a false mental framework that needs me to be a liar. »

That is your mental framework. I dont need you to be a liar, yet, you did. That actually disappointed me.
Again, you go on manipulative mode. Now you deflect but before you go, you still want to :

  • « offer the sources on the etymology of the Quran »
  • « show how the Kabba-Allah and Kabbalah are from the same root Luciferian source. »
  • « to leave the conversation here and wish many blessings »

Look at your skills :
while I kept asking we exchange with logical, critical and objective reasoning – which etymology doesnt allow as it is mostly based on suppositions (dixit your screenshots above) – you again impose it, hence refusing critical debate, and finally announce you cannot but deflect because of said objective requests of mine... ?

What is it if not a manipulative way to run away from a critical debate you cant sustain?
What is it when one imposes to only approach topics through the lense of etymology, which he masters, while rejecting logical reasoning?
Isnt that a manipulative way to stay the “master” of the discussion?
Are you searching for Truth, or to impose your truth?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem – 2nd of the series of comments

You presented other elements for proofs. While they werent the subject at hand, I now have to address them, especially those you wrote in bold, I presume, for a purpose.
For example, you claim :

  • « Alla is the ancient Ugaritic deity of the underworld that subsumes and keeps deities no longer worshiped.»

There was a Hurrian goddess named Allani, but no Ugaritic deity that I am aware of.
Please, where are your proofs ?
Even if there were one, what is that proof of ? Nothing to me.
Your assumption that the ancient meaning of a word strictly embodies the spiritual intention of the one who pronounces the word 3000 years later is erroneous. I will rephrase later what I said in my past comments, which by the way, you havent directly replied to.

  • Then, you add :

« WHy do you think it is the KERAN/Quran? Because KHARAN comes from the same root as Kheres, and means both “horns” and to “emit rays »

Keran and Quran have no similar pronunciation. Please, provide your source.

  • Then, again :

« Now pray to and turn SEVEN TIMES (SHIVA, The destroyer = 7) around the Black Kube of Saturn, the KABBA-ALLAH »
How can you make such shortcut claims ?
No objective proofs back your assertions : please provide your ancient **objective** proofs of the black cube worshipping outside from youtube, or Arthur Moros book ?
Similarly, you assert that:

  • the number 7 can ONLY mean « Shiva »..

Should they have turned 9 times instead of 7, you would have found that it is the square number of another number and still come up with that
same evil conclusion..
If I believe you, then Saturn worshipping is pretty much linked to most geometric shapes: the cube, hexagram, six pointed star, crescent, circle ?

**Then, what is NOT saturn ?**
Saturn also represents time : should we then call those who wear a watch saturn worshippers ? Or just people who « intend » to know what part of the day it is ?

See, intention is everything.
Hence, I dont see any tangible proofs that same looking rites necessarily adress the same entity or are performed for the same intent. Yet, this is the core meaning and condition of Faith.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoulVibe


It is important you learn how to research better, using sources not on Gugal or other easy to find search engines. They are controlling the world through information saturation and subtle control of what appears on these search pages. Nevertheless, just to show you how much your information is being controlled through subtle censorship and manipulation here is the Wikipedia article on Alla, the ancient ugaritic-Mesopotamian deity:

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Link here. If you wish to read deeper sources I can provide. The “Lord of the Net.” Is about capturing and subsuming souls and deities into a single, unified catch all, and thus the 99 names.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


While I will elaborate later this week on that topic as I have been much delayed in my work, your screenshot actually confirm 3 points:

1 – Some past nations have believed in a Deity named “Alla” or “Alla-gula” which means “Alla the great”.
Precisely, the Quran asserts that Allah has always been the unique G-d since the Creation and that each of the thousands messengers were all sent by Him to profess of Him. It says several times that EVERY nations and communities has had messengers.

So each of them must have a remnant of the message of Allah/YHWH/G-d.

Your assertion then confirms that indeed, the mesopotamian people, were informed of the existence of G-d who they called Alla-gula for Allah the great.

2- If now you claim that Allah is the Alla-gula or Alla, then you automatically discredit your claim that “Al-la” means “No god”.

Indeed, if Alla-gula means Alla the great, then it cannot make sense to say “no god the great”.

3 – The “Lord of the Net.” Is about capturing and subsuming souls and deities into a single, unified catch all, and thus the 99 names.

Your screenshot doesnt back your claims. It says:
“An=Anum indicates that it COULD refer to the Lord of the Net”.

An could mean Anum or Alla, but we are not sure.

That is a long stretch to your claim. You need to stick to the proven facts, dont make shortcuts again or invent conclusions which arent there.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoulVibe


You need to read the actual basic wiki article, and definitively need to explore some deeper sources. You are being ignorant (ignoring) the nature of Alla as an ugariric deity (who you did not know existed until now): he was a Sukkal, meaning an under-servant (the robin to batman) of the dark lord of the underworld, and was specifically and unequivocally the deity that guarded the gate of other deities that were no longer worshipped, and thus “died.” Now they are his 99 names.

The Catulus church, the same Luciferian Solar unification ploy run for European sensibilities, likewise took a much older underworld reaper, attached the astrotheological title and made it a focal point: their “Queen of Heaven” MarYam. Yam again being another ugararic deity, the beast of the sea, and vatika, the Solar cow goddess of Egypt and the Etruscan underworld reaper. They were quite blatant with Chai-Rhon, the ancient underworld ferryman of the dead in Greek mythology.

Your response belies tremendous bias towards back editing history to fit your accepted religious narrative of maha-Amutism; a religion formed in 609 CE that is a stealing and reformulation of much older Luciferian corruptions based on the scriptures, designed to unite and harvest the disparate Arab tribes into essentially Atenism. Maha-Amut and his clan, the great crocodile eater of hearts, was accused of this often during his lifetime: ripping off older stories and slightly altering them.

Now I can confirm why you were so intent to hate the name YHWH and to claim the earliest scriptures are 900 CE… postdating islam. Those pesky Dead Sea Scrolls got in the way of your desired narrative.

This back editing of chronology, is the “pagans copied us backwards in time” argument. Anyone with a shred of reason can see this is just an unprovable logical loophole; a game to avoid admitting your later religion combined and subsumed previous Luciferian pagan religions and practice into an amalgamated false Solar monotheism run by Luciferian priests for Ki farming.

This is the same argument made by Catulus cult members when they are presented with so much evidence, that they can’t deny that their iconography, saints, dogmas and practices are ripped off from ancient Egypt, Phoenicia and Babylon quite directly. Suddenly those Isis statues from 1200 BCE are a backwards in time rip off of the Virgo lactate from 700 CE, and IHS the Solar trinity of Isis Hors oSiris is a backwards in time copying of their Solar trinity, that they put inside a golden sun and worship.

Would you like deeper sources on the lacivious and luciferian nature of the robin of Batman’s underworld, Alla?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Also, the function of alla, of keeping the gate on defunct deities, aligns exactly with the ancient tongue “Al-La” which means “there is no “god.”” Or “god is not.”

