
New Twitter Logo mirrored image. Compass & Square Masonry-"X" Marks the Spot.

New Twitter Logo mirrored. Compass & Square Masonry-“X” Marks the Spot.

Elon Musk is 100% a NWO WEF fraud. Like Bill Gates, never actually invented anything or contributed to his companies.
Why else do you think he hired a top WEF agent as Twitter CEO? It’s called a NWO Hegelian dialectic. Elon is one side of NWO total control CBDC coin, representing the “good guy”

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Simon Dennis
Simon Dennis
1 year ago

So glad you confirmed this. I noticed the lining seemed to have masonic parallels but can now see its meant to be inverted. Top work sir!

1 year ago

“Double cross”

1 year ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

Thats what Elon is doing to the conspiracy theoriests.

hollow logs
hollow logs
1 year ago

Most definitely correct.
& like 🏳️‍🌈💵 Gates,
Musk🍉 is likely a host to Minion ars Goetia.

1 year ago
Reply to  hollow logs

What is Minion ars Goetia? I will look it up! I guess it means worshipping Satan?

1 year ago

He met with Epstein, photographed himself with Maxwell, paraded around in a jacket emblazoned with the phrase “New World Order”, his mother routinely does the one eye sign in her photo sessions, his concubines are typical MKUltra pawns of the “entertainment” industry, he said explicitly when urged to convert that he wants to go to hell, he supports all the major planks of the Davos agenda (global carbon tax, “basic income”, world government, microchipping, etc.), and so on and on and on. He’s a blatant Luciferian puppet and it boggles the mind that any of the supposedly “awakened”/”politically incorrect”/”anti-regime” individuals believe that he is on “their side”.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jakub

I’ve read that the costume he wears in his pfp is called the devil’s champion. No wonder. It’s like fox news and CNN, both are corrupt and full of B.S., but one is catered to the less easily B.S.’d people with values. So Elon pretending to be against the “system” is more subversive and therefore more dangerous in my opinion.

Last edited 1 year ago by ryan
1 year ago
Reply to  Jakub

‘Neuralink’ (killed many monkeys in dreadful experiments) will accomplish another WEF/Globalist goal of Transhumanism ie humans become part machine part human but of course the human part will be subservient to the machine part run by the psychopaths currently Depopulating the planet using many methods. Schwab, head of WEF (with his close friend, student for decades, ‘King’ Charles) openly says that most must die using many methods from wars (causing starvation, death, destruction of families and societies so that the rich can steal all assets including banks), pandemics, starvation, toxins in food, water, air, environment.. Notice how many ‘accidental’ derailments of trains full of very dangerous toxins recently in America and elsewhere? Also death of most wildlife including cattle, poultry and that also is happening with the destruction of thousands of farms (in Holland farmers committing suicide in such high numbers it was in the usually bought MSM). The (Gates, Fauci etc) ‘vaccines’ are killing multi millions and more also sterilising so that birthrates are plummeting – he has been injecting in Africa, India etc for decades causing what must be billions of deaths and sterilisations. The lies they tell about ‘overpopulation’ are believed because MSM is complicit as is Social Media often.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jakub

Musk is also WEF trained apparently and has appointed WEF as head of Twitter now

1 year ago
Reply to  Jakub


Last edited 1 year ago by Neve
1 year ago

Nice catch mate.

1 year ago

Spot on!!

1 year ago

@deletetheelite i love your posts, this website would be nothing without contributors like you. Thank you

1 year ago

Musk’s father is the greatest illuminist slaver of the past 50 years; controlling the largest portion of apartheid diamond mines of South Africa, upon which their entire fortune is built.

Musk Jr himself has followed in Daddy’s African genocidal footsteps with Cobalt in the Congo, and was completely bankrupted twice, and then saved financially by In-Q-Tel (US Military Industrial Complex financier) with contract stipulations that make him essentially owned by then for life.


Thank you so much for doing this.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

The economist of Elon 2022 mirrored

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Read Right to Left (or mirrored) NW0 WEF => FEW OWN…

We are told, but who listens?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

The symbol splits into a Diamond with angles:

70-70 and 110-110 degrees, just as 7-11, making 77 the mark of LaMech. Where any triangle with 110 degrees other two angles sum to 70 (Pythagoras…)

1.22173047639 and 1.91986217718 Radians

1.22173047639 is the Compton Frequency of the Proton.

19.1986217718/21 Gives the Radian Angle of the great pyramid of Giza.

x compass.jpg
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

X is supposed to be the all app for managing finances, Ids, health, government bureaucracy, and control all facets of a human life.
Wechat is the Chinese example to follow. I wonder how will it work with other players?

