
House members highlight ‘horrific’ organ harvesting of aborted babies (

Yes, it is an INDUSTRY! An industry that thrives on abortions. 

Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinics are selling the organs and body parts of aborted babies. We know that, right?

The 2015 videos from the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) uncovered an industry of trafficking of aborted baby body parts for profit and research.

Harvesting the body parts of aborted children for research subsidizes the abortion industry and incentivizes harmful practices such as late-term abortion, altering abortion methods that put the mom’s health secondary, violating patient privacy, and even likely killing some children born alive in order to harvest their organs, as CMP videos uncovered.   

Remember – Planned Parenthood is not Pro-Woman, it is just an EVIL  multi-billion business that kills babies!!! (…and many times the mothers, too)

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Antonia D
Antonia D
1 month ago

It’s the most horrific practice… N**i-level immorality. The additional incentivizing of abortion makes it even more unspeakable. Pray for preborn children and their families. Children are a gift from God.

1 month ago
Reply to  Antonia D

please dont insult the nazis, they were definitely NOT that bad

1 month ago
Reply to  malk

You may be right. Look into what the Japanese did in WW2.

1 month ago

This makes me sick to think about. No aborted baby parts should be used for anything. No human parts should be sold or used unless that human in full consciousness agreed in writing before with witnesses and hopefully legal professionals present. Because otherwise it’s a business, these people all need thrown in prison

1 month ago

The babies suffer enough already by being unwanted for various reasons. Some may argue that the children are of some use to society when this is done, but who asked the children? Nobody asked them to be harvested and they can’t even make the choice they want to give their organs for research, which is what adults can do, if they want to. This is bad enough already, but the fact that these harvestings are often done with no anaesthesia is just sickening. And then they are thrown in the trash…

Cool 😎
Cool 😎
1 month ago

I will always be PRO life because every child is a present 💝 from GOD and an innocent 😇 little soul that deserves the BEST!

Jimmy Jam
Jimmy Jam
1 month ago
Reply to  Cool 😎

Amen brother

1 month ago

This is a Catholic website and clearly religious propoganda lol. This isn’t true come on now, you have to be an idiot to not see it’s a lie designed to prevent women and teenagers access to safe and legal abortions. Let’s learn some critical thinking skills folks, not everything you see on the internet is true lol.

1 month ago
Reply to  Sarah

I am not catholic, but this above is the truth and you either didn’t dig deep or you are just a troll. Remember, you will pay for your denial sooner or later. Judging by your name, I guess you are coming from the demonic religion

Antonia D
Antonia D
1 month ago
Reply to  Sarah

You must have missed the enormous amount of undercover video footage on this very topic released a while back. It’s absolutely *not* propaganda, it is horrifically true. Abortionists rake in loads of $$$ for each baby’s organs they sell for research: kidneys, lung tissue, eyes, brain tissue, heart tissue, whole “calvarium” (i.e., the whole head), etc. Absolute EVIL.

1 month ago
Reply to  Sarah

I am not catholic! …and nobody is trying to convert you here. This is an international issue, Sarah! It has nothing to do with being catholic, instead everything to do with some trying to bring awareness and stop the killing and others continuing to be serial killers and useful tools for this evil machine. This boils down to having a conscience or not, being humans or sub-humans. Drop the illusion- there are no safe legal abortions, it’s only chopping babies, legally, and selling them for money (indirectly, (un)knowingly by people like you). This is blood money and to this industry you are just another animal, treated and traded like an animal because the more offsprings in the slaughter-house you bring the more money they get. You are money, your babies worth even more money – deal with it!
All people should stop fooling around and take responsability! Teenagers, too!

1 month ago
Reply to  Sarah

NO! It.s not religious propaganda. It.s exposing the slaughter.

1 month ago
Reply to  Sarah

Oh Sarah, this is a futile effort.
Recently a girl died in Texas from miscarriage because hospitals refused to intervene, stating that would be “a crime”.
And for people on this website that’s okay, unfortunately, because existing women are less valuable than people who do not exist yet.

1 month ago
Reply to  mechanical

right! futile!
I don.t want to sound harsh, but recently a few millions of babies were sucked by the vacuum machine. for every woman that dies from miscarriage (and this is a tragedy) there are thousands of women dying from having an abortion, and millions of babies that die because they cannot beg and fight for their lives; their mothers decide they don.t want to be mothers (bad luck, little baby!).

now take a long look and tell these hands and feet they are not human enough.
these ,,people who do not exist yet,, don.t exist because they were literally ripped out from the womb of their ,,loving mothers,,. I will say it in your place (since you are in denial) – they are unwanted so they are killed. there!