It quite literally refers to their death, or non-existence from ceasing to be worshipped. This they were locked behind the gate of Al-la, “”god” is not.”

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


like I said earlier, your comments that I have left unanswered so far will be replied in a long reflexion.

Meanwhile, your turn round and round with your unproved archeological bias.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoulVibe


I’ve offered you more in depth sources on this issue which support what I am telling you

Do you want to read them?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Like I said, there are some 4 long posts of yours which I havent replied to yet. I need time to go through each point; I can already say it I will have to drop many posts again. I hope you will read them.

Hence, be assure, I will read them. My objectivity impose it.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoulVibe


I hope your discussion continues it is interesting. I’m going to interject my observation in here that is all.
For someone with a high intellect like yourself, you have some major blind spots about yourself. Combined with a New Age-ish approach to faith is a dangerous combination. The reason for this stubborn New Agey belief you are showing, that all the religions have some truth in them, what I hear you saying is – it just takes the right intellect to find the shake and bake combination that fits YOUR BELIEFS in Creation. See, it is you who cannot see your own ego (god self) You actually don’t have faith in YHWH at all – from your first words on here that was apparent to me.
Seems to me your Faith is in your intellect to find the new age magickal combination of religions (heavy on the Quran), not YHWH the one True word to decipher.
You and Ralphie228 had the same temper tantrum – once Ralphie made some off the wall accusations about Gem something about Saudi Arabia, and none of it was backed up in any way. Ralphie was a woman posing as a man (for several weeks) you should know that. Then a couple days ago you had a temper tantrum with AE accusing her of off the wall things making personal attacks coming across as unstable. You can claim you aren’t the same person but I would bet the house you are. You both are just so misunderstood – always claiming Gem misunderstood you in some way. The fall back position for those who don’t have a strong position in the first place.
#Ralphie228, #Daughter of Dust, #SoAnnoyed

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon


Thank you for chiming in. Your comments are however filled with subjectivity, but what am I suppose to expect from one of the « group » member?..

Let me reply to your assertions.

  • “you have some major blind spots about yourself. Combined with a New Age-ish approach to faith is a dangerous combination »

You say I believe in New Agey stuff: read my comments here, they prove the contrary. I dont, No astrology, mantra, yoga, altered state of consciousness, hypnosis, you name it.
You introduce an erroneous claim on which you base your argumentation: the whole articulation is consequently false.
Let me simply ask you : what authority gives you the humility to say who I direct my thoughts and prayers to?
what authority gives you the humility to say you “found the one true way” while all others are lost? Or are you pretending to be YHWH himself?

Also, you keep mentioning the Quran : have you opened it once to declare it contains what you think it coontains ?

Or, have you hired a « soul subcontractor » to ponder and judge over it in your place ?
I dont. That is why I read all sacred books. Quran included.
Yet, at the end of the day, my personal faith has never changed.

Why ?
Because, since i am just a faillible human, I enquire to the Creator : YHWH. G-d, HaShem. Like I said earlier, His name is not important :
Until now, I have been blessed to get His assistance whenever I have asked for it. Every single time.

I was 7 when I first asked Him for help.

Ever since, I have kept asking: sometimes I didnt like the answer and went ahead anyway and I found myself in dire situations : it was my own fault.
Sometimes, I am so excited about a project that is almost ready to be launched, everything seem aligned. Yet, I pray several times, and the whole thought or project goes suddenly kaput in improbable ways and without me interfering: i know that is His answer.
Only G-d can suddenly and oddly affect my life to show me the answer.
So I make my prayers, I go on with my life and one way or the other, the answer will appear. It always has worked for me.
His answers are always clear, no need for dreams or « angels » or trans-like meditation in which evil could come mislead me in my understanding of the answer.
Also, as a general rule, I daily ask Him to only open my heart to The supreme Truth ; to make me blind and deaf to the calls of evil and Evil.
This took me to where I am now, and will take me to where I have to be as I keep asking for His perfect guidance.

I have asked and prayed for it all along my discussions here.

And here I am, defending myself against trivial, injust and false accusations from those who profess to hold the « truth ». All of this because I was answered in my prayers.

Yet, I still have been interested in some topics, particularly, the quantum subjects mentioned by @444gem. Several times I have asked to know more about it, but I havent have a reply yet.

To finish, I will react on your last accusation : out of your “group”, you are the 3rd one to insist I am Ralphie. You even add a further accusation of me being #Daughter of Dust.
First, I find this « pseudos » accusations very convenient : who knows, maybe its even you guys who are inventing this whole pseudos thing as diversion?
In reality, we all know the problem goes deeper, it has nothing to do with these pseudos actually.
Indeed, all of those who have accused me of it, did so as a last resort.
Not as we started our discussions but always after they found rational opposition to their claims which they couldnt logically reject.
See how yourself started your post : you first mentioned my « intelligence ».
That is the first thing you reckoned about me. And you went immediately on, in the same sentence, with your accusations of agey stuff and pseudos.
In fact, your words articulated your deeper thoughts which are:

*** « you make such good points which I am not able to reject so I decide to cancel you by saying you believe in evil stuff and are a liar » ***
Yet, if you did all believe I was Ralphie or Daughter of Dust, then why did you exchange with me in the beginning ? You did so because you knew I wasnt them.

You say you believe in YHWH and search for Truth. So let me ask you, with YHWH as a witness between you and me : 
Do you think He would accept you make accusations without a single proof ?
Do you think He would accept you maintain such accusations despite me denying them ?
Do you think He would accept you maintain your accusations when, even though I didnt have to, I offered ways for all of you to verify my claims ? (IP address, text recognition etc)
Do you think He would accept you refuse to search for the Truth by checking my above claims as I have invited you to do ?
Do you think He would accept, that despite all of this, you still injustly maintain your false accusations against me ?
Do you think He would accept that you and the others, behave as if you would be held unaccountable for your accusations?
Do you think He would accept that you dont even turn to Him for Truth in this matter ?
The 3 of you, accusators, would be faithless beings if, despite having YHWH/Hashem (on your side as you believe), you didnt ask Him for Truth.
This is my request : ask Him if I am lying.
May Hashem bring eternal disgrace to the one who lies in His name.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon


To complete my answer, if you really believed I have:

  • ” some major blind spots (…) combined with a New Age-ish approach to faith is a dangerous combination “

Why would you then expose yourself to such ” dangerous combination “?

Why would you even wish that :

  • ” I hope your discussion continues it is interesting.”?

Or is that your soul asking for it?..

