
Pope Francis Will Be Opening 5 Sacred Portals For A Special Catholic Ritual On Christmas Eve (

Charisma News – The Vatican’s announcement of opening sacred portals for the first time in 25 years has raised eyebrows and sparked intrigue. Set to coincide with the 2025 Jubilee Year, the ceremony involves the opening of five “Holy Doors” at ancient basilicas, with one “hypothetical” door at Italy’s Rebibbia prison. While the Catholic Church claims this tradition upholds a “doorway to salvation,” one can’t help but question: What exactly is the Catholic Church attempting to achieve with this elaborate ritual? And more importantly, where in the Bible is any of this remotely supported?

According to The Daily Mail, the Holy Doors are located at some of Rome’s most venerated basilicas, such as St. Peter’s and St. John Lateran, and are ceremonially bricked up and unsealed only during Jubilee Years. Pope Francis, who initiated the ritual on Dec. 2, describes it as a time to focus on hope and spiritual renewal amidst global crises like war, the lingering effects of COVID-19 and climate change. He has also extended this symbolic act to prisoners, aiming to deliver a message of hope. The Jubilee Year’s theme, “Pilgrims of Hope,” reflects these aspirations.

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1 month ago

Say no to any and all portals friends!

1 month ago
Reply to  Wowjustwow


1 month ago

I had heard that these door opening ceremonies bring in the big bucks for the Vatican with insane amounts of visitors. And at the end of the day isn’t that really what they’re about?

1 month ago
Reply to  zZz0Rak

Yes, the Vatican is always conniving more and more ways to make money.

1 month ago

They are opening doors. And much like all the other stuff the catholic church does has no significance. If they read the bible they’d know that.

Love to my catholic brothers and sisters in Christ. I’m talking about your leadership not you.

1 month ago
Reply to  Rosey

Catholics are not our brothers and sisters in Christ. You have fallen for the ecumenical lie. They need the gospel as they do not have the true gospel and do not worship the true God or the True Christ. Catholicism is based on Babylonian worship and perverts practically every aspect of the gospel and the bible. We need to preach truth to the catholics not call them our brethren in Christ. Now true Christianity is not denominational, no one has a lock on it. True Christians come from every country, from every tribe and tongue. But there’s only one narrow way, every other way is the broad way leading to destruction. We cannot fall for this ecumenical lie.

Antonia D
Antonia D
1 month ago
Reply to  Kat

Read very interesting replies to your worldview from a prominent former Protestant and White House speechwriter, at EternalChristendom [DOT] org / becoming-Catholic.

Read the Early Church Fathers at NewAdvent [DOT] org / Fathers. Some of them were taught by the Apostles themselves. Which one of them would be OK with the doctrines & worship in your church?

Read “The Early Church Was the Catholic Church,” by the excellent Joe Heschmeyer (or watch/listen to him on his podcast Shameless Popery).

”Catholic” means universal. It is the Church for everyone, all tribes & nations, who want to worship the one true God, the Most Holy Trinity, through Jesus Christ Our Lord & Savior.

God bless you & yours, and Merry Christmas!

1 month ago
Reply to  Kat

There is a true mission field I agree to Roman Catholics who have fallen into heretical Marian worship etc ..but my experience of real day to day Roman catholic people that worship Jesus Christ is that they are devoted to Him and have faith in Him and have repented and continue to do so. That is the requirement. The discussion related to works etc…is brought about by the management not the people like most religions. And woe to the RC church for misleading people. I have faith that Jesus Christ knows our hearts and he can be and is the only judge.

It’s difficult sometimes to walk in His light but I will discern who are MY brothers and sisters and who are not as it often doesn’t come down to the pews they sit in but this simple measure. I did not say they were yours. I love them and I sit in my own sinful state wishing to take the log from my own eye before attempting to take the splinter from theirs.

1 month ago
Reply to  Rosey

I’m Catholic and I don’t worship Mary and nor do any if the several hundred people that attend my parish. What gives?/

1 month ago
Reply to  Kat

If Catholics are not Christians then neither are you. You follow the beliefs some disgruntled Germanic fanatics imposed on Catholic doctrine,popularized by a dissolute king and taken to America to be filtered by Puritans, Methodists, Adventists and all other Evangelical bull, which doctrine was previously shorn off the Orthodox one as a political manoeuver. You are not in the place to lecture anyone. It’s due to Christianity’s ecumenical spirit that all your Old Testament chiliastic drivel is considered Christianity at all. Humble yourself. You don’t have any moral privilege not to.

1 month ago

Portal literally just means door. Port means door, not anything mystical or esoteric. This is a festivity for a Jubilee year. We don’t celebrate Jubilee in a legalistic Mosaic sense. We commemorate it because it signifies so much to do with mercy, and our obligations not being to industriousness and wordly matters, but rather to Christ.

