
ADELE Tour Posters from her 2022/2023 Las Vegas residency …Pyramids,Saturn etc

ADELE Tour Posters from her Las Vegas residency …Pyramids,Saturn,pillars etc

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1 year ago

There’s a definite progression going on.

  1. I think the pyramid is being built through materialization, an act of creation (probably the doing of the demiurge)
  2. After creation comes chaos, because the physical is evil
  3. The chaos is spreading from within to without. The physical is corrupting the spiritual
  4. The cure is light (enlightenment) which comes down from above.
  5. shows the lanterns surrounding
  6. The lanterns are flowing
  7. The lanterns are rising
  8. shows the lanterns coming together to make a single flame, showing a unified consciousness (I’m assuming? I’m not familiar with the symbol). The pyramid is now taller, and is multiplying its layers
  9. The consciousness (?) has doubled
  10. and doubled again, and is rising…
  11. leading to an idyllic paradise, the reign of Saturn
  12. And then the pyramid is gone, perhaps because enlightenment is achieved. Instead, what appears to be a grand city, implying that full wealth and enlightenment is achieved through worship of the god that is between the pillars.
1 year ago
Reply to  paul

I see something similar, except

I see the first frame as, “what we’re going for/hoping for”, wisdom and enlightenment (Sheshat, the Egyptian goddess with the descending ship of wisdom talked about on one of the submarine logo threads).

They started a fire (because fire means sacrifice) and as it got bigger, the background became green (Osiris/death).
She appeals (2) west, then (3) east, then (4) asks the people to sacrifice, then (5) offers them up.

They are sending up what resemble floating lanterns, which, if I’m not mistaken, represent souls – souls being sacrificed?

After enough souls have been sent up (red screen/color of initiation with a river of them turns into placid, purple with them smaller, shining but now in place and we see Adele’s relaxed pose, almost a thankful pause) we begin to see birthing and a mitosis into this realm.
One divides into two, divides into four. And it’s subtle, but her head positioning here shows she is again addressing the worldly audience. In (1) – (4) she is creating a bridge between the world below and the one above. In (5)-(6) she is addressing the heavenly. She gives thanks in (7) and quiets because she is waiting for what she is about to receive and pass on to the world due to the work they’ve just completed. In (8) her hands are up, receiving, by (10) they are down, passing this “great blessing” to the masses.

All this turns into a cheerful but overcast scene of (11) cherry blossoms (?) with Saturn huge in the background and a well, but otherwise only nature, signifying, perhaps, the new world order of spreading communism (so that the self-described overlords get “their” nature back whilst they cram what’s left of us into their cities and ground us from leaving.

The last scene is the culmination of the goddess present, the “ship of wisdom” touched down (gazebo – I’m pretty sure it’s roof likely contains 7 golden rays). In fact, Adele becomes the former pyramid shape as well, and the gazebo/ship is positioned such that it appears she birthed it.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Yours makes more sense. But your point about the positioning of the gazebo is interesting. Domes are symbolic of the feminine, and there’s a god or something positioned inside it. Is that Saturn? Is she giving birth to Saturn? Looks like an Egyptian temple courtyard that they’re in, where they would inaugerate the pharaoh, that is, to imbue him with the spirit of a god so that he is the physical manifestation of that god.

1 year ago
Reply to  paul

This site shows them more clearly, but I still can’t i.d. I’ll have to switch to my other laptop tomorrow.
(as an aside, isn’t the site name interesting?)

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Quickly, I can see it is a statue making “as above, so below” and wearing a garb only around the waist that reminds me of Pan. I can’t make out the hand gesture clearly, but it could be the “V”. It looks like there are 6 bowls surrounding, if each column comes with a bowl. The podium moulding is colors of duality. I don’t have time for more just now, but interested in what you find out.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Ok, so 12 should actually be 1. And there’s another after that as well.
comment image

1 year ago
Reply to  paul

Wow. Let the hunger games begin…Colosseum never meant anything good for commoners and other serfs/slaves.

Zeus and Poseidon…no escape either heaven, earth or seas? Now there are 4 pairs of columns with winged horses presumably emerging from beneath the earth between the 1st two, I imagine the back 2 reflect the same (4 horsemen running freely, 4 corners of the earth). I can’t make out the figure in the back, right and I assume we’re missing another entity, possibly, behind the mount Zeus stands atop.