May HaShem/YHWH/G-d lead us to His Truth.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoulVibe

One thing I’ve noticed about really smart people is they often assume everyone else is dumb – or at least not capable of figuring them out in any small way. It was just a few days / weeks after Ralphie made the comment “humans can form from the dust under a credenza” to someone with the handle Daughter of Dust – and they talked the same way. It was also just a short while after Ralphie had the explosion on Gem then disappeared – reemerging as Daughter of Dust.
I didn’t react because I hope for all people to find The Way. Daughter of Dust seemed like a softer more humble version of you.
From the start it seemed you coveted having a teacher role like Gem – problem is you aren’t in the same universe of qualification as he.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon


keep finding comfort in thinking i am them, if that is enough to distract you.
That only proves how your whole crew are totally disconnected from reality to gargle yourselves with fake excuses: oh, leave that dumb ***, this is so and so, its still the same person.

as if only one person on earth could disagree with you: how obnoxious!

Yet, I see you guys all refuse to back your claims and ask for truth: your lies are so convenient to “cancel” those who have a voice: you accuse them of being the same.

I also have a life: I dont hang out the whole day. sorry.

What is this last stupid accusation you make again? How could I covet his “teacher role” as you pretend? Seriously? The life of someone totally disconnected from people and life, who probably has no real friends or family out there and whom all people he come across (and realize how of a specimen he is) are, according to him, “mentally ill” person when he probably is the one, unable to properly function in a normal world?

You gotta be kidding man.

I am forever grateful to not be Gem.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon


What you’re witnessing is character oscillation… likely involving a personality disorder of some kind. The tactics are pretty standard fare for Cluster B personality disorder, most likely Borderline:

1) Using heinous false allegations against others of what one themselves is doing (finger pointing to divert attention)
2) Twisting others words and then editorializing them to change narrative perception. (Gaslighting)
3) Heavt combativeness when cornered (Extreme defensiveness)
4) Constantly shifting manner of speech (unstable personality traits)
5) Emotional and aggressive outbursts with false righteousness (Shame avoidance)
6) Mental manipulation

I’ve dealt with people with Cluster B, and borderlines will do this kind of stuff a lot: back track, shift around, use heinous false allegations, veiled insults, and constantly divert from anything by gaslighting or other really manipulative tactics such as logic hopping to change the subject. This conversation started with a discussion about the the use of the name YHWH, and was then quickly diverted into a discussion about “does right intent always equal right action?” Which they tried to make a discussion about English Common Law terms, and then quickly became about screaming at me for being a bad, evil, manipulative liar and this person purporting their moral and intellectual superiority based on some egregiously bad false interpretations of a sentence they editorialized fancifully. Borderlines very commonly do this type of “topic hopping” to get away from ever being pinned down.

The biggest clue here is the ever shifting forms of response, and even handles/rebranding. They go between reasonable and berserk, accompanied by editorializing everything as a form of narrative control. Ie claiming they’ve taken down and beat my arguments when they have refused to so much as provide a single substantive piece of proof of anything.

My advice is to be wary of being sucked in and chewed out.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem @thekwon

so now I have personality disorders because I invite @thekwon to seek guidance and Truth from YHWH with regards to his/yours accusations? 🙂
I ask you : who would call for eternal damnation on him but someone who knows that what he’s accused of is blatant lie?

As per your “diagnosis”, I wouldnt trust you as a psychologist or as a psychiatrist…

I have seen a neuro-psychologist to conduct some tests, I have spontaneously consulted therapists when I was caring for several months for 2 family members as they were dying under my eyes in my own home.

I had a lot of stress to cope with and yet, I was objective enough to know by myself when to seek support and how to objectively consider the situation.
So much so that both therapists considered, outside of the few weeks prior and after the deaths, that I didnt need psychological or mental support anymore.

During those weeks, I never was offered medication either.
Likewise, I am well anchored within my family, friends, neighbours and
May YHWH/Hashem punish me if I lie, but just yesterday, I received a text message of a friend I hadnt spoken to since a few weeks : Her son had cut ties with his siblings and parents because of a girl.

She asked me for advice and I gave it to her: she followed them and it seems it has worked since she sent me several pictures of them all reunited after having succeeded in resolving their problems. I was tremendously happy for her.

This week again, after we had shared some personal concerns for which I gave my insight, my sister in law and a friend texted me : both to say exactly the same thing.
I quote one of them ” you have an exceptional ability to see the fine details, connect the dots, see the bigger picture and offer proper advice and solutions”.

These are the words of those who interact with me on a daily basis and have been so for several decades now.

These are objective facts from objective professionals and from family and friends who dont shy away to call me on my failures if needed.
Now, make whatever you want of this.

Hence, you made the mental “diagnosis” of someone you dont even know, on the sole basis of online communications, even when a professional therapist would not be able to do so.

Why? Just because that person happens to oppose the facts which you impose as Truth.

Although you did, I wont fall for your game and offer you a psychological portrait. And yet, I do have many things to say.
However, I will ask you this:
once you read my comments to @thekwon, why did you suddenly drop
everything you were doing to disqualify my advice (which are also
yours) and convince him I could have some kind of mental pathology
for having dared to advise him to call on YHWH/Hashem?

And/Or what it because he expressed some “interest” in our discussions?

And/or Did you feel I was dangerously inviting him to ask himself
questions for which the answers would not please you?
What is it in the answers that YHWY could give to @thekwon that
TRULY bothers you unless pure TRUTH?
So, ask yourself and YHWH all the questions I have invited @thekwon to ask and lets discuss them again.

Meanwhile, I bet you will bombard your crew with emails to make sure they stay under you grip and avoid to critically ponder over my reasoning.

No matter what you or I say, YHWH/HaShem/G-d will make Truth shine above all and everything.

As I finish, I pray Him that He eternally despise the one who is lying in his true intentions and means and that He guides our soul to Him and only Him.


So let’s critically fight with the right arms and stop the low accusations.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoulVibe


No, I’m calling it like I see it. Over the past 2 years on this forum, I have always encouraged everyone to speak forth with YHWH and to ask questions and to ponder on their own.

Your messages are erratic, generally very attacking and accusatory, and demonstrate a lot of latent narcissitic traits. I was trying to engage with you in a dialogue, and what I got was someone who ignores 80% of what I say, presents no evidence of their statements, and jumps topics constantly. Then when backed into a corner, presents tremendous logical fallacies (ie “you must prove the state of mind of “god” before I will discuss the oppressive state of Persia! Its your fault for being so stupid to discuss intentions!!”) as a reason for avoiding topics, and then hurls a whole lot of false accusations, and manipulative editorializing, particularly when I started discussing Maha amutism. What I wrote above to kwon is full well reflected in the written record, and that’s enough for me.

In my experience, cluster B’s are generally quite intelligent and perceptive, and use this trait to adeptly manipulate others and themselves with exactly this type of stuff which I enumerated above and rehashed once again here.

Given the longstanding pattern stretching back quite a ways, I’m not willing to engage any further.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Its just utter insanity that you think I’m afraid of people going to talk with YHWH and asking questions; That has been what I’ve consistently encouraged people to do for a very long time on this forum. I suggested to Kwon to do this for the first time I don’t know 15 months ago… and Keep telling him to do it ever since.

