
Found a Picture of the Back of Elon's Satanic Outfit (still wearing in his Twitter bio, btw)

Does Elon Dress Like This Because He Loves God and is Here to Help?

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1 year ago

upside down cross, clever Elon, very clever. Scum.

1 year ago

I’ve never trusted him. Hes apart of it all.

1 year ago

What about the picture of the 4 planets? Is it the future transformation they are planning for earth? Hidden in plain sight as would 444gem say?

1 year ago
Reply to  Portonovo

Plan for mars from red planet terraformation. Still Elon is a satanist

Brian Pierson
Brian Pierson
1 year ago
Reply to  John

Reminiscent of Jared Leto’s band name 30 Seconds From Mars. JL’s not referencing the planet, but a state of war, as symbolized by the name of the Roman god.

Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
1 year ago
Reply to  Portonovo

All 4 are CGI….

David Owen
David Owen
1 year ago
Reply to  Portonovo

I’d say those are two planets, Earth and Mars. Just two different sides.

1 year ago

Combine his love for first player fanatsy video games with : Former Scorpions Bass Player Admits to Attending Snuff Parties
Read More: Former Scorpions Bass Player Admits to Attending Snuff Parties |

and you can presume hes killed many people for fun

1 year ago

a lost soul

1 year ago

He sure liked that costume.. the devils champion.. I mean come on. Is this from an anime or something? or was this costume custom made to show allegiance..

1 year ago
Reply to  KT

Not from any older anime. The newer anime is so full of propaganda and the other is pedo s**t that I won’t go through it.

1 year ago


David Owen
David Owen
1 year ago

When and where was this photo taken? He is obviously illuminati/Satanist family.
But has he turned?

1 year ago
Reply to  David Owen

I think it was a year or two ago.

Brian Pierson
Brian Pierson
1 year ago
Reply to  David Owen

He wore it to the Met Gala.

1 year ago

Pharaoh did not worship God, and used him which delivered Israel from enslavement. Paul was a murderer and yet he was so profoundly changed by Jesus Christ that he wrote some of the New Testament. If you are looking for a perfect man, I am sorry to say you will be waiting a long time. The take away is God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit can inhabit the most sinful people and use them to do very good things. Do you know if he is good or evil? No. Can you be the judge of another man’s heart? No. God can. Jesus can too.

I know it’s distressing to see this symbolism on him.. I feel the same way, but ultimately good things came from Twitter being able to tweet and tough news dropped and continues to reach normal people. We have to trust in God.

1 year ago
Reply to  lenseoftruth

Please research him a little more. He’s got a long line of history being a swindler and liar. He’s here to deceive.

Christa Ford
Christa Ford
1 year ago

Appears it is made from human skin, as well! Monstrous ‘people’!

1 year ago

He is another WEF trained billionaire as are many of the worlds leaders such as Sunak here in UK, also France, Holland, Canada, NZ & many more. The leader of the WEF ie psychopath Schwab, openly says that most ‘Useless Eaters’ ie people must be killed by various means including wars, designed food shortages, toxins in air, food, water and diseases (ie the ‘Pandemic’ and its lethal injections killing badly injuring & sterilising billions of people) WEF is a very evil organisation made up of worlds richest and most powerful who feel they own the world and everyone in it. The agenda is also legalised Paedophilia Schwab says openly and Transhumanism ie our brains minds owned by the Technocrats who will be able to programme people who will be part machine part human hence able to be patented etc. The ‘vaccines’ have added nano bots to the bodies of those injected & these structures have been observed in human blood self assembling into what look like transmitters and receivers and many other objects inducing huge rubbery clots made of non biological materials . None of this is conspiracy unfortunately. In the UK currently we have a WEF government who killed huge numbers during Covid & Lockdowns eg elderly in care homes given killer drug ‘Midazolam by PM Johnson & Health Secretary Hancock. They laughed as they said these elderly needed ‘A Good Death’.. Depopulation, Transhumanism, Social Credit System & more heinous goals. What is Musks part in this horror story?