Example: In Jubilee years in the Old Testament, slaves are freed of their debts that keep them bonded to a household. This is just one example. It’s a loss to wordly gains, but forgiving debts prefigures Christ, who can forgive all of our debts. Consider The Lord’s Prayer, where we observe a jubilee every time we pray it.

1 month ago
Reply to  Camden

And this is biblical how?

1 month ago
Reply to  zZz0Rak

Saying Jubilees are unbiblical is like saying the sabbath is unbiblical. If you want to draw the Catholic Church’s jubilee years into scrutiny, just ask ‘why is this a tradition?’

Is being worldly Christ’s will? No, taking a year off from tilling the fields to be pious for an entire year is one of the triumphs of Israelite society. This is remembrance of (or in the ancient world, a prefiguration of) the fact that believers are pious people, who belong to the spirit, and mustn’t be committed to commerce. Rather we should just prioritize the faith. The jubilee is in your Bible silly!!!

1 month ago
Reply to  zZz0Rak

In medieval Christendom there were 175 workdays. In a pious Catholic age.

In 2024 Canada and USA, you are looking at 260.

We need Jubilees to remind us of the priority of Christ more than ever!

Antonia D
Antonia D
1 month ago
Reply to  zZz0Rak

I found 19 references to the year of jubilee in the Bible.

randall hewgley
randall hewgley
1 month ago
Reply to  Camden

By that reasoning possession means (the state of having, owning, or controlling something.

1 month ago

Reminds me of Dan Brown’s book the Da Vinci code.

1 month ago

We’ll have to wait and See like always
We do Know that anything tptb do is always at the cost of Us

Off topic
anyone Know what happened to the forum?

Antonia D
Antonia D
1 month ago

Secular news outlets are calling these “portals.” They are just doors for the jubilee year… an extension of the Jewish jubilee years of mercy in the Bible, that the Catholic Church has been doing for centuries upon centuries.

I don’t dispute that many in the Catholic hierarchy are evil and even practicing satanists… as are some Protestant leaders. And also that some in the Catholic hierarchy have conducted ceremonies to enshrine satan in the Vatican (just read “Windswept House” by Father Malachi Martin). And that Pope Francis is very questionable, and that many Catholic religious monks & nuns, brothers & sisters (not limited to the Jesuits) are unchristian heretics, and that *many* self-identified Catholics (and Protestants) are really not Christian in their worldview at all, and hardly ever pray, go to church, read / study the Bible, or act virtuously or follow Jesus in their lives.

BUT… the infiltration by communists and satanists is in EVERY institution, including the Catholic Church, the Orthodox, and the thousands of Protestant denominations. Non-practicing Christians are in EVERY denomination, and always have been. Leaders of God’s people have always become corrupted (just look at Jewish history in the Bible!!!). God kept Judaism as an institution despite its leaders’ and people’s many DEEP sins and unfaithfulness, and He does the same with the Catholic Church and the living remnant of faithful there.

And this jubilee year of mercy and opening symbolic doors of mercy is an orthodox, longstanding tradition that goes back to the Bible.

Protestants may ask where the “rule” of Sola Scriptura is found in the Bible? How do you know that the Apostle Mark wrote the gospel of Mark? How did the Bible’s Table of Contents come together? How do we know the books of the Bible are the right books?

How could it be true that God guided fallible Christians to write and compile the correct books of the Bible, but God could *not* have guided and protected the oral traditions they passed down as well?? See 2 Thes 2:15 “So then, brethren, stand firm and hold to the traditions which you were taught by us, either by word of mouth or by letter.”

What is the actual history of the Church from AD 100 through AD 1500? What did the faith doctrines and worship practices of the Christian missionaries of that time (AD 100-1500) look like, and what did the Church do to fight the many heresies of those times?

Have you ever heard of the many heresies fought by the Catholic Church such as Nestorianism, Arianism, Pelagianism, Semi-Pelagianism, Donatism, Docetism, Marcionism, Sabellianism, & Monothelitism?

Have you ever read the Early Church Fathers in their whole works (not Protestant selections)… available for free at NewAdvent [DOT] org / Fathers? What Church Father would agree with the worship service at your church?

Let’s fight the evil NWO together, not apart.

Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! May God bless and guide you & your loved ones in these trying times!

Last edited 1 month ago by Antonia D
1 month ago
Reply to  Antonia D

Beautifully put. Much better than I could have.

Antonia D
Antonia D
1 month ago
Reply to  Rosey

Rosey, thanks for your kindness!

randall hewgley
randall hewgley
1 month ago

If the vatican is performing a massive ritual then they are calling forth something evil.
It is what the vatican does.

1 month ago