This is exactly what I mean with the typical cluster B gaslighting; you’re making a sort of editorialized accusation that gaslights the entire situation and tries to throw away that Ive been fervently urging people to speak with YHWH this for 2 years…

You state:

“What is it in the answers that YHWH could give to TheKwon you are so afraid of?

Did you feel I was dangerously inviting him to ask himself
questions for which the answers would not please you?”

Uh what? Who said I was afraid? You’re just using what are called “leading questions” to try and embed a false accusation as being fact within the psyche.

Not responding further with this; it’s very, very deceptive stuff. Good luck on your path.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


This is utterly false.

I have replied to everything but the comments for which I said I would reply in the coming days. Why not wait then?

You have switched your tone ever since I contested your views.

You are an archeologer who believes so hard that he is endowed with absolute Truth that you make psychiatric diagnosis without no expertise; even if they are contradicted by true experts.

What a world ! Let me guess: were all those “cluster b” persons from which you base your experience all persons whom contested you, one way or the other?

Sadly, I am not surprised by any of your behaviour here.
You are someone who lives for that pseudo truth, who rejects any critical feedback, who probably lives by himself or with few people around and labels and accuses all those who dare contest him before fleeing.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoulVibe

Many blessing @soulvibe, I wish you the best on your path.

The Truth sets us free

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


this is a perfect depiction of your behaviour here. Not mine.
The readers can read and reread my words. They all are here.
So, why is it that each of you last comments contains accusations? Am I unto something?

I believe deep inside, you know my idea of Truth could destroy yours.

You now are tempting me to take the time to write a series, in the like of “13 monkeys”, so people may have another reasonable alternative to consider.

I will take time to reflect on this idea.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoulVibe


Trust me, you’re not going to “destroy my idea of Truth.” I still, after hundreds of comments, have no idea what your idea of Truth even is; other than that supposedly good intentions always lead to good outcomes: which is not supported by the historical record of humanity at all.

I’m a little miffed at how you think I’m tempting you to do anything, but by all means, please do go write a series and present your evidence on your ideas. What I’m reading is that you have some desire to copycat me, which I’ll take as a form of flattery.

I’m not going to play this narcisstic game with you, where in your fantasy land you “destroy” me. Good luck on your path.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


You definately have some self grandeur issues that you should address.. this flattery only appeals to narcissists.

I will not copycat you. Or have you copyrighted the “series” methodology?
Having much things to elaborate on, this cannot be done in 1 thread.

I do not pretend to hold the supreme Truth, contrary to you. If I am a narcissist, I dare not think what that makes you.

good luck too on your path,

1 year ago
Reply to  SoulVibe


You’ve now rejected being offered deeper sources on the historic deity Alla five times; this last with a non-answer regarding how you eventually answering another topic, which are the 99 epithets of Alla, framed to make it look like your not refusing.

You equally have rejected any conversation about the horrendous oppression by the Islamist Persian government using another non-answer plot of demanding I unequivocally prove the state of mind of YHWH. Yet you claim you answered.

Not exactly what I’d call the search for Truth… And again I’ve drawn a line with you.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


“You’ve now rejected being offered deeper sources on the historic deity Alla five times”

You lie again.
I also said I was going to reply to each of your comments.

Or do you only want to keep imposing the conversations that suit you?

Plus: you have already provided much to ponder about and havent given me time to properly respond sometimes this week. I asked you give me time like I did.

Be patient, you will be able to do so. You know now I dont shy away from discussions.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoulVibe

while you “respond” to each comment I make your responses actually answer to about 10-20% of what I actually state in my longer comments, and generally you do so by misinterpreting what I write and launching into some accusatory diatribe, or changing the subject.

Still waiting to hear about Persian Religious-State Governmental Oppression…

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Google or wikipedia, its the same.

Your screenshots just says that:

Alla-gula was associated with the god of the underworld and “most likely”
was associated with xx but his character is not well known and he had a cult
center which location is unknown”….

That is why archeology is no science. Just babbles, deductions, guesswork and conjectures.

No fact whatsoever.

Have you watched the documentary I suggested yesterday? That explain my rejection of the data on which you base your whole theory: archeology has no position of authority in the world of knowledge.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoulVibe


I’m not basing anything of Gugal nor Wiki; I was trying to give you the most basic introduction to the topic. You seem not to want to read deeper sources.

I saw your documentary, it’s entry level stuff. I WORK IN THIS STUFF ON A DAILY BASIS. I am fully aware that the mainstream academic interpretations and narrative of the archeological evidence are incredibly wrong. They are purposefully so in order to hide The Truth and deceive the “well intentioned” masses so as to control them.

I just spent several months traveling throughout the near and middle east digging through artifacts and surveying primary source archeological sights for this purpose. I dedicate a significant portion of my life’s work to to do research and publish papers that help expose the false narrative propounded by mainstream history/archeology and expose The Truth. I now have incontrovertible evidence which proves there are scientific equations of quantum physics in the ancient artifacts of unimaginable complexity, and I nearly died to get this info…

The scientific techniques of archeology are sound, but their stated interpretations are pseudo and false narratives built by an academia being controlled and manipulated by the Luciferians.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


You add :

  • « The modern Allah’s “99 names” are all taken from former pagan deities whom they have subsumed into a culture of solar tyranny in oppression, and the words to this day »

Please specify which « tyrannical and oppressive pagan deity » are hidden behing the 99 attributes given to Allah among which :
The Eternal ?The First ? The Last ? The Most High ? The Creator ? The Forgiver ? The Generous ? The Wise ? The Loving ? The Resurrector ?

Especially when all of the above names are mentioned in both the old and new testaments to specifically refer to the Father?

Unless, if I follow the claim, you believe that the Father is a “tyrannical and oppressive pagan deity”?

You also claim :

  • « AL-LA means “There is no YHWH. AL- LA = NO ALohim. »

In aramaic, Allah is Alaha.

In arabic, Allah is the contraction of “AL” (= the) and **illah** (generic word for a god) meaning « The G-d » as in the only G-d.

As you see, “The G-d” does not mean “No god” as you falsely claim.
For your assertion to be true, “No YHWH” should be written **LA illah** which you see isnt the same than “AL illah”/”The G-d”.

Your assertion is further contradicted by the simple fact that your twisted translation of “no god” does exist and is professed several dozens times per day by muslims, it is, like I wrote above: « La illaha ill Allah » which exactly means « There is NO god but The One G-d ».

Hence, if that means to you that they believe in paganism rather than pure monotheism, you seriously have to address your definitions of monotheism, impartiality and objectivity..

I cannot but believe that the scientist mind of yours has been biased on that topic.


Also, if they were on the pagan/satanist side as you pretend, how is it that the very little decency and morality that is left in this world is bitterly defended by them while most just follow the ambient degeneracy ?