1 year ago
Reply to  wildeer


They are playing game of thrones. Divide and conquer; If you aren’t part of the club, you are goyim, cattle. Orwell wasn’t kidding with the whole “animal farm.”

What is it that all of the luciferian houses symbols have in common? They utilise ambush and/or scavenger predators: Dragons, Snakes, Jackals, Eagles, Lions, Vultures, Ravens. The creeping vine that strangles the world, Jacks bean stalk, sometimes also called “the worm,” (such as in Celtic mythology) like a tapeworm that infects the host and starves it.

Hence the saying it’s “dog eat dog.” In their game, if you aren’t the predator you are prey. The difference being, the ambush predators fight over who gets to devour the cattle, eventhough all of their goals are the same, to devour the cattle/Sheeple/Goyim.

There are of course rules to this game, always the Luciferians love their rules of “honor”; hence all of the initiations, passion plays, and obsession with strict hierarchy.

Hiera = Horus the Reborn Sun, see his city Hiera-Kain-apolis in ancient Kemet. It is also refers to Iron, and ferromagnetism, like Hierro in Spanish.
Archy = the Arches, as Royal Arch Fr33mas0nry, as the arches of heaven, as the Arc of an electromagnetic Arc lamp or any electric current jumping a circuit gap.

The Aryeh Yehudah, the shepherd kings, are viewed as an obstacle for the wolves who desire this end. Neither predators, nor prey, defenders against the devouring of all the sheep through trickery and deception.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem, that’s exactly my question: how this luciferian code of honor works?
I read this news about this MMA fight: “An official from Italy’s ministry of culture has reportedly reached out to Twitter and Tesla head Elon Musk and Meta boss Mark Zuckerberg to coordinate a fight at the historic Colosseum in Rome ”
I guess this fight is more than showtime, what do you think?

1 year ago
Reply to  wildeer

I’ll give you a few of the basic rules:

1) Oath of Silence by all parties (Harpocrates)
2) Lucifer is Big G (god… Isiah 65:11)
3) All orders of hierarchy followed
4) Murder of made-men not Approved
5) Mutual Aide against any Goyim
6) Sacrifices of one’s own family
7) Initiates dirty secrets must be revealed with sufficient evidence to destroy the initiate at will

If you would like some books that can give you further sense of the basics:

1. Codex MAGIka, and Conspiracy World by Texe Marrs and really anything by Texe Marrs is a good introduction
2. The Order by Anthony Sutton (Skull and Bones)
3. Committee of 300 by John Coleman (Undercover World of British Control of worldwide Drug Trade)
4. The Mystery Babylon Series by Bill Cooper, particularly the first 12 episodes.
5. Jordan Maxwell’s early material on governmental workings and the destruction of the US government

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


See above, forgot to tag you before.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


From Texe Marrs – quote from In 1990. Given the launch of WorldCoin and CBDCs imminently on the horizon, let’s say he got this one right.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem it’s a pure pleasure to read your comments, thank you.
It seems to me that the plan or at least the vision of what we live now was already from end 19th and early 20th century in place, i used to read literature from that period. The movie (Metropolis,1927) is a good example.
I wonder how can they plan for the next 100 or more years? predict technologies to be discovered in advance? with actors like Elon, Gates, different presidents … how is the casting done? How do they decide which family, which person gets which role? I once read that the military hierarchy system is the same as demons structure!

1 year ago
Reply to  wildeer

It’s not humans doing the planning. And it’s been planned for a lot longer than 200 years. One of the things that convinced me of the reality of all of this was finding out that the Roman poet Virgil is the source of the phrase New World Order. He wrote about the prophecies of the Sibyl, the oracle at Delphi. One of those records prophesies the Antichrist. The spirit behind the Sibyl was the Great Goddess of the ancient world, who is the feminine half of Satan, called out in the Bible as the Scarlet Woman. That thing is depicted in the Statue of Liberty, the present of French Masons to American ones. And the New World Order of the Antichrist era is noted on the one dollar bill, mentioned in that blurb 444Gem posted about money and alchemy. The phoenix is the alchemical symbol of the reign of the Antichrist, burning the world to the ground and rebuilding it in the image of its “god” Lucifer. They were happy to show that symbol to us at the London Olympics, which is a celebration of Hercules, who is another version of Satan, in its masculine form.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Imagine letting Elon Musk put a chip in your brain. He would promise you superpowers with it, and instead make you a mind controlled slave in a family cobalt mine.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour


Thank you for articulating this so incredibly well. What a breathe of fresh air to read your wisdom.

