
False flag? Analysts say Russia 'likely staged' Kremlin drone attack it blamed on Ukraine and the West (

Speculation is mounting that Russia staged a drone attack on the Kremlin that it blamed on Ukraine Wednesday.

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1 year ago

That’s stupid. Because a drone invading your airspace even if it blows up looks good? They should be more on top of that, but it’s probably cgi anyway.

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

Sudden dislikes huh sounds suspicious. Because the gov is so trustworthy here and had nothing to do with blowing up the pipeline right?

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

Putin works with zelensky and naytoe to ethnically cleanse Ukraine and rebuild khazaria.

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

Since this got gov attention I may as well go all the way

Natzi, Hebrew is prince
Ukrainian Azov battalion is Hebrew= “let go” battalion

Why would white supremacists who “hate Jews” use Hebrew to name themselves in every war?
Why are they all from “Jewish” Ashka-NATZI families?
Why are every elitist family Ashka-NATZI?
Why is every media Corp run by kJews
Why is the gov run by 90 percent + kJews?
If Jews are. 03 percent?
Why does every president wear a kippa and kiss the wailing wall?
If zelensky and putin were enemies why do both of them promote multicultural hoards coming into their countries and why is it people are using Santa clause vs father Frost now if they aren’t being “Americanized” ? Moscow looks like it’s mosque cow now. It’s the crushing of Christians by all means right down to their food so they rely on the gov. They eat hamburgers versus making their own food. They get rid of their duchas . Putin wears a kippa, zelensky wears a kippa and naytoe wears the kippa. The kalergi plan is older than kalergi. There is a reason why zelensky stupidity used video game clips for his media footage of war thinking we wouldn’t notice. He’s a cheapskate Khazarian cabalist puppet, they want to make a new Israel and putin and naytoe is there helping him kill off undesirable military aged men in both countries.

Last edited 1 year ago by marie
1 year ago
Reply to  marie

Just curious – what us ducha? Dacha?

1 year ago

says the “experts” at CNBC…

hoarse shaq
hoarse shaq
1 year ago

who is the analyst?

1 year ago

I’m not even about to believe US mainstream media, but even more so about this topic.

Plus why would anyone believe a pathological liar who points and accuses another of lying?

1 year ago

This is how America keep the endless wars. This needs to stop before WW3. They will do to Putin what they have done to Muammar Gaddafi in Lybia. The fall of Russia will trigger the worst global crisis in modern History. After this the same rethoric of WMD in Iraq will be used against China. The great reset is underway.

1 year ago

I’m tired of the elitists using n4y-to3s for endless wars too but china’s gov is just as dirty. I think Putin is in on it with Zelensky. (Green/vegetation-Russian sky-English). He’s done several things to Americanize Russia despite what he says. He’s also not even a person as Putin is a job title now and had been for many years for an actor to perform and we are in actor number three or four now. These wars are meant to push slavery control and genocide people. The cabal controls China as they control everywhere, the cult family elitist scumbags are everywhere.

1 year ago

America is a warmongering nation (sorry do not mean to offend as there are good people too in USA) They have their fingers in many pies, stir the pot, throw money/weapons and puppeteer alot of s**t that goes on in the world. They been s**t stirring in/with Ukraine since around 2014!

1 year ago
Reply to  Fairy

Looks like there’s 33 gov employees here

Crazy Bear
Crazy Bear
1 year ago

They also said Russia blew up their own pipeline. That WMDs were in Iraq, the Oswald had a magic bullet and that jet fuel brought down 3 buildings, one of which was never hit or exposed to the mythical ultra high temp jet fuel.

1 year ago
Reply to  Crazy Bear

I was about to say that! How do people keep falling for CIA lies and forgetting how often they’ve lied to us?

1 year ago

BS, just another psyop from the west. If you believe this, then you believe Russia blew up their own pipeline and I would suggest you open your eyes and see the world as it is.

1 year ago
Reply to  JesseJ

Yep. It’s been proven the pipeline was not blown up by Russia but naytoe who is in kahoots with Ukraine Russia and China to kill off mass amounts of healthy fighting age mostly males.

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

The new Ukraine

1 year ago

id rather believe america rather than china and russia. what makes you think china and russia are so kind anyway. china steals territory, jails tibetians, hostages millions of ughyurs etc russia is so corrupt etc. gog and magog

1 year ago
Reply to  john

You do realize the news is spun by certain people who own every news corporation and the entire gov here. This is not about us vs Russia. You truly think the cattle/sheep news here is more trustworthy? This is about the them wanting to implant things in your head in one location and different things in another location so you will accept their
‘us vs them’ murdering plans for population control when they sew some hate anger and whatever else in you. If you think the news here is from America and is more legit you better look behind these news people to see the portraits of mao flashed in the background, see the Israel state grow like a weed (with our taxes they get free healthcare and education) thanks to the news they convinced America to give more and more money, check the news/spell casters cabal pins, the freemason rings that they all wear etc. Please look into news spinning or being spun. Please watch the movie wag the dog it gives an idea of how things are done. When you think your American news holds the scepter truth you’ve been greatly deceived as they are the same company around the world owned by the same disgusting elitists and are just different branches and programs. And yes leaked docs proved we took out the pipeline with another country helping but you actually have to look into that versus be told and programmed. Believing one news vs another countries news is exactly what they want every countries citizens to do for maximum control and continuation of country population plans.

1 year ago
Reply to  marie


1 year ago
Reply to  marie


1 year ago

The new stamp just realeased in Ukraine. Russia or Ukraine ‘Drone attack on The Kremlin’. You decide. I know where my thoughts are.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fairy

Btw Ukranian officials deny drone was from Ukrain because “they don’t invade”. But these days drones are falling every day in different regions.

1 year ago

American Dream is Dead!!! 
Rothschild Family supports China!!!
America is under control of Masons!!!
They are the cause of Civil Disorder!!!
America = New Babylon!!!
Mystery Babylon will be destroyed by fire from Heaven!!! 
Sounds like nuclear missiles will be raining down upon the USA!!!

1 year ago
Reply to  Tyln93

This was all planned

1 year ago
Reply to  Tyln93

China is full of a khazarian cabal gov. Look into newspapers from 100 years ago and people were amazed how many khazarian Jews China had.