Flashback to 2018- Kanye West celebrates his father being cancer-free by eating bugs.
From ABC News and Daily Mail this week about his political aspirations, they write;
‘He said he would work on promoting ‘fresh air and food’.
In October 2018, West said his father Ray’s cancer was in remission, and he was embarking on a strange diet to celebrate.
‘Overcome fear,’ Kanye captioned an Instagram photo showing the insects. ‘My dad and I are going to eat this plate of bugs to celebrate him beating cancer. No more fear.’
Odd dots to connect but connecting them they are. Sigh.
“I sold my soul to the devil. I know it was a crappy deal. At least it came with a few toys like a Happy Meal.”
-Kanye West
It’s like they say: play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Don’t forget he got to bed down with Kim. K, then again who hasn’t at this point? He was humiliated and then driven insane and he’s probably not going to emerge from that
Poor Kanye. He was a talented musician once.
Sad, he is a pawn.