In Monkeys Chapter X I tried to elucidate the mechanics of the Venus-Benu Bird-Pheonix-Fanax (Venus refracting light low on the horizon) sacrifice cycle and the timing of the democratic National convention nominating Biden-Horus “Bet on Horus” with Musks purchase of twitter for $44 Billion and his subsequent comment, “The bird is free,” followed by the Seoul (again said “SOL,” like Sol-a-Mon the sun king of Lucifer) Crowd Crush sacrifice the exact same day. As usual it is timed to the Venus orbital cycle, the sacrifice cycle recorded as far and wide in the ancient texts from the Mayas to Babylonians. He announced the release of Lucifer, the Ba of Ra, the avian spirit body of the Lord of Light, Ba-Ra-Abban.

Musk’s app for controlling the monetary system is now called the Phoenix App. Texe Marrs, while making the error of timing (nobody knows the day or the hour), was correct in the 1990s in identifying the Phoenix as the global digital platform:currency that would power the AI world brain, harvesting all of our brain and body data to run the program, that Buckninster Fuller displayed in its prototype form back in the early 70s.


It is not humans running the show. These are all puppets, all of them. Puppets of something much larger, and more sinister than you may want to imagine. They are chosen because their bloodlines have chosen service to Lucifer many, many millenia ago, and have been bred to be the perfect, sadistic eunuchs of the Grest Mother. What do all these Tech wonderkids have in common?

1) They are Autistic, and thus incapable of operating without support
2) They are from multigenerational openly genocidal families. See the Bush Family, The “Gates” Family, and Musk’s family of multigenerational genocide
3) Their parents are operators of the Us military industrial complex, and they themselves are financially and operationally beholden to In-Q-Tel, MITRE, the CI@ and a number of other black ops shadow government organizations; which are only the doorway to the abomination of desolation which lies underneath.

I would urge you to read the Thirteen Monkeys Series, which may offer you some perspective on the scope and breadth of the matter at hand. Since the previous Kata-Astro-Phi ~12888 years ago, the NW0 has been rebuilding.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Thank you, Gem. I applied myself for many years to study world religion because it seemed to me that the most important question to answer in life is the God question. We moderns live in a confused and conditioned world, by design. I have made great personal sacrifices to learn, but we need to know where we are, otherwise we are stumbling through twilight shadows into the path of mortal danger.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

The media has run wild lately with the “Barbenheimer” movie opening weekend, but I keep thinking about the Krishna quote from the Bhagavad Gita that Oppenheimer supposedly uttered, “Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.” In the context of the X phoenix rebrand and the hottest temperatures on record, so hot that Greek islands are spontaneously combusting, the timing of that film release with that quote is more than a little disturbing. After Sinead O’Connor’s death, I notice the song Troy playing a lot, too, with its lyrics about “the phoenix from the flame.” The archetypes are running as wild as the press.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour


The Bird is Free, as they say… AI world brain is running the timings, coordination, and release of everything, now being essentially fully operational in harvesting, and manipulating the world’s brain and body in real time.

Scalar Weapons in a full earth scalar net (starlink), and AI running the information, messages, and a large portion of the population’s thinking patterns. War and Rumours of War, great earthquakes…

The day for Stage I of the great reset passed a few days ago.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour


I would also urge caution against being “anomos,”(without the name, the HaShem of YHWH) as Yeshua specifically warned. The name ‘god’ is unequivocally an epithet for Lucifer, the firey Ba’al God (“ball god”). Isaiah 65:11 Tables for Fortune and Wine for Destiny, in the original Aryeh Yehudah:

Fortune = God, the ancient name for Ba’al for those who desired material wealth, and yes the Sun.
Destiny = Meni, said “Money” and yes, the Moon.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

At this point, I go through Jesus for all my spiritual needs rather than try to approach the Most High directly, but point taken.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Which language is ‘Meni’ etc from?

1 year ago
Reply to  neve

@neve Meni in this case is Hebrew. It is also a reference to the Norse Lunar deity Mani, whose brother is Sol.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Is worshipping the sun and the moon evil? It seems that many cultures do or did worship natural phenomena like this ie nature including Egyptian dynasty where the people were forced to abandon their many Gods and worship the ‘Aten’ ie the sun – the sun gives life on earth as we know so worshipping it does not necessarily mean greed it seems for people who did or do so. Worshipping the moon also not necessarily for greed but because it seems to have some power over humans eg ‘lunatics’ because when a full moon human behviour apparently can be more unruly eg more crimes one study found etc.

Would you tell me why Lucifer is linked to the sun? You are quoting the Bible I can see which I have not researched fully. We are told that ‘God’ is all good all powerful etc when we learn about religion or I was taught that but given how much evil is in the world I find that difficult to believe. God might be all good but if all powerful woudl all these atrocities be occurring eg millions of children a year used for Satanic purposes or just money etc?

