
The Silent Scream [high quality] (The ultrasound of abortion)

If it can  save at least one life, it.s worth it!

When does life begin?

Thankfully, we live in a time in which we have technology available to help us understand pregnancy, conception, intrauterine development, childbirth, and abortion. We now know that human life begins when the sperm fertilizes the egg inside the Fallopian tube. Upon fertilization, the newly formed zygote has all the genetic information (DNA) required to be a unique individual. At this stage, he or she is a human being, in every sense of the word. Scientifically speaking, the only difference between you as a newly conceived zygote and you right now boils down to: 1) the number of cells in your body; and 2) the complexity of their organization. Throughout every stage of development, you had all the genetic material you needed to grow. You were, are, and will be a human being, at every stage of your development.

What is an abortion? 

An abortion is the deliberate and unnecessary taking of the life of an unborn child.

There is no doubt, scientifically, that a unique human life starts at conception. This life will become what we are–unless we end it. Even when an abortion is performed to save the life of a mother (and such abortions are extremely rare), something profoundly tragic has occurred. Perhaps the most common “hard cases” brought up in support of abortion are rape and incest. Even in these unfortunate, uncontrollable circumstances, the woman still has other options. Undoubtedly, the young woman who faces this decision will face pain, confusion, and shame. But perhaps this is an opportunity for her to take control when she previously could not. It is a chance for her to choose good instead of evil, give life rather than destroy it. Perhaps this is a chance for her to grant life and joy to the child by either keeping and raising him, or allowing a loving couple to adopt him.

What about the use of emergency contraceptives? Whatever their intended use by a woman, research shows that all emergency contraceptive methods can and do cause early abortions. A closer look their manufacturer labels reveals that they do, in fact, prevent the implantation of a fertilized egg (which is a unique human life with infinite value in the eyes of God).

Mercy and healing – not retribution and punishment – are the way of the Lord. To those who have had, or those who have been forced to have abortions, and those who have performed abortions, knowing that abortions are often sought because of poverty, abuse, coercion, neglect, despair, or the influence of a life-denying ethos that has become a societal norm, I tell you that God is merciful and willing to forgive if you repent and are willing to correct.

I know life is not easy, but an abortion is NEVER a way out! God bless!

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1 month ago


1 month ago
Reply to  Ebone'


1 month ago

My body my choice

Pro-life Guy
Pro-life Guy
1 month ago
Reply to  Woman

And what about the child’s body? Abortion is Murder

1 month ago
Reply to  Pro-life Guy


1 month ago
Reply to  Woman

No wonder they ask what is a woman now????!!! It surely isn’t you!

1 month ago

I respect your stance but still think emergency contraceptives are fine. They’re not good but not entirely evil and not the same has hacking it into pieces when it’s got a body.

1 month ago

Abortion is wrong, but who is to blame?

Who are these campaigns against abortion really blaming and giving space for more pro abortion propaganda?

The women?

How many single women have been raising kids on their own without the father’s help and even get mocked for being single moms?

How many men really want a family instead of sex first?

These abortion campaigns are unfortunately promoting more pro abortion movements, for in a society guided by fornication, pregnancy may inevitably happen, once contraceptive means are never 100% safe. They can be 99, never 100%.

While some people would have to admit the only solution would be marriage without focus on “sex first”, forcing youngsters to follow this path without any adequate spiritual guidance (because currently we have none) would be traumatizing, for so many people called conservative trust in spiritual leaders who look like pure materialism show off and vote for political leaders like this:

comment image?sqp=-oaymwEhCK4FEIIDSFryq4qpAxMIARUAAAAAGAElAADIQj0AgKJD&rs=AOn4CLBKscoubxltF8kcsbMJAk7D3zYq2A

It is very easy to raise kids in a world where everything leads to fornication, especially the so wrong modern confusion calling sex “love”, and relating relationship and marriage to this “love” (not…) and believing going against abortion will solve something. It will just increase the fight for it.

1 month ago
Reply to  Nobody

Dislike as you wish 😉

1 month ago
Reply to  Nobody

Good to see our parents didn.t see the little beans (us, now) as an impediment for their freedom and happiness.
,,Abortion is wrong, but who is to blame?,,
Are you serious about this? every person that has it, obviously! At the end of the day it.s still a personal decision. …and, to a certain extent, yes, all of us, indirectly, when we lack the courage to call it exactly what it is – murder!
Maybe people would think twice before opting for that ,,solution,, if they thought there was a soul, too, in this equation. I mean, we do have a soul! That little life is already equipped with a soul – it.s not an animal, it.s not a parasite, it is most certainly NOT a pile of random cells, it is a human being at its very beginning, in its most fragile shape and state – like you and me once were and everybody else here.

As I said, life is not easy, but murder is NO option. Freedom of choice does not for a second mean that you are supposed to do anything you want. If it.s your body are you supposed to use it to kill a fellow human? And this is not someone killing someone else in an act of defence. No, sir! This is a woman killing her baby. Whether it.s the size of a rice grain, a bean, a plum, an avocado it already has a determined sex in all these stages and everything it needs to be an individual like you. You do you realize that, right? It is a person because it is a human life!

,,How many single women have been raising kids on their own without the father’s help and even get mocked for being single moms?,,
Mockery is not good enough as a reason to kill another person. No reason is good enough to kill a baby! And what about the widows? Are they supposed to kill their children, too, because they are left without the support of the husband?
No way to put mockery on the same scale of evil with murdering an innocent! …and there are so many women tricked by womanizers that kept the baby. They had their share of shame and hardships for sure, but in the end they didn.t chop the baby. There is no way someone in his senses thinks that a wrong can be repaired with the murder of a baby.

