
Is the Antichrist being revealed? Charles, winged and saving the world | UK news | The Guardian (

The head bore a passing resemblance to the Prince of Wales, since Mauricio Bentes, the sculptor, was basing it on images from the internet. But then there were the wings. They sprouted from the bronze figurine making it look like a Gothic batman and almost completely encapsulating the statuette.

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1 year ago

I dunno, I’m fairly certain that the Antichrist comes from the exiled Israelite Tribe of Dan, which ended up moving to Macedonia. So, the Antichrist may be Greek, Italian, Turkish, or Eastern European. Unless he’s from Dan, I kinda doubt he’s the Antichrist. After all, Daniel says that it’s the King of the North that desecrates the Temple, not the King of the West.

1 year ago
Reply to  paul

Interesting, you post that. Reading it more and more. The tribe is missing in the 144k. The prophecy Jacob gave Dan fits in genesis 49….. time will tell soon enough

1 year ago
Reply to  keseh

Also, check out the Testament of the Patriarchs. The Testament of Dan says that the children of Dan will depart from Israel. I’ve also heard that the Caesars actually descended from Dan, which if true, it makes sense.

1 year ago
Reply to  paul

His father was Greek.

1 year ago
Reply to  paul

Charles Father Phillip is Greek. The entire Royal family is of the Tribe of Dan.
Also they trace their line through the Wettins to Melusine. The name Charles literally means “man”. His name equals the number in ALL Gematria systems of the Middle East and his coat of Arms as Prince of Wales was chained to the Red Dragon where he get his power and the Unicorn was traditionally called the little Horn. The Lion rampant has the mouth of a lion the body of a leopard and the feet of a BEAR AS literal terms of Heraldry.
Its him alright. Just watch kid it in

1 year ago

Many call him King Charles!!!
But He’s Rothschild Puppet!!!
King Charles = İlluminati’s Puppet!!!
Europe is under the control of Rothschild Family!!!
Windsors(England Royal Family) are Slaves of Rothschild Family!!!

Ambassador for The Lord Jesus
Ambassador for The Lord Jesus
1 year ago
Reply to  Tyln93

Yeah the fake Jews!! Synagogue of Satan Jews. Keep watch towards Jerusalem not Rome. Rome is the false prophet…..but I will leave that or I will get stone for speaking opposite.

1 year ago

News is from 2002. Charles, now King is too weak for an antichrist job post.

1 year ago

İlluminati Card Game!!! (1990s)
King Charles!!!

1 year ago

Hey, peeps, for the first time, read the 3-4 refs to said “antichrist’, only to be found in Bible, then see if it’s so easy to pin the tag onto only one entity. All Satanists and Jews and Christ haters are these antichrist. Why is that so hard for ppl to understand? You wait for THE antichrist, you overlook the millions empowered at the top of the antichrist pyramid. Thus, you go under by them, still waiting for your antichrist entity.
The churches are fully responsible for turning the plurality of its expression into a singularity, as most churches are captured, antichrist fronts.

1 year ago
Reply to  DNA999

Agreed – people are anti Christ.

Ambassador for The Lord Jesus
Ambassador for The Lord Jesus
1 year ago
Reply to  Rosey

But their is a Main one! Come on y’all!

1 year ago

My money is on Obama

1 year ago
Reply to  randall

Funny, I’ve thought this since he came out. He’s very captivating, when he first became president and I was watching him give a speech I started to feel like I was going under a spell, immediately my soul called out to Yeshua and i snapped out of it. I knew then for sure he plays a big part in this wicked world. He has dark abilities

1 year ago
Reply to  Jaguar

Here is a mind blowing amateur documentary on the topic. Not that well done but with extraordinary information. Skip through it as needed.

1 year ago

The Bible reveals the antichrist – just gotta understand the symbols, that’s all – and their meanings are found in the Bible.

I’m not the only one that knows this.

The AC will think to change YHWH’s “times and laws” – Anyone with any kind of knowledge of YHWH’s times and laws KNOW that the change has already happened, and it wasn’t CharlieBoy that did it, either.

People don’t study and understand the Bible so they start to guess at who it is.

They’d rather put a man or woman between them and YHWH and let them tell them what to believe.

But that’s not how YHWH wants it for you:

“But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.” – 1 John 2:27

It’s YHWH, Himself, that wants to teach you!

Years ago, some thought Ronald Reagan was the AC because his name, Ronald Wilson Reagan, had six letters in each name.

