
I’d like to watch you try, man

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1 year ago

what ppl need to realize though is that all of this is fakery. Dylan’s clearly a full blown puppet who’s been given a mission to divide people. Don’t take these people seriously. His character is ridicolous, it’s so obvious that is an act. Don’t fall for this s**t and waste your energy getting angry about these people.

1 year ago
Reply to  maui

It once looked like fakery in Canada, too. People used to be angry or laugh about it. Now it is illegal.

1 year ago
Reply to  maui

While you are right on about the obvious ridiculousness of this character, you have underestimated the danger here. Negating the real to install the fake. They need ‘the people’ to buy into a false, simulated reality. In order to do that, reality must be eliminated. You cannot trust your lying eyes, ears’s communism (modern sorcery) in women’s clothes; a Maoist cultural revolution with American characteristics. Mao and the CCP also radicalized the youth to usher in their idea of utopia. They failed to mention to “the people” that utopia was only for “the people” at the top of the pyramid.

1 year ago

dylan wants people to worship his delusions.

Crazy Bear
Crazy Bear
1 year ago

He’s not a man. He’s a confused little boy that has delusional fantasies that he’s a woman. He clearly has self hatred issues and his mind can’t cope with the reality of his genetic birth gender. He’s surrounded himself with people that continue to reinforce his delusion and every day that passes, he slips deeper into a fantasy world that will eventually claim his remaining sanity if it hasn’t already.

1 year ago
Reply to  Crazy Bear

Looks like Dylan didn’t like your comment XD you are 100% right

1 year ago

So arrogant!
He’ll need a prison the size of Greenland to lock away all those that see an ugly make-up on an ugly man’s face and call it for what it is.

1 year ago

There are so many beautiful trans women out there, why did Budweiser pick this one? (LOL)

1 year ago
Reply to  Confused

“…when they should have just picked any woman instead”

I get your point though..

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

I was being sarcastic in case nobody got it.

Mulvaney still looks like a man to me. Jack Daniels also had trans women for their Women’s Month campaign, but at least they looked like women.

Trans people have always been around but there is something very sinister to this movement. I just can’t put my finger on it. Anybody?

1 year ago
Reply to  Confused

We’re being bashed over the heads to accept their sick demented culture and it’s not ours…for starters.

A. E.
A. E.
1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

It’s because their Luciferian gods, goddesses and priests/priestesses are all transgendered to mimic the androgyne. It’s another inversion. Practically speaking, it’s also another depopulation/eugenics method, not to mention mind control, confusion and insanity. If you can convince a mass population to go along with this, what can’t you convince them of?

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

I know you were sarcastic.
I just cannot stand the idea of these people being given so much attention and now becoming so bold in their mockery.

1 year ago

I call him a f*g, that’s more fitting.

1 year ago

In Canada it is illegal.

Sharine Borslien
Sharine Borslien
1 year ago

So the problem with this dude is he hasn’t had all the Hollywood-style fix-ups to make him REALLY look feminine. No boob job, no hormones, no botox/collagen. He’s a set-up to make average, uncritical folks say, “OMG, That’s a dude!” Well, yeah. Then they turn the channel and look at LeAnn Rhimes but they *do not recognize* the t****y. LeAnn rhymes with HeMan.—MrE—Leann-Rimes-Secret-to-Flat-Abs:5