To this day, they are the closest to the teachings of Yeshua, YWHY and Hashem :

  • they do what you keep encouraging peole to do here, ie, search for guidance and for Truth by directly asking G-d for them .

They do so a minimum of 5 times a day

  • they also are the only ones whom follow the Laws : they pray like Moises and Yeshua did, are circumcised, bow down their head to the ground in submission, dont eat pork, dont do usury and do fast. Just like Yeshua, Mary before


  • they are also the only ones who STILL HAVE TO believe in the miraculous conception of Mary; whom is the only woman to have a chapter in her name in the Quran (not Muhamad, nor his wives or mother or some other arab woman).

Most christians dont believe in her miraculous pregnancy anymore. 

 And unless you want to claim high and loud that Yeshua was a liar, he said that spirit who profess of him are from G-d : which one did so but the Muslim prophet?
I didnt intend to deviate from our first discussions but I had to address your claims.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoulVibe


Now I’m going to go through some of the 99 names which are the subsuming of the ancient deities into one big amalgamation, the “Lord of the Net” consumes the power of the deities he has killed, he is a beast of many heads you call “alla.”

Your etymologies in arabic are based solely upon modern, exoterically perscribed meanings of words and titles, which are themselves perscribed and taught by the very power structures which seek to hide the natural and true history of humanity.

You are not saying “there is no god except Allah” you are, in no uncertain terms saying “There is no YHWH except no YHWH at all.” It is a trick; and whether or not you like it, words themselves, carry vibrational frequencies and patterns which are unique. This is the purpose of coding the languages as they have, and despite any good intentions, those vibrational patterns are buried deeply within the human psyche, and have knock on ripple effects, such as chopping off women’s heads and mass oppression as part of Re’s Legions, the army of the sun god and his Luciferian mignions.

The name “god” actually comes from the epithet of Ba’al, known as “Ba’al god.” Look up Isiah 65:11… gad and meni, are the sun and the moon, the two heads of the beast with two heads and a mouth like dragon as found in revelations. It is also the inverse of DAGon.. or the DOG star. Sirius, whom is Osiris, or u-Sar-Us. the SARos cycle, is the beast, and the draconitic nodes of the moon are the dragon. “And the Dragon gave the beast its power.” These things are not cute coincidences. The Kushites, were worshippers of the dog star, under names such as Anubis. in Latin languages, Deus/Dios used for YHWH is taken directly from Zeus; there is no debate around this… and the pattern is consistent.

Now for the epithets of Al-LA “ALOHIM IS NOT.” Which you full well known perfectly phonetically translates to this in arabic, as it does going back a very long way to before arabic split off from the semetic language family; which is based on Aryeh Yehudah.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Here is a selection of the 99 names which are taken from earlier deities, which predate Maha-Amutism by many thousands of years. Anyone who is somewhat familiar with the history of this religion, outside of the dogmas and false narratives spread by its priests who control state authority, is aware that Maha-Amut was surrounded by very powerful solar luciferian pheonician priests, and that he was regurgitating and remorphing the same stories that were narrated to him during his time in the Levant. I won’t get into it, but it is clear the stories are repackaged myths designed for arabic sensibilities, and as a perfect mind kontrol device to unite them under a unified solar religion that is pure, unadultered luciferianism.

I’m going to provide only a partial list, it should still suffice to show you how you have been deceived by the beast; the man of many faces. You’re worshipping an amalgamation of pagan deities they paint as a monotheism, because to them it always has been: it is the many faces of Lucifer, the Master of the Kabbalah! (We’ll get to the satanic black kube soon enough.)

The 99 names of Alla are Ancient Deities he has subsumed:

1) الفتاح“Al-Fattah”
Modern Exoteric Meaning: The Opener of the Gates
Ancient Deity Subsumed in the Net: WepWawet

This name is a subsuming the ancient title of the Egyptian deity “WepWawet” whose epithet is “The Opener of the Way.” The term “Fattah” Is identical to “wattah,” a common phonetic change of F -> W phonemes in later antiquity, such as the word “Phoinos” meaning Red, becoming “Woinos” which is Wine, the red tinged drink. This is directly the phonetic change in the levant, lebanon, where Maha Amut went to be controlled by solar priests. Just as Alla, the ugaritic-mesopotamian deity of underworld access, so too was WepWawet the driver into the gates of the underworld, onto the WATERS of the cosmic rivers. The term “Water” in English is attested at least since 2500 BCE as the term “Uat Ter” Meaning “Seas between land” in reference to the mediterannean sea in Egypt. it was literally said “Wattah” Just like “Fattah.”

2) المميت“Al Mummit”
Modern Exoteric Meaning: The Bringer of Death
Ancient Deity Subsumed in the Net: Mamut/Ma’at

This is, of course the Egyptian “Ma’at” or “Mamut.” Which means quite literally: The great mother, who is known as the reaper of death, since very ancient times in cultures across the world. Great mother worship was known since at least 5000 BCE, with significant evidence going long before, and The Egyptian deity known variously Mamut, Ma’at, and Matmut, was the presider of the “weighing of the hearts” ceremony upon death, and could either allow a soul into eternal existence, or pronounce it’s “heart too heavy” on her scales of justice and then the soul’s existence would be eaten by, none other than AMUT. Even the name “Mahamad” is a corruption of Maha Amut, meaning “The Great Crocodile.” who is the eater of hearts.

3) مالك الملك”Malek al-Mulk”
Modern Exoteric Meaning: “The Owner of Dominion”
Ancient Deity Subsumed in Alla’s Net: MOLEK

This is of course, the reference to the ancient deity of pagan sacrifice and child burning, “Malek.” The practices goes back to the age of Taurus in the spring equinox, approximately 2500 BCE, again within the ancient near east, in which child sacrifice to the bull of heaven , whose horns the sun rose between in the spring equinox, was said to give authority to the Luciferian priesthood and its kings. Sacrifices were made to the bull in order to ensure the pharoah, king, “Lu-gal” (the sovreigns) would have full ownership over his dominion during his lifetime.

4) الضار“Ad-Dar”
Modern Exoteric Meaning: “The Destroyer”
Ancient Deity Subsumed in Alla’s Net: ADAR

The phonetics, nor the title haven’t even changed on this one. It is identical to the ancient solar deity of Assyria-mesopotamia, known as Adar. He is the Sun Man, and is known as “The Son of the South.” In Assyrian-Mesopotamian mythology, the South was said to bring about total destruction, as when the sun was as its furthest southern point, was when the year would be coldest, the most people died, and there was generally the least amount of food to eat. This is of course, the destruction of the year on December 21, the darkest of days.