I would like to find out more on this very interesting subject so wonder if you know of any good sources, links?

1 year ago
Reply to  neve

@neve @444gem

1 year ago
Reply to  neve

@neve I’ve copy pasted this from a different post:
For basic symbols of masonry and deeper religious backgrounds:
1) Codex Magika by Texe Mars
2) Baphomet the Temple Mystery Unveiled: Tracy Twyman
3) Mystery Babylon Series by Bill Cooper and His book: Behold a Pale Horse (particularly the first portion on electrical conductivity and economics)
4) The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Societies and Hidden History by John Michael Greer
For basic Qabala and Numerology:
1) The Secret Science of Numerology Shirley Blackwell Lawrence
For basic understanding of NW0 governmental systems:
1) The Committee of 300 and Tavistpck Institute of Human Relations by John Coleman
2) The Order by Anthony C. Sutton and just about anything else by him
3) The Occult Reich by James Herbert Brennan
For Foretelling of future plans and exposure for the divine pact by NW0 authors themselves:
1) The Technotronic Era by Zbigniew Brzezinski
2) The Open Conspiracy by H.G Welles
3) Operation Manual for Spaceship Earth and Grunch of Giants by Buckmonster Fuller
”The Conspirators Hierarchy: The Committee of 300″ (aanbevolen door iemand anders)
Esoteric Texts for understanding luciferian thinking:
1) The Aprocryphon of John
2) Secret Teachings of All Ages Manley P Hall
3) The Key of Solomon and the Zohar
4) Seven Treatises of Manichaeism
For biblical sources, the easiest to access and cheapest are the inter linear bibles available online and the Q Bible. Strong’s contains valuable quick reference for the reader newly diving into the original texts from English.
One of the most important skills in reading is having a grasp on the ancient history, mythology, and thought. Much of the texts use language association, intertextual references, phonetic similarities, word counts, order cues to convey underlying messages.
Books for Ancient History and Thought:
1) Graham Hancock Fingerprint of the Gods
2) Hamlet’s Mill by Giorgio de Santanilla
3) An Essay Investigating the Origina of Human Knowledge and Transmission by the same authors as above

1 year ago
Reply to  Vesica_Pisces

Very nice, thank you!

1 year ago
Reply to  neve

No, it is not. However, what most people forget, is Earth.

