WATCH: In my lifetime, I have never seen the United States of America in a more just war. Our purpose is to defend freedom and fight for democracy, and that's why we’re supporting Ukraine every step of the way as they defend their country & their way of life.
— Senator Joe Manchin (@Sen_JoeManchin) April 13, 2023
in Social Media
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Disgusting example of how little human life means, and how we are fleeced in the name of freedom and justice -which has nothing to do with either. Defending freedom is not defending Ukraine’s overbearing corrupt nonstop human rights abusing mass murderous government while bankrupting us into bigger debt slavery and laundering the funds back to the elitist Jesuit/fake Jewish khazarian Mafia wef etc. The world is so corrupt everyone needs to round up all these scumbags everywhere castrate them and stick them in their giant underground bunkers that they stored our food in without any way for them to dig out and we can just bury them forever. They are so evil they need long miserable lives in a pit in hell.
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