Look up the prince of the power of the air, Pa-Zuzu who was the controller of the Southern Wind, while Adar, was the controller of the souther sun. Together they ruled destruction of the world, and destruction of life. This is found under the greek name of “Apollyon” who is also the southern sun in the new testament, and Abaddon, the angel of the south, and is specifically denoted as the destroyer.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


So far we have 4 of his epithets which not only phonetically match an ancient deity, but have the same or an extraordinarily similar title and meaning in modern arabic practice. Im not kidding when I tell you these religions are to make Re’s Legions, the sun deities mind kontrol subjects to be farmed. They redressed ancient paganism and slightly removed the veil, whereby the replaced YHWH with the names of Lucifer, and subsumed all of his various pagan forms into a unified solar deity…

Let’s keep going on seeing how Alla has swallowed and imitated the pagan deities.

5) الناصر”Al-NASIr”
Modern Exoteric Meaning: “The Helper”
Ancient Deity Subsumed in Alla’s Net: NASR

Again, the phonetics and spelling haven’t even changed, and it is a well established worshipped deity of the pre-islamic Arab tribes themselves. Nasr is a vulture deity, and it is well known that in the ancient near and middle east, the vulture was considered the fortutious sign as the solar bird who brought help and was an auspicious sign of the sun’s favor. Isis, and a myriad of other goddesses wore the vulture on their head as a bird of prey. They were typically painted red white and blue, just as the US now paints a nearly identical large bird of prey, the Eagle, Red White and Blue to this day. Old Habits die hard for the luciferians.

The Babylonian Talmud, even mentions the temple of “NASRa” being worshipped by the arabs as the Sun and the Moon; which are the two beasts of Revelations. Jacob of Serugh, writing around 500 CE in Syriac, also mentions the temple of “Nasir” being constructed by the arabs and persians at behest of the devil in order to curry favor and aide from the sun and the moon. Hence it is still “The Helper.”

The term to this day still refers to “the lowest point” or what is directly beneath a celestial observers feet, and is known to involve worship around the solstices in pre-islamic arabia.

6) الوارث”Al-Warit”
Modern Exoteric Meaning: “The Heir, The Inheritor”
Ancient Deity Subsumed in Alla’s Net: Mehet-WERET

Again, the phonetics have hardly even changed. “Warit” and “Weret” are only different in English because they are transliterated from Ancient Egyptian and Arabic variously, without those describing being aware or allowed to disclose the connection.

The Ancient Egyptian deity of Weret is the name given to the celestial cow that gives birth to the sun; the one who inherets the cosmos after each new birth with each day! The Egyptian deity is heavily connected with inheritance of the life force between one generation and the other in the book of the dead and other ancient sources; and thus the name subsumed by Mr. Alla under the same phonetics as “the inheritor.”

7) النور”An-Nur”
Modern Exoteric Meaning: The Light
Ancient Deity Subsumed in Alla’s Net: ANU

Once again, the phonetics are essentially identical. Anu was the sky creator, or sky father of ancient Mesopotamia for thousands of years, stretching from Sumeria to Babylon, and then into Arabic, and was known as the one who created the “lights of the heavens.” He ruled over the celestial pole of the sky, which was used as the “guiding light,” for the world. His symbol was a 6 pointed star, The Light.

His name was also the origin for the name of the egyptian deity “ANUbis” the star Sirius, which was the guiding light for the solar year, having a period of almost exactly 365.25 days, and which was supposed to be the guiding light for the pharoah when he left earth to ascend to the heavens.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


I will indulge you a bit further on this topic, as other readers also have a lot they can learn from this, which gives a tremendous expose on how the Luciferians constantly repackage and change the face of their man of many faces.

8) الهادي”Al-Hadi”
Modern Exoteric Meaning: “The Guide”
Ancient Deity Subsumed in Alla’s Net: Adith/Aditi/Adithya

The phonetics are again essentially identical, where the “ya” at the end comes from the ancient tongue and means “Lord.” You see this such as is “ia” being used for En Ki, who is “Lord of Earth” in Mesopotamian. The Adithya or equally “Adith” were solar deities, and in the singular, represent the sun god “Surya,” (whose name also appears under Alla.) They were more common in Gujarat, India which had significant contacts with Arabia stretching back to 3000 BCE, through cities such as Maghan (where the term “Maggen” david comes from, the star of the serpents…) You even find that Rudra (the thunder deity who became shiva) was known as “Ruda” in ancient Arabia!

The term Adithya was known in the Rig Veda and other Vedic Literature as “the guiding waters” which were considered to be so pure, that they could never guide one into falsehood, but only truth. They were certainly portrayed as the deification and personification of “the waters of truth” which was said to come from the sun in Luciferianism. Hence why the sun is the “beast ouf of the sea” in revelations.

Likewise the Adithyas in later literature, stil predating the Koran by about 1000 years, are said to represent the 12 zodiacal symbols, which were used for time keeping, and were thus the guide to the solar year.

9) المانع”Al-Mani”
Modern Exoteric Meaning: “The Shield”
Anceint Deity Subsumed in Alla’s net: MENI

Again, the phonetics are absolutely identical. See once more Isiah 65:11 in which he denounces “gad and meni.” It is certain that Meni represented the moon, particularly the full moon, which was portrayed as a silver SHIELD in the sky; and was considered the protector of the hunters at night, allowing them to see. This same tradition is found in greece with Athena’s silver shield, which was given to her by Zues, the illuminator. In a cosmic sense, away from all of the cargo-kult mythology, it is known that the moon Shields and Defends the earth from cosmic bombardment.

This same deity is found all across ancient eurasia, even stretching as far as being “Meni” the moon in Norse mythology.

10) الودود”Al-Wadud”
Modern Exoteric Meaning: The Lover
Ancient Deity Subsumed in Alla’s net; Wadd

Again, the phonetics are essentially identical. Moreover, this deity was the national deity of the southern Yemeni tribe called the Mineans, on the arabic peninsula, whose power was integral to the military authority of the islamic caliphates. His formula written “Wad’d” or literally “wadud” was written on protective amulets saying “wadud is my father.” He was a giant serpent, and ancient snake, and is the reason that the writing of Alla looks so much like a serpent, or a dragon.

At this point I’ve shown you that at least 11% of the epithets of Alla are just subsumed pagan deities of the pre-islamic arabs, and/or kingdoms proximate to Maha-Amut during his lifetime, and which were subsumed within the caliphate.

I can’t say that all of them are, as with this topic of the epithets, I stopped around the 45-55 mark in my research some years ago. Generally, I have dedicated less time to Maha-Amutism than other religions, as everything in the historical record, primary source artifacts, and primary source texts, unequivocally demonstrate it is another Luciferian cargo kult, the last one in line, which was a repackaging of their corrupt myths designed to do the same to the dispirate peoples of arabia, that the Catulus church did to Europe 300 years prior so successfully: to mind kontrol the masses under a unified solar religion, so that their force and numbers could be harvested for the luciferians power.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


To complete my previous comment above, I will also elaborate on some facts related to the topic of “language”.