There are many sources, but I wish to point out that regardless of the sources one reads, no matter how well written, one can never, ever, do justice to direct knowing. For when it comes to verbalization we cannot verbalize the Truth, only our vision of the Truth, which is, invariably, selective and therefore distorted, for HOW does one verbalize THAT which is beyond verbalization? Or do you really think that “the Truth” – with a Capital T, can actually be verbalized? The idea is laughable to me, for if we merely consider what is known about the physical expression of the manifest universe it in and of itself is infinite, truly, I am not using hyperbole when I say it is neverending, so what does some star system or galaxy some 15 or 500 or 3000 light years away from ours have to do with what is happening on this planet at this time? Not very much at all, in most instances. And yet… Even if this planet were to be destroyed tomorrow, as tragic as that might be to those of us here on its surface, the rest of the known Cosmos will continue on, just fine, no problem, and so perspective must be remembered, the Universe does NOT revolve around our Sun and certainly not our Planet and most certainly not some Cabal of demonically infested sorcerers. Which is why so many various traditions have a bit of truth in them, some more than others, yet all of them, invariably, at one point or another, have a bit of falsehood sprinkled in too. It is the Law. For our Solar System. In other words, this Solar System, is not an absolute system, where Truth and only Truth are known. Such Solar Systems do exist though. Lies are prevalent here, and in fact, are allowed or part of the design, because of the knowledge gained. They call this “Free Will”. For instance, how many here have ever considered that their knowledge has increased as a result of having to seek in order to fend off the onslaughts of the oligarchy, who “report” to a hierarchy of advanced beings, some of which are positive in orientation and some of which are negative in orientation? And then THANKED those negative beings for showing them what I AM NOT. The thing which upsets so many is that they think because they do not agree with something or someone that therefore it must be evil or destroyed and they gleefully rub their hands waiting for that day when they are certain retribution will be leveled, but they will be sadly mistaken. Now that is not to say that I am justifying the atrocities conducted by the oligarchy which are becoming more heinous by the day, for it has gotten out of hand, and the Guardians of the Race are essentially conducting a salvage mission because of how dark and negative this planet is fast becoming. And should it go truly out of hand, well, Christ will clean it up yet that is no guarantee any of us will be around in these physical meat suits to experience the aftermath. I say Christ, not Jesus, as that story too is one of the falsehoods that the oligarchy of negatively oriented beings have perpetrated upon humanity over the millenia, which I will not address in full detail now, other than to ask how many people ever actually give consideration to “Who Wrote the Bible” and how much of it is distorted/edited/redacted, and by whom, for what purpose, not to mention that the “Buy Bull” pertains to merely the West as very very few in the East give a rat’s a*s about that Book of plagiarized writings which were later edited and condensed into a collection of allegorical and symbolic truth but now mistaken today too often to be literal and historical fact, which is NOT true, considering the atrocities of the Unholy See and their long program of pedophilia, rape, blood sacrifice, including the claims that they nailed their “God” to a tree, who was born of the “Immaculate Ejaculate” and which is a religion responsible, literally, for more murders and killings than any other religion throughout history, (hundreds of millions) but hey, ignore those inconvenient facts if the “solemnity” and the “word-smith games” of the high sounded superiority of condemnation and condescending makes one feel better, right? I refer to the Vatican as what it is, an Unholy See, because they ARE seers, but their abilities come through forced mechanical means and ritualistic atrocities, rather than natural and harmonious unfolding. But that is just it, see, the point is for people to learn polarity in order to make a conscious CHOICE as to whether to be positive or negative in their own frequency vibration, their OWN actions, their own thoughts, emotions, and it is obvious to see when looking out into the sea of humanity today that very very very very VERY FEW people are ACTUALLY conscious, in the true sense of the word. (English is extremely limited in its ability to purvey nuance of meaning and multi-expression, which is the Reality, vs the limited and selective relay of Words). It is much easier to see the negative in others, namely the Oligarchy aka Celebs, famous personalities, etc, and then to BLAME THEM for their choice to be negative, which is also negative in its own way, rather than to see it in one self or more to the point, as an opportunity to CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSE to be positive, even in the face of evil. And yes, there really is Evil with a Capital E, yet even that is only the reversal of what it means to truly LIVE (since I see many are now starting to see that the NWO WEF do indeed think of themselves as the FEW who OWN, but make no mistake, they are instead owned by higher density forces of negative polarity and so seek to add to their numbers in order to “climb the ladder” to nowhere or in order to have power over others, just as their slave masters have power over them, it is the nature of a negatively oriented hierarchy, and the truth is, we do not own anything, truly, for what do you think you will take with you when your time here is up, as Mother Earth will not allow you to take even a single atom) Instead, most people are compulsive and reactionary and all too often capitulate to the enormous force of energy and current which is unleashed by the nonsense conducted by the Cult of Satanic Criminals, forces who are appointed into certain positions of “power” on this planet, IN EXCHANGE for the energy they both tap into and will be subsumed by once their expiration date arrives. A little temporary fame and fortune to then later be energetically/spiritually subsumed into the hierarchy of darkness is a really bad deal in my opinion and one I would personally never make, but that is, again, just it. Not something I would do. But clearly something that others, many others, do in fact do, regardless of whether they are CONSCIOUS of their CHOICE or not. For we ALL make a CHOICE in our lives and thoughts and words and actions, it is just that very few people are AWARE in any real way of the choices they make. As I said, most people are