,,How many men really want a family instead of sex first?,,
S*x does not offer guarantees. Not for starting a family! …and not in our days!
Someone else.s promiscuity (let.s say the man.s) is still no excuse for the unhappy mother to abort.

,, in a society guided by fornication, pregnancy may inevitably happen,,
Yes, and people should deal with it, become responsable, not serial killers!
Fornication is unfortunately the main killer here, but not for a second an excuse.

,,…forcing youngsters to follow this path without any adequate spiritual guidance (because currently we have none) would be traumatizing,,
That.s why they should be informed that those are lives they are taking. Shouldn.t this be more traumatizing? They should be counseled, fully informed (shown abortion videos) and if they still choose the killing at least know it.s a killing and know their lives are at risk, too (it.s a russian roulette for the mothers, in case you didn.t know). Maybe they won.t do it the next time. The truth is that (and I talk about consensual s*x here) if they are old enough to have that kind of fun, they are old enough to expect babies at any time. If it.s rape (with all my pain for the victims) murder is the biggest evil here.

,,It is very easy to raise kids in a world where everything leads to fornication,,
That is 100% false and I think you don.t believe it either! It has never been more difficult! Never ever tell that again to a person who chose to give life, not end it, in a world full of predators and dangers.

Last edited 1 month ago by crisspf
1 month ago
Reply to  Nobody

Some high-ranking freemasons f**k their children =(

1 month ago
Reply to  Nobody

@nobody, It sounds like someone hurt you. I’m truly sorry.
None of the reasons you gave justify murder. My dad died when I was four. My mom was left with four children. My youngest sibling was only two months old. My mom could have abandoned us but she didn’t. She never remarried and she was the hardest working, godly woman I’ve ever known.
I wonder, are you aware that many young women now fully embrace the fact that a baby in the womb is indeed alive, and these women say that they know abortion is murder, but they don’t care because, “my body, my choice”.
This should concern everyone. The culture has gone from being deceived about what abortion truly is, to having the full knowledge that it is the murder of a baby in the womb and demanding that they have the right to do it.
Our nation as a whole has been desensitized to violence, is depraved and sin sick. The only cure is Jesus. People need to repent and turn to the Lord.

1 month ago

I’m totally on board Crisspf. I’m actually an abolitionist and believe that abortions should be banned. I would like to offer a slight correction, more so clarification. Abortion is an elective procedure which terminates the life of a baby in the womb. Medical emergencies, where a living baby needs to be removed, like ectopic pregnancies, to save a mother’s life, are not abortions, even though insurance codes them that way.
Another misnomer in medical coding is when a baby has already died in utero and needs to be removed. This is also not an abortion, it’s just the removal of a deceased baby, so that the mother doesn’t go septic. The language and terminology needs to change. There needs to be clarity, since this is one way pro-aborts confuse and scare those who are uneducated about what abortion is and what it isn’t. This scare tactic propaganda is how they garner so much support, by saying, “Women will be denied access to life saving abortions!!”
It’s a lie. Life saving procedures for pregnant women are not abortions and under an abortion ban pregnant women will still be given life saving medical care.
It is the willful, elective murder of babies in the womb that needs to stop. God’s judgment will be upon our nation until this wicked practice ends. Anyone interested in the fight for saving babies should check out Abolitionists Rising.

1 month ago
Reply to  Aletheuo read your comments with great interest. Maturity and kindness is what I sensed. Undoubtedly your mother is an exceptional person and a mirror of true womanhood.

…and there are so many, aletheuo, that faced with hardships we can’t even imagine, perhaps trembling with fear knowing what awaits them that still never flirt with the idea of ending their pregnancy because they simply know it’s wrong. They assume their womanhood (that is also motherhood).

I agree with everything you wrote:
– abortions banned!
– a baby already dead in a womb and an ectopic pregnancy that will never go to term (and is not linked to the use of some contraceptives) are not abortions. These are medical situations that impose removal (I hate this word). In other words, why lose two lives instead of one?
– I agree with terms that need to change, but that will not happen. why? Partly because this kind of confusion you mentioned serves the purpose of hedonistic people and the purpose of a very potent industry that flourishes with every abortion they make. This is the same death industry that keep women in darkness by providing them abortifacient as contraceptives, not telling them they might die, too, or never be able tohave children again. Planned parenthood clinics? promoters of genocide!

“Anyone interested in the fight for saving babies should check out Abolitionists Rising.”
Million thanks for the recommendation!🙏

1 month ago

Life starts at the sperm cell. It is a living organism. It is the seed of life.

Men are not suppose to “m********e” for this reason.

It is a perverse act of selfishness and disposal of the sacred seed of life. We ejaculate this seed into nothingness to satisfy our own selfish quest for pleasure. It is an abomination that is overlooked.

May God have mercy on us men for this. 😔

1 month ago
Reply to  rick

Birth control methods can be shot down too. The thing is, it gets impractical at some point. Imagine only having sex with your wife when you procreate to save the sperm from dying a few days earlier, being reabsorbed by the body..that’s why I said it should be cool until about 5 to 7 weeks when it gets a heart and starts taking form. Yes we were all sperm at one point and once we got the nutrients from the egg “you are what you eat” we started to get more of a body but that doesn’t take away from the sperm body being our first vessel and all those people using condoms with spermicide in them pretending they’re not killing anything are full of it. They can actually live for a while in water and swim around. But let’s face it the line needs drawn, I think it should be drawn at a few weeks before it’s able to feel pain and makes should m********e every so often or they get health issues