Just so my understanding is clear, in a short sentence, what are your views on meta-cognition and languages?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Again? Etymology and archeology: cant you for once just present other relevant proofs?

Just an objective, rational and logical conjecture will be enough. Or a deep and thoughtful reflexion.

I dont feel I am asking for much.

I could listen to some parts of your theory.
But not to all because, the whole picture doesnt click.

If your whole theory were true, it should have already address the matter of intention even before I had thought about it.

I will try, sometimes this week, to offer an additional insight on how your theory is missing other topics.

I repeat that I am opened to any idea, as long as it makes “sense”.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


4th of my series of comments / about the WORDS and the FRUITS

I would like to share with you my impressions that you have many worthy knowledge, but to me, you insist on linking disparate concepts which arent necessarily related.
By focusing only on the ancient meaning of a word, you empty the very substance of each act or thought.

Actually, if I use your parabole, by focusing only in the root, you ignore the fruits.
Yet, it is our living BREATH that gives birth to words, not its ancient root or DNA.
Just like for us, the created creature, DNA without breath is worthless.
When we give breath to words, it is because we intend to trigger an action or to share an idea/feeling. For that, we choose appropriate words that relate to our intention : look how languages are full of nuances, we hardly come up with the same sentences, you and I.
Yet, even If we are mistaken in the use of the appropriate wording, it doesnt change our own intention. It may only, or may not, corrupt the message received by the listener/reader. Yet, at no time does the sender’s message change.
Like I said in previous comments, Intention, or intent, has tremendous effects at all levels. It is also it that can annhilate the ancient (possibly evil) meaning that may be attached to the etymology of a word.
Hence, if one intend in his own heart to submit to a unique, all encompassing Creator that has no face no image, who then are you to say that this Creator doesnt receive the message which is intended to Him ?
My assertion is further backed by your own belief that **The words make the world; know them by their fruits**.
What is the fruit ?
Fruit can only grow in a stable and elevated environment such in trees. They must be attractive to animals and humans to feed them and in turn, have their seeds spread through them.
The intention one attaches to an uttered word IS the fruit : if it is good, so is the fruit. If it is bad, so is the fruit.
Good fruit, or good intention which yields good actions and thoughts, can only come from an elevated environment, like an elevated soul is.
Just like the fruit needs to be attractive and healthy to feed and multiply, so does good intention.
Good intention yields good actions/fruits which multiply and contribute to the goodness of this world.
Rotten fruits, evil intention, is what made this world as it is.
This is how one distinguishes evil from good : by the intention and only by the intention put into words or actions that yield the fruits.
I also believe like previously said, that intention have effects at the quantum level : its power is so tremendous that it can totally change the behaviour of a particle (observer effect) and affect different environment/dimensions at the same time (string theory). No wonder why the El-te needs secretly-bad-intended rituals performed by ignorant masses to exponentially multiply Darkness.
As you see, without intention, words are nothing, just dead branches and trees that decay.
Hence, why do you only focus on the ancient structure/etymology of the word and not on what it yields, ie, its fruits ?

1 year ago
Reply to  SoulVibe


I sincerely appreciate the depth of thought and questioning in all of this. It is a pleasure to have this correspondence with you.

I ask you have the patience to allow me the time to respond properly and thoroughly.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


it is a shared pleasure. I have been much delayed in my response, take your time.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


5th of my series of comments

You said “there is ONE TRUE NAME of YHWH”.
When I share spiritual thoughts with people, whatever their beliefs and lifestyle, I have never ever met someone who didn’t know or feel deep inside that there is someone grandiose : that’s their soul speaking to them.
For proof that words as so not important when one is connected with his soul, he may not know which name he should call Him, yet, he intuitively know He is The only One, all grandiose and Perfect.
I say, Hashem/YHWH/G-d/Allah/Ahura Mazda, whatever you want to call Him, He knows who He is, He doesnt need your words to exist, He is here and there, as He has always been, Alone and Unique.
He knows his creatures who call (only) for Him, whether with names or in silence.
He knows the intention one gives to words and actions.
He knows when prayers, help or questions are aimed at Him or at some other unworthy deity, higher force or inner self.

He knows full well which soul has recognized Him.
Only the mind can be tricked, not Him, nor the soul which is the remnant of His breath in us that yields the good and the rotten fruit I call intention.
With all His goodness, His grand generosity and patience, it requires more than a trillion dose of patience to witness the inequity of man, his ingratitude and his stubborness and still be there for him.
Stubborness in twisting the evident Truth that any soul, once the mind is clear, does recognize. From toddlers to elders, we all do.
See, by believing only in the Father, one has the guarantee of committing no major sin. Which isnt the case when one supplicates other deities or another human, as it happened for the first and last time in mankind history.
Just for the sake of Truth, we all look forward to Yeshua/Esau’s coming back so he can utter the Truth with his own lips.
Indeed, Yeshua is the missing link that RE-unite all believers : he will set the record straight for all those who believe that he is either nothing, or a treator, or a deity or a prophet.

Who else could better be suited to bring all faiths in common terms since he is at the root of their division?
Yet, man is so stubborn that even when Yeshua will declare the Truth, he will persist in believing in what he has been made to believe.
We arent christian, nor muslim nor buddhist : we’re just creatures whose Creator has asked, for our own sake, to follow His laws until we meet with Him again.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


6th and last of my series of comments

You have previously said you are an archeologer but also a scientist : what are your thoughts on this documentary which offer a more science-based view of what should be archeology.?

As I finish my long series of comments, please know that contrary to some who violently oppose you and denigrate your person, I thank you for the discussions you bring in here. I believe we both have common grounds upon which we can both share, grow and learn.

We may have divergent views on many topics yet I highly respect your input and your search for Truth.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


***Radius Area Length Phi Intensity Energy*** can you please translate into words to the novice i am which is the relations between them 🙂 ?

The TOE equation?

1 year ago
Reply to  cajungirl

Roman Empire. Tee hee. Medievel times.

1 year ago
Reply to  simon

Many times before the world has been so much worse than this. When the great flood came it was more evil than anyone alive can possibly imagine. Every generation thinks they are experiencing the “worst” or “most” of everything, it’s the human narcissistic nature in us all I think.

Simon Dennis
Simon Dennis
1 year ago
Reply to  Groceries

Possibly true but there is a very unique expression of evil at this time thanks to technology and various other nefarious agendas.

1 year ago
Reply to  Groceries

you can’t understand what Messiah stated “as in the days of Noah ” are you an idiot ? pot head ? moron ?

1 year ago
Reply to  SlavicGirl

This is exactly what they want you to see and believe: everything is becoming demonic, which is far from truth. The world is not and will never be demonic, the media is, internet is, and you need to take a break from it.