compulsive, in their belief systems, prejudices, criticisms and judgments, (not to mention drug, food, sex, consumption, et al) all because of a very very very LONG LINE of negatively oriented positions and people upon this planet. This topic in and of itself can take up hundreds of pages to simply start to scratch the surface, but please realize that some 2000 years or so (leading up to now) is NOTHING but a blip, a mere second, in terms of the true history of humanity and what it actually means to BE HUMAN. It is NOT the form, or the physical, which is your arms and legs and torso, inner organs, skin, eyes, hair, etc, ALL OF WHICH is a result of the programming designed and unfolds according to the DNA ala genetics, which is the answer to ‘why’ the oligarchy and its minions are so obsessed with genealogy. This is very technical, but essentially there is no single “god” that created the current receptacles or bodies in which our spirits reside (for those who do have a soul and a spirit, and trust me, not everyone walking around this planet today does, which is one of the ancient secrets) but instead we are an experiment of sorts which has mingled genetics and DNA from various off world and very very ancient life. In that respect, it was millions of years ago, some say about 5 MYA and others 21 MYA, but the point is not about when, the time, but about what, the happening, which is, essentially, humanity, EN MASSE, actually “fell” on account of a “battle” which took place in higher spiritual realms than this our very dense (And painful) physical plane and in that battle the “good guys” actually lost and the “bad guys” tampered with the original design and blueprint of humanity by reducing our former 12-strand DNA into the current 2-strand DNA which exists today. This is what is known as “The Fall” in almost all major religions, which were initially developed as a means to record and relay to people from whence they came for those who desire and seek to find a way to “restore” and “repair” the damage done in becoming true to our original blueprint, that is, 12-stranded DNA beings, which is also the “Return” or “Ascension” – meaning an ability to again exist in that State of Being, which still is, outside of this dense physical plane, by finding our way “Home”. Initial design is such that we were 12-stranded DNA beings, obviously not referring to the dense physical plane as it now is, or the bodies which we now inhabit, was the “Source” and not religion as it exists today, at all, as again, nearly all major religions today are merely vortexes of energy which feed the negative hierarchy. I realize many on this website have their faith in some form of what is today called Christianity, but those ancient truths have been entirely co-opted and corrupted according to the energy centres built into the earth with all of the mechanical grids and obelisks (built into the earth many aeons ago) which is why the major cities are built the way that they are, usually along ley lines and with a reversal of electromagnetic current since the destruction of Atlantis. The major players of today, on the world stage, such as the gangster banksters and their cabal of pedophilia, drug, arms and human trafficking, etc, are in fact the reincarnated Dark Lords who were actually responsible for the destruction of Atlantis and we, humanity, are seeing a replay of those events along electro-magnetic currents as karma must repeat itself. It should be noted that they deliberately set about being negative, as negative as they can be, because of certain decisions made, again, many aeons ago, but in essence they are seeking to transform Earth into a negatively polarized planet for certain reasons I will refrain from going into now. This is also where the ancient myths originate, (The Fall) as there was a time in our far far far ancient past in which the abilities displayed by the “Gods” of ancient Greece, Rome, India, Sumeria, Mesopatamia, etc, etc, were the natural birthright of humanity, which, again, you must not think of as individual separated units, as we experience on the physical plane, but as a truly Spiritual entity, that is, not having physical form and dense materiality as we MUST experience here upon this planet. In other words, what I refer to is a time PRIOR to humanity appearing upon Earth, or Earth even being the planet as it is today (the atmosphere differed and oxygen content was not what it is today) but that is not really the point, other than to demonstrate that it is ENTIRELY thanks to Mother Earth that we have physical bodies, for where does yours come from? Where does your body come from? The food that you eat. Where does the food that you eat come from? I know some of the younger generation will say “the supermarket” or “door dash” or “taco bell”, but no, the food that you eat, whether it is plant/vegetable or mineral or animal, comes from the Earth, and it is to the Earth which your remains will go when your time, your journey, upon this dream world is up. This is such a glaringly obvious fact of life that it never ceases to amaze me how frequently people ignore the simple truth in favor of complex thought, because there is NO WAY in which you or I or anyone, can have and occupy a physical body, thus experience the physical plane, here on Earth, without the SACRIFICE made by Mother Earth to lend to us her sub-stance so that we may live. In that respect, to return to the start, no, it is not evil to worship the Sun or Moon, but so many, sadly, ignore Mother Earth for what is willingly given so that we may live and breathe here. I will have to also add though that the Moon, as hauntingly beautiful and poetic as she may seem to be to many, is in fact a construct (And there are ancient texts which speak of a time on Earth prior to the Moon being placed in her orbit) that was installed, so to speak, by the negatively oriented hierarchy, as a means of both equalizing force as well as serving as a “feeding” station for the negatives. What I am saying is, take care, if you choose to worship the Moon. Or the Earth. Or even the Sun. For the OUTER FORM is not what truly rules the inner planes of life, but again, it is not evil to do so because everyone has their own way of giving expression that it does not truly matter, if one is pure in intent and desire to give thanks by their chosen means of worship. The fundamentalists will surely react to this, missing the point by a mile, claiming the Buy Bull and the Unholy See have all the answers, but see, I no longer Buy Bull and though I readily admit I am not, yet, entirely free, I do see that releasing all the nonsense accumulated over the past few millenia, including manufactured prophecies and false prophets, sick gods, i.e. the negative hierarchy, is indeed the way to go, for me, personally. Travel well on your journey, may you realize what you seek.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

