
Angela Davis is a descendant of slave owners 😂

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1 year ago

That’s a big hit to take on

Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
1 year ago

It’s cool to know where my grandparents and great grandparents came from but it’s 2023 now.

1 year ago

re: Angela Davis having a white colonizer among her ancestors:

A majority of African-Americans most likely had a colonizer (or more) as an UNWANTED/UNEEDED/UNASKED FOR ancestor who isn’t acknowledged, along with the other African ancestors who were kidnapped and trafficked to the Americas, and all over the planet.

Trust and believe our female ancestors had NO power or say in the matter. N O N E. That’s called rape, slavery, Jim Crow. Nothing for that IDIOT PWN Selina to post a laughing emoji about!!!!!

Native American women were put through it as well: GENERATIONAL TRAUMA.

That’s the main reason I stopped being a feminist: white women don’t give a sh!!t about any other women than themselves, and will pretend they don’t see, and have no idea what many BUT NOT ALL of their men have done and still do, to so many women around this Earth.

PNW Selina would be the first one screaming, “But that’s Critical Race Theory!”

1 year ago
Reply to  SJM

I agree with you but I dont understand why you equate feminism with white women. If anything you just sound like a more legit and ethical feminist.

1 year ago

The virtue pushers have no virtue at all! The graced are indeed disgraced!

They are hypocrites of the purest form.

Last edited 1 year ago by rick
1 year ago

This is not news – and I don’t mean that in a dismissive way, but actually in a more ‘it’s common knowledge’.

Many slave owners r_ped their female slaves, not just for sexual gratification, but simply just to produce more slaves – the mentality being “Why wait until they naturally reproduce when you can force the situation yourself?”

It was also certainly cheaper than buying in new slaves.

Also, the lighter female slaves had different roles, for example, a lighter-skinned female slave could be a….comfort girl…. so would be sold to other men (and women too) so as to earn the slave-masters even more money.

So – sadly, not news.

1 year ago

In identity politics she took the largest shoots and ladder slide there is.
Identity politics is poison.

Luis Meriño Vásquez
Luis Meriño Vásquez
1 year ago

Who’s that? Haha

1 year ago

So that’s her fault? Should the descendants be punished for the sins of their ancestors? I’m sure most families have bad relatives sometime in the past and even in the present. Guilt by correlation? That’s not just