1 year ago
Reply to  bartcat

I actually spent minimum on the Internet, don’t have tv, Netflix, so your assumption that I need a break from it is wrong. I also think that your response is gaslight because it’s like it’s me who is to blame – not diabolical society and it’s me who need a break – not diabolical society.
Yes this world is demonic, people look normal, elegant, the can have business, posh things, but inside they are whited sepulchers. You can go ahead and gaslight yourself about the world we are living in but don’t gaslight others. And yes, I know there are decent people left, but they are outnumbered.

Last edited 1 year ago by SlavicGirl
1 year ago
Reply to  SlavicGirl

We are getting close, i agree with you that part of society is demonic, but not the world! Do you see anything demonic in nature for example?
You need to be accurate in your thoughts if you want to have a clear vision of what’s going on.
Also having a bleak idea of “everything is demonic” will absolutely not help you.

1 year ago
Reply to  bartcat

Nowhere did I write that “ everything is demonic” not only I didn’t here on this post, or other posts on this or different pages, but also never in my mind I made such statement, yet this is what you accused me of. In addition, you said that I “need to be accurate in my thoughts” which obviously is a great advice for everyone but it’s you who is inaccurate.
For the record, I did edit my post immediately I posted it, I corrected words: outnumbered and other errors but I didn’t edit sense of the context. Just so I won’t be accused of such thing.

1 year ago
Reply to  bartcat

Nature isn’t demonic – it is God’s creation. The world contains people and systems that are corrupted – it is this we refer to.

1 year ago
Reply to  SlavicGirl

Well said Slavicgirl. The world is demonic. To be saved is to be protected but we still have to live in the world. People are deluded.

1 year ago
Reply to  bartcat

I’m afraid anything in the world can be demonic.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rosey

@rosey, @ SlavicGirl why do you consider God as an NPC in the whole story?

1 year ago
Reply to  SlavicGirl

Wonder what he does with those pictures after saving them to his computer….

We don’t need to see the filth to know it’s there… next time just post the article

1 year ago
Reply to  TruthHurts


1 year ago

Yeah ok ? got to keep that WAR sexy..keep the money faucet open…

Last edited 1 year ago by Casinogirl
1 year ago
Reply to  Casinogirl

There is no freaking war! Ukrainians travel back and forth from Poland to Ukraine. Women and man walking streets, laughing, talking loud, shopping, they don’t give a crap about anything!
True victims of war have ptsd, shell shock, they are not thinking of having plastic surgeries and shopping.
True victims, both Russians and Ukrainians suffering in silence!

1 year ago
Reply to  SlavicGirl

Yeah famous actors, musicians and politicians seem to spend a lot of time there to say they are at “war.”

1 year ago
Reply to  SlavicGirl

No there’s no real war, there are props and regular sirens blasting for no reason. But there’s a war on Europe, the soldiers themselves are being executed. They are just trying to lower the male population of both places so they can insert Africans Asian or middle Eastern peoples to take the ladies. They already paid Africa a week ago (even though they are in a war and supposedly tight on money). They won’t stop until the males are at a certain number. The goal is to mix everyone so that only the chosen cabal are of one race with a history. It’s a Jesuit cabal plot on repeat for hundreds of years. Putin is working with his cabal controlled NATO, it’s just another facade to create open, unashamed, radical world wide slavery of mind body and soul and future generations.

1 year ago
Reply to  Casinogirl

Totally. Blatant propaganda for the war machine.

1 year ago

Sounds like the Op is for Russia because they’ve been brainwashed by “their side” of the us government…

Also, we didn’t need the photo..We know how you came across the info pervert.
But spare the rest of us the pictures you secretly touch yourself too!

1 year ago
Reply to  TruthHurts

Do you really think a lot of Russians read Playboy?

Simon Dennis
Simon Dennis
1 year ago
Reply to  TruthHurts

The picture was in the news article! 😀

1 year ago

Ukraine is a top 3 child trafficking hub as recently as 2020, according to the United Nations. Hugh Hefner is considered by some to be the original Epstein style blackmail operation, which would make Playboy an extension, or an advertisement really, of that. Therefore a Playboy cover with a Ukrainian woman, especially a woman with one eye, is very likely to be a signal to others who are in the club that Ukraine is open for business. (Perhaps there are other signals as well.) Given how overt these connections are, I very much doubt the story that’s given for her (and, personally, am 50/50 on whether or not she even exists as anything other than an actress playing a part or an AI model).

1 year ago
Reply to  chud

She would have extensive scars all over her if she was a survivor of an attack. I don’t buy this story either. I agree with everything you said. It’s such a psyop.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud

I was just thinking about AI. We live in times of AI deception. A war drama and then hurry to pose for Playboy with the propagandistic outfit just doesn’t fit. The story fits the deception though. The eye!

“Even if you see it, don’t believe it”.

And yes, you are so right about the child trafficking thing in Ukraine. Unfortunately! The war is on the innocent.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


>” We live in times of AI deception”

>”The story fits the deception”

Well said! I wonder: how long have they been using it to create fake stories for us? Any technology we have access to, I suspect the elites have had access to for much longer. Don’t you?


>”It’s such a psyop.”

I think you are right. She looks unscathed, especially for someone who had to undergo “months of emergency treatment and reconstructive surgery.” It’s laughable.

9 months ago
Reply to  chud


-> “ Well said! I wonder: how long have they been using it to create fake stories for us? Any technology we have access to, I suspect the elites have had access to for much longer. Don’t you?”
That’s my thought for a long time now. I am sure they’ve been using this ace in the sleeve for quite some time. anyways, before they showed it to us. It’s “copyright-ed” for a sole purpose, in other words both of us can be sure it’s meant to be their tool for deception. Only for deception.

There is this Mull Monastery Fr.Seraphim talking about this AI- deception in such an insightful way (he talks in english, so I thought you would also enjoy his thoughts on this subject and others. He is very decent and kind in expressing them). I think the faithful have also for a long time known this was to come. This and other things.

Coming across this topic and the comment section – again- I can see how many clothes the deception wears.
The many flavours!

Last edited 9 months ago by crisspf
1 year ago

Sad after going through stuff like that, they’re willing to present themselves as PROSTITUTES rather than an instrument of healing for women who have survived trauma…

1 year ago
Reply to  Username

Excellent point, precisely, and that’s talmudic, jacob frank’s perception of the world, humans – God’s creation.
I remember as a young kid and teenager as it stuck in my mind, watching many movies, where woman was abused and than it was portrayed as nothing happened because she was having sex with a guy, having fun, moving on quickly like some sort of animal, and I was watching it, experiencing profound sense of cognitive dissonance, like what the heck am I watching? ?!?
It is not a coincidence, NEVER, it’s programming, it’s dehumanization and desensitization process.

1 year ago

Strong liberated females showcase their body in defiance of society and war. Ofcourse the religious zealots lose their minds. Feminism:1 patriarchy:0

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Hahaha. That is funny. Tell me another.😒


Mister Z
Mister Z
1 year ago

Are we supposed to care about her?

1 year ago

“You can’t blame a hoe for doing what hoes do.”
– Luenell