And I saw that there was a vigil for Sinead at Phoenix Park in Dublin, where there is a very tall obelisk, the solar nest of the bennu bird.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

Any burning in the world is carried out by arsonists – temperatures are not any hotter than previous years/hot spells. This is a fraud to scare people into being locked down to ‘Save the Planet’ and be charged money for not travelling out of their 15 minute zones (already happening in UK and other countries) ie people trapped in cities with thousands of cameras are easier to enslave than travelling ones etc. Drone cameras have caught arsonists setting fire in a few countries – just look online and see its not conspiracy. Globalists ie those who want one government to rule the world which is them.. invent many frauds to enslave and kill..’Global Warming’ is called fraud by hundreds of climatologists and experts worldwide but these people are not allowed to to be heard on MSM & all news is owned by these psychopaths. Climate ‘Lockdowns’ are the goal as is Depopulation of billions.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Yeah, people like Elon were definetly made for their roles. They also remind me a bit of the Mentats in the Dune series. In the books, everyone, especially people in the Great Houses are selectively bred – even the protagonists, Paul and his son Leto II who were bred specifically to serve as a Messiah figure.

But what are the odds of being descended from a Luciferian family? I noticed some things about my family that made me consider the possibility.

Some of my ancestors were high-ranking military officers in Yugoslavia. Like many others they also fought in the war in the 90’s for our country’s independence.
Apparently, we can trace our origins back to nobility in Bosnia, before the Ottoman invasions sent them running, but there is not much information about them as I wasn’t even able to find their coat of arms. Lost their influence, perhaps?

However, these things aren’t necessarily evidence of evil actions. For now, it seems like we are just a regular family, but I could be wrong.
Is there anything more specific I should be looking for in my family’s history that would make me know for sure if I come from a line that devoted themselves to Satan?

In any case, I’m looking for a way to protect myself from the Beast system, besides the obvious – not getting any cybernetic enhancements or suspicious injections.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

Depopulation of 99% of ‘Useless Eaters’ is the agenda of World Economic Forum which trains world leaders who now run many countries. Those left to be attached and run by AI. (brain chips etc) Head of WEF, Klaus Schwab boasts about this ie psychopath who has no conscience & says his club of billionaires, royals etc own the world. All the fires, floods, huge numbers of animals, birds, fish found mysteriously dead last few months are the work of these very evil people. Musk is WEF trained also – he appears not to agree with some of their plans but who knows if he is sincere or not? His ‘Neuralink’ is disturbing although he says it is to help brain injured…

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Where are teh ‘Aryeh Yehudah’ mentioned please? I would like to find out more if possible ie they are neither predators nor prey etc.

1 year ago
Reply to  neve

@neve type Thirteen Monkeys in the search bar. You will find a lot of information to start from.

1 year ago
Reply to  Vesica_Pisces

I call bluff on your monkeys. Lies supporting each other. Why don’t you tell him directly ?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Thats awesom. WEF in reverse is “FEW”. As in the FEW who control the many.

1 year ago
Reply to  rick


Exactly! The FEW who OWN everything…


1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

LOL you lunatic wordplay master.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Most of the information about the current Global Genocide is hidden so it is not so easy to know the truth and that is how the psychopaths like it. Millions are dying from the ‘vaccines’ but not one person is in MSM mentioning this and when one British MP did he was sacked. The Globalists are wealthy enough to own all news and information & even boast that they do eg Schwab as usual. Vaccinated people are Transhuman ie part machine blood and have a ID number on the internet; ‘The Internet of Things’ People are things that can be modified, programmed, patented ie owned.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Thankyou these facts are very important because we are encouraged by MSM Social Media etc to see Musk Jnr as a ‘good guy” despite the fact that he is WEF trained, he has added a new boss to ‘X’ (Twitter) who is WEF and has started to censor posts etc which is not as noticeable as previously but who knows how far it will go? He has launched thousands of satellites into orbit around the earth all beaming 5G on us apparently and of course they may well be able to monitor all we do in readiness for the Social Credit System, total enslavment by WEF & other Globalists. I tried to post the picture of the ‘double X’ on ‘X’ (Twitter) but although the tweet was accepted I saw no trace of it on the site after. The most worrying aspect about Musk would see to be his ‘Neuralink’ brain implant which killed many monkeys apparently before being ‘ready’ for humans…. As you probably know, one WEF agenda being carried out for decades is Depopulation of billions ie most people and even animals Those allowed to live (who are not billionaires etc (or maybe the dead also knowing how evil these psychopaths are) will have their brains implanted and so be programmable semi human semi machine creations. This Transhumanist agenda has been started already apparently with the ‘vaccines’ or to be accurate ‘Bioweapons containing nano entities which are able to colonise the human body, and destroy the body from inside while doing so. And more of course. People who have been injected apparently have a ‘MAC’ number online although vax batches vary so not all possibly. It seems that all systems are captured so that the only hope for the human race is for the people themselves to destroy the destroyers before they achieve their goals.