Some thought it was Keanu Reeves – Why him? – I don’t know, stupidity is my guess.

Why? – Because they have been conditioned by the church to NOT understand YHWH’s symbols! – as if He would leave us in the dark about such an important figure!

YHWH began using symbols in early Genesis – now, thousands of years later, Bible believers are guessing at the AC or waiting for the arrival – I’m sure that some will think it’s CharlieBoy because some no-name sculptor made an image of a winged person and stuck a name to it.

Revelation doesn’t mean – “that which has been concealed”.

Revelation means – “that which has been revealed”.

*When Yeshua said that there will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars, He was not talking about the literal sun, moon, and stars!

The answer lies in how YHWH consistenly used these symbols throughout the OT when He was not literally referring to the sun, moon, stars.

The disciples knew what Yeshua meant – they were raised on the OT and understood YHWH’s use of symbols.

It doesn’t have to be a mystery, but it does take study.

404 verses in Revelation – 278 of them contain prophetic symbolism – their meanings are found in the OT.

This is why the readers/hearers of Revelation were blessed by it – they understood it because they were raised on the OT.

It was their life, so to speak.

1 year ago

This theory takes off from a few sources, notably from the book “The Anitchrist and a Cup of Tea” which was written in the 90’s and also Clinton Ortiz’s research which you can find here at A documentary from the late 2000’s also pushes this theory by Grace Powers called “The Ring of Power” and it’s sequel “The Zion King”.

The theory however isn’t so much that King Charles is the Antichrist but rather that of King Arthur “The Once and Future King” the Antichrist. In this case the King of World. According to the Arthurian Legend, Great Britain is waiting for it’s Once and Future King to return an rule the world in harmony.

Supposedly, if King Arthur did in fact exist, he came from the (sacred) Holy Merovingian Bloodline which is the Stuart bloodline (Diana). Supposedly this is also the bloodline of Jesus. I do not believe the Merovingian bloodline is that of Jesus’, but THEY do so it matters not what I believe.

Supposedly Charles’ bloodline (the profane) the Saxe-Coberg Gotha comes from the bloodline of Cain. Because Prince William is the offspring of the supposed “Sacred and Profane” he has now mostly taken the place of the Antichrist theories and for good reason.

Prince William’s middle name is Arthur. In fact the last three letters of William are “iam”, or “I Am”, followed by Arthur. “I Am Arthur”.

He was labor induced on the Solstice (June 21st) and from what I know during an eclipse.

He was micro-chipped at age 12 and is the head of The Order of the Garter which is the most prestigious order of knighthood in Britain. Founded in 1348 by King Edward III the order is said to have made up the King Arthur’s Knights of the Round table and used to usher in the Once and Future King. In fact Prince Williams’ initiation took place in 1999 and actually aired on C-Span and I think it’s still up on YouTube.

Don’t forget that Kate Middleton dressed up in Mia Farrow’s Rosemary’s Baby dress when they introduced Prince George (another contender for AntiChrist).

Think for a second about this. She wore a dress identical to the dress worn by Mia Farrow in the film Rosemary’s baby which is about a woman who literally gives birth to the Antichrist. Also take note that the film was directed by satanist Roman Polanski and had, from what I know, Anton Levey (founder of the Church of Satan) play the Satan scenes.

Another EXTREMELY weird coincidence is that Prince George’s birth date just happens to be exactly 666 years since the Order of the Garter was founded (depending on what month it was founded).

I’m leaving stuff out but it is really weird.

1 year ago
Reply to  ncdanger

I can’t image why I would have gotten a vote down. Makes no sense. I think my post is the most interesting of all of them, and I’m very neutral so as to not step on anyone’s toes.

Simon Dennis
Simon Dennis
1 year ago
Reply to  ncdanger

This is good information sir. Its a thumbs up from me.

1 year ago
Reply to  ncdanger

There are toes who will get hurt everywhere. You cannot please everyone all the time.

1 year ago
Reply to  ncdanger

I saw a documentary about Polanski and how his wife was pregnant when he made that movie. They had her go to that house in the movie and drink some kind of strange bloody dark drink before they did the ritual where they brutally murdered her. It was actually more interesting I’ll post it if I can find it again but from what I remember they were following parts of the script without her wanting to in real life.

Last edited 1 year ago by marie
1 year ago

It could be anyone with the name gematria totaling six hundred and sixty six. It is human though and this thing will turn its back on Israel, first declaring peace then desecrating the temple.

We will have to wait and see. Only the 33 degree masons and high level profane know this.