
What happens when your governing policy is crafted around critical race theory

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1 year ago

It’s not about the race at all, all your money is going to fake “democracy” project Ukraine AKA the black hole of the eastern Europe…There are all your money, even here in Europe we have roads and infrastructure in worse conditions than in any third-world country but somehow the unelected scum of european “parliament” is giving all our tax money to ukraine and other terrorist adventures of filthy west. If you are asking questions, they will call you conspiracy theorist, fascist, right winger, you name it…

1 year ago
Reply to  Anton

ah so UKRAINE should just go back to Russia just because PUTIN tells you he is the good guy?

1 year ago
Reply to  john

It is not about Putin or any national leader. They are all (no exceptions) on the same team. But they want us to believe there are several teams. They are all the same devil worshipping scumbags doing exactly as they are told to do. None of them is to be trusted.

John Smith
John Smith
1 year ago
Reply to  John_M

Precisely. That’s why I know we’re really, really close to the END. Because the Illuminati, who has been controlling the entire world in a clandestine manor since the late 1700’s, has successfully installed pro-globalist, pro-Luciferian leaders in seats of power throughout all of Europe, Asia, and the West. Trump & Bolisinaro (sp?) were the last two to fall- now that Biden (Obama, really) and Luna are firmly installed they can finally push their final beast/antichrist system onto the world population. Any who resist or try to fight back will be arrested, incarcerated & given one chance to denounce their faith in Jesus Christ. If they do, they’ll be sent to re-education camps (that will be conveniently near or attached to) the FEMA camps they’ll be locking us up in. If anyone refuses to denounce their faith in Christ, they’ll be executed via guillotine/beheading.

Prepare yourselves, pray without ceasing, and get your affairs in order. We’re literally on the doorstep of the Rapture /Tribulation Period. Emanuel Macron IS the Antichrist, so he’ll be assuming all consolidated power shortly. God Bless, and Good luck.