Mrs. Joe Strummer
Mrs. Joe Strummer
1 year ago
Reply to  neve

Elon came across as “likeable”…I thought that he had a great sense of humor. Please, no criticism…yes, I was naive and unwisely looked for the best in People. That has changed. But I knew his background (WEF, his Mom’s Occult obsession) and his prior Profile Twitter pic of his “Halloween” Baphomet costume made me want to vomit. Then when he released the new X logo, it was so blatantly obvious with the Freemasonry, etc Symbolism and just cold, dark & soulless. I figured that he was “playing” both sides…

But I have gained much knowledge & insight from this source site and also the comment sections. A shout out to Everyone & their unique opinions! 👏

Yes, I’m a dork. 🤓

1 year ago

its annoying how politics blind people to the wolf in their midst.

1 year ago

Very interesting … the single line forms an egyptian pyramid. V FOR VENUS? Vendetta?

Last edited 1 year ago by rick
1 year ago
Reply to  Rick


The V is for Vav, or “Waw.” It is the 6th letter of Hebrew, V, V = 66, and the X is for Osiris, being 600 in Greek. It is the mark of the beast 666.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

not only…
V is 5… and 5 is S … so 55 (YHWH) or VV (X mirrored or not) is SS !
V value is 22… so 11 and 11… this mean the basis of the universal cross with abscissa and ordinate axis equals to 1 -1 and 1 -1
V value 22 means 22 month = 666 days

The most important of the small door is at:
Apocalypse 22:2

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

🙏 thank you for the wisdom.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

X stand for knowledge (olders civilizations history worldwide pyramids and quantic and nano technology), all that FM are hidding to populations since centuries and all the TV shows documentaries and false scientist are just lies…
Thanks to the X, humans will be ants slaves for the Elite. Elite will enter into cerebral immortality and have opened resurection of the Prince of liars Predator thanks to the IA and Master black frequency.

X = 10 = IA
XX (3D rotate view) = 20 (Base 20 T Time) = IAAI (911) = 1961 (AIIA) = I8I = The door II to infinite Immortality

E-A Enki AYA
“The name of the Sumerian deity Enki can be broken down into Sumerian into, “Lord”, and ki, often translated as “Earth”, but which actually refers to the “Below”, the underworld located below the surface of the earth, counterpart of Heaven (an). Enki is indeed the god of groundwater, which, according to Mesopotamian cosmology, flows between the surface of the earth and the Underworld, space called the “Abyss” (abzu/Apsu).”

1 year ago

This X logo (alone not mirrored) show letter I and letter O for Input/Output… This is what Elon and xIA needs to access definitively to our brains. They are obsessed by this because this will be the absolute total humans control on earth. This is the reason why they work and give millions dollars for bluebrain projets ans similars brain decryption…

VIOLENCE I_O is the name of the Album by his wife Grimes in 2019 :

Elon Musk said that dark mode would be the default setting for the social network’s users.

« July 12th 2023
Today we announce the formation of xAI.
The goal of xAI is to understand the true nature of the universe.
We will share more information over the next couple of weeks and months. »

1 year ago
Reply to  Veracruz

X Windows System (X11 old
Windows+X (win10)
IA need Windows from obscurity to our Brains into the light to control us… more and more windows more and more control.

1 year ago

The losange center shows the Rhombohedron.
Rhombohedron is the exact opposite or negation of the cross because you cannot see the hidden cross inside…

Rhombohedron: 8 vertices (SS) – 12 stops (66) – 6 diamonds “These properties are important in crystallography, and make it possible to explain the relationship between trigonal, hexagonal and cubic crystal systems. The cube combines these particular properties, and is therefore a special case of rhombohedron. «

The cube… The bee.. The Hive… The French Hexagone.. Again…
Here with the main cars french manufacturers Renault :

comment image

Question: Rhombohedron will be our head mark of the beast ?
I think the answer is here…

1 year ago
Reply to  Veracruz

I don’t entirely understand this @Veracruz, but it makes a nebulous sort of sense to me, insomuch as the people taken in will act as a hive-mind.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


Christ enemy will need to show Christ his power and total 100% full victory by our submission that can only be a visible sign (only to win)… So each one of us will accept to put it visible somewhere on the body to show the glory of love to the new Master…

What other sign that cross negation can it be?

The Rhombohedron here, remains Aztec carved stones in Mexico (no scientist can explain such precision of engraving and no current means can achieve this)…

comment image

The beast have already been there on earth because humans have a predator from another race (they think they don’t have one) that can control our souls by brain frequencies, and today we are full Babylonians everywhere going into perdition…

Paul James
Paul James
1 year ago

Looks like half of a Star of David.

Muskovitz is NOT what he appears to be, he’s one of them.
