
Always be suspicious of people who view everything through the lens of race

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1 year ago

“Woke” is simply about understanding that marginalized humans have been treated unfairly. Through prejudice and discrimination. Including race, and many other categories.
Don’t allow them to throw out the baby with the bath water.
Fortunately this subject has gained widespread attention, but many people are using it for their own agenda.
It’s sad to see how people can be so easily duped. Trying to believe they are on the side of good, when nothing about this subject, and much else is black or white. 🤗

1 year ago
Reply to  recap

It may have started that way, with good intentions, but it is also devolving into a means of social control, and that never ends well.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

“They ” weaponize everything because people are so easily manipulated.👍🏿

1 year ago

My mother is a programmed racist. She is obsessed with race and my other sisters called her out on it too. She was never like this growing up which is how you know it’s the programming. She is a proud hypocrite and I gave up trying to save her.

1 year ago

White people are the only ones that *haven’t* been viewing everything from the perspective of race, and we’re being genocided for it. Kaliergi plan.

Blacks like DuRousseau demanded that whites leave Africa, then demand the right to invade white countries. Disgusting hypocrisy.

1 year ago
Reply to  Noragami

That’s is such an ignorant statement. Here I’ll inform you on my white ancestors whom were Irish, and Scottish in there tree as well. We’ve tracked them to being two brothers who took a ship from England during the famine. When they arrived they were given a gun and told if they fight for Lincoln their families can eat, most of the time they died and still their families starved. The Irish were absolutely despised as well as killed and enslaved. They were viewed at the same respect as the blacks but from afar they could blend I suppose until they showed a hint of Irish blood. Noone wanted to hire them and they were also hated for their religion. So when you say “white people” so broadly it’s just stupid.

1 year ago
Reply to  Noragami

Wow,….just ……wow 😕

1 year ago

The more things get polarized, the more the extremes reflect each other in their weirdness, like a funhouse mirror.