
British Secretary of Health, December 2020

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1 year ago

Not only that but their grammar is atrocious.

Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
1 year ago
Reply to  Finality

They didn’t program the A.I correctly.

1 year ago

My concern with all of this is that NONE of it is sticking. These ppl are protected from what they did and it seems from having any accountability.

The ppl in charge of this need to be taken down. I don’t mean middle management – I mean the ones who will come back again and again until the job is done. We can’t let that happen.

1 year ago

Matt Hancock should be beheaded and his rotting head impaled on the stick, publicly shown at The Tower until devoured by ravens, like in the good old times. Same should be done with all WEF/Globoh0m0/western politicians.

1 year ago

The game is rigged, and a very stupid populace believes whatever they are told despite evidence to the contrary.

John Smith
John Smith
1 year ago

The top dogs in this war (Gates, Soros, Schwab, Fauci, etc) because folks, we are VERY MUCH at war currently- need to be rounded up, charged w/murder, attempted murder, genocide, crimes against humanity, and everything else they’ve managed to do in the past decade- convicted via military tribunal (swift, fierce, and FINAL) then EXECUTED via televised firing squad, hanging, electric chair, or by guillotine…as a warning to current & future ‘globalist tyrants’ to NEVER, EVER try something like this again. If WE THE PEOPLE ever fully wake up & gather the courage (Lord knows we’ve got the numbers; we outnumber these Satanic As$holes a million to one at least) we’ll muster, mobilize, and march on our nation’s capitals, take our lands back, and provide a safe & secure future for our children & grandchildren.

Or we can sit back & do nothing except watch Netflix while these Luciferian scumbags turn our world into a techno-communist dystopian sh*thole & go down in history as THAT GENERATION that allowed them to destroy our way of life forever. The choice is ours.

Last edited 1 year ago by John Smith
1 year ago
Reply to  John Smith

That. 👏

1 year ago
Reply to  John Smith

God is using them for his personal plans, a lot of people convert to Jesus Christ because of their demonic plans. If we believe in God we know we should’nt be scared.

1 year ago
Reply to  lefruit555

I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Psalm 34:4

1 year ago
Reply to  John Smith

Violence is absolutely not the answer, you cannot extinguish fire with fire. We just have to love and care for each other as a society, rebuild what they have destroyed

1 year ago
Reply to  Origami

Jesus used a whip. He comes back with a sword. How many times did God order people to kill people? You should always defend yourselves.

1 year ago

not defending the people listed in the texts, but as far as the truth movement goes i see alot of these, they’re not very factual, very easy to put together pictures like these mirroring real texts.

1 year ago
Reply to  matt

You can read where the text came from and how it got where it got, it looks legit. He even came out saying he was “betrayed” after she gave up the raw texts.