Definitely sounds like “that’s a wrap”. Sounds like they’re celebrating a job well done in a quieter manner to me, it’s not as crassly an immediate afterparty, those are done and now they are formalizing a more “dignified”, socially acceptable form of celebration they’re going to attempt to convince everyone to join in with them, even as they herd what’s left of us up.

I was reading a comment yesterday and someone stated that what we have been witnessing so far are the humiliation rituals which always follow the overthrow of a kingdom/people. The idea is to, by increments, turn the screw until one day we look up and see what they do with impunity to our own sons and daughters and say to ourselves, “If they can do this to our own children, what can’t they do?” and the answer is “Nothing”. They demoralize to the extent that people give up and the point is not so much that they do it because they like it, but because they know we hate it but can’t do a thing about it. (I don’t entirely agree with that, I think they like it all very much. They’ve been doing it all for far too long in silence and in the dark to not crave it.)

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Whoever is in the back appears to have a recurve bow. Perhaps Apollo? The Destroyer lurking in the back, waiting for his turn after Zeus has finished taking over the world.

1 year ago
Reply to  paul

I can see that now, but what’s on his back? He looks like a stegosaurus.

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I think it’s a cloak. He is being concealed, but the ultimate plan is destruction. Obviously, the “profane” won’t consent to being destroyed, so the destroyer aspect must be disguised and concealed. Here, he is basically barely recognizable, but just enough so that it can be said that he was part of the picture. However, it’s not enough for people to understand that they’re “agreeing” to his place in the plan.

1 year ago
Reply to  paul

More likely Diana the huntress. She was all about human sacrifice.

1 year ago
Reply to  paul

In Hebrew, the name “Adele” means “God is eternal“!

1 year ago
Reply to  Dalai


This is not correct, but is rather a common misconception spread today through “baby names,” websites… The term “Adele” is a transliteration of IDOL. In Hebrew, the term means “Hero,” and is a reference to the Caananite town written עדל “Aidl,” conquered by Joshua, with an added Yam at the end as “Aidlyam.” Yam is the ugaritic Poseidon, and the towns name means “a Refuge by the Sea.” It likewise has become the Greek word Idolon, and the English word Idol, as a reference to this place’s idol worship, and as reference to worshipping deified, heroic humans as Idols.

Esoterically her name is actually ADA, which means gnosis and el, the Canaanite corruption of Alohim. It can also be interpreted as a-Dele where the A means “not,” and Dele is the word דלה which means “to draw from the well,” an I tepretation od “don’t draw from the well.” As Yeshua said, those who drink from his well shall never thirst; Sea water doesn’t quench thirst.

The picture posted with the coliseum type photo has 8 pillars, with IDOL being the 9th, representing the Ennead/Navagranha as Horus the reborn sun, the golden Idol for worship. If you count all of the figures it makes 13, the 13 lunar months every 3 years, the 13 MOON keys.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Thank you for the explanation, from the feeling i don’t know why but it seems to me that number 11 is the ugliest, most satanic one.
I am looking forward to your analysis for these posters.
Thank you

1 year ago

Was at a Chris Stapleton concert a few weeks ago at the old Great Woods venue in Mansfield MA. We were sitting out on the grass. Chris posits himself as a conservative, non-mainstream country singer. His wife was with him on stage and also sang. Half way through the show I suddenly saw a freaking PYRAMID was his actual background with a light that I thought looked like the moon above it. It was subtle, the coloring not very stark. But at that moment I figured, yup. And of course there were literally dozens of people lighting up weed, totally oblivious.
The show at that point became not ominous, but definitely felt different to me. THIS STUFF IS LITERALLY EVERWHERE.

1 year ago

The Isosceles triangle’s vertex angle is .913 radians. This is one of the greatest secrets hiding in plain sight.

Berashid = 913

91.3 million miles to the sun at Perigree.

1 year ago

In every pic, Adele is inside the pyramid. They are trying to show you that she’s owned by the pyramid itself : The ELITE. She’s hold captive by them and they won’t let her free at any cost.

1 year ago

I’ll just add that 10 looks like a woman’s special part… just in case there’s some “rebirth”, worshipping the mother, or feminine symbolism going on.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hope

Just my interpretation, but I think it represents the portal through which the “blessing” is to pass through, which I mentioned here:

” In (5)-(6) she is addressing the heavenly. She gives thanks in (7) and quiets because she is waiting for what she is about to receive and pass on to the world due to the work they’ve just completed. In (8) her hands are up, receiving, by (10) they are down, passing this “great blessing” to the masses.”

Similar to the portal at Astroworld/Travis Scott and that “blessing” which passed through.