1 month ago
Reply to  crisspf


1 month ago
Reply to  crisspf


1 month ago
Reply to  crisspf

That’s so disturbing but really it’s murder at that point in time. They are a human, they aren’t a ball of cells they have faces.

1 month ago
Reply to  cabalfalls

Perfect little humans! Fellow humans! Souls!

I understand the error some women made, there is not much to say. People can be wrong, lied to, and take some terrible decisions especially after being abused. They’re traumatised and they want to believe what they’re being told by these cold-blooded butchers. The shame, and the pain, and the lack of support are often the main reasons why they choose this shortcut out of their drama, but it’s wrong, it’s the worst they can do and it gives them some sort of relief only for a very short time (if).
What I don’t understand and I find it terrible is when there is no remorse because this usually means people are willing to do it again and again without blinking. I talk here about those that see something like this, a photo, a video, hear doctors’ confessions, read leaked info, have enough evidence of what’s really going on and still militate for something which they call so easily ‘the right to abort’, ‘my body’, ‘freedom of choice’. It’s actually the libertines that use the dramas of the abused women/girls to get legal permission to kill.

1 month ago
Reply to  crisspf

Look, I am all for healthy moderation, this is why I constantly bring up these cases (with rape, with miscarriages, etc), because these cases exist and these women should not be victims of blanket abortion bans.

And also because abortion bans don’t prevent abortions, they just make it so that more women die (due to unprofessional abortions or due to medical issues like this one Texas case).

And tbh I also bring it up because I hate hypocrisy. People kill animals and other people constantly. From fishing, hunting, to slaughterhouses, to deforestation, to wars, to sanctions on medicine, to doctors picking out who will get organ transplants and who will not. We decide who will live and who will die all the time. ALL THE TIME.

But somehow when it comes to women’s wombs, that’s the frontier we can not cross, even if the mother is to die due to medical complications.

Because even though we constantly decide who will live and who will die, somehow this is the line where God is to decide. Isn’t it a big fat lie? Or is it because as you guys said so yourself you value a person who is not there yet over a woman who already exists?

Or course I would like to make it so that no woman ever needed this procedure. But if they need it, I wish they would be able to get it. Because as I mentioned already, otherwise more women will die. And they will also take their unborn babies with them. So everybody loses.

1 month ago
Reply to  mechanical

Mechanical, I hear you repeating the strategic mantra that the child in the womb somehow exists less than his or her mother.
How did you come to deny the innocent child’s existence when we all know that he or she is growing inside that womb exactly as our Creator designed?
I am finding that pro-abortion folks seem to have a block in their reasoning just like people who are told that the only way we can be safe from a virus is if everybody gets their shots and boosters, and then they believe that and not only put their own bodies at risk but expect everyone else to also.
Do you listen to yourself when you talk about an unborn child as if he or she does not exist?
How do those words sound when you process them?
I apologize to you if my words don’t sound kind. I am just weary from people failing to protect the defenseless while simultaneously victimizing vulnerable women to think that the only way they can be strong and demonstrate their liberty is by murdering their own offspring.
It’s really that simple.
If a mother is really that murderous, let her go hunt for a coat hanger, in my opinion. Will she re-think the premeditated murder of her own son or daughter if she has to do it by her own hand instead of paying Margaret Sanger’s loyalists to do the evil deed for her with a vacuum and a pick?

1 month ago
Reply to  GatesSmasher

It’s easy to feel righteous and speak from a high horse, but you don’t know why every woman decides to perform an abortion.

And if you think that they “deserve” to die from a botched abortion – well, that also shows me that your judgement is not better that the one of the women you condemn.

To me, if legal abortions make it so that less women die, that’s a net good. Less death is good.

And as I mentioned already, some women NEED them, because they have medical complications that are so severe that the mother is literally to die from them. And if the mother dies, the baby dies too anyway.

I repeat : banning abortions does not stop them. Think about it, does criminalizing drugs deter people from drug abuse? It does not, they just do it in secret. And without available drug strip tests people die more frequently. Same with abortions.

You will not get the baby anyway, but you may or may not also get a dead woman. And I am all for keeping as many women alive as possible.

1 month ago
Reply to  mechanical

Mechanical, I hope I didn’t put any words in your mouth like you did in mine.
Nowhere did I say women deserve to die.
And for centuries women have performed “coat hanger” style abortions outside of clinics shielded from natural law, and many many times the murdering mothers have survived and only their sons or daughters were murdered
Let’s please not pretend that these “safe” clinics leave the wombs of these women any less ravaged than the old coat hanger trick.
You have allowed Satan to deceive yourself to think that you are defending women who have somehow had their essential rights violated. But let me ask you:
Where is the law that allows for you or I to murder humans we deem inconvenient to our plans?
You don’t see how your popular stance is incongruent with your argument against death?
And as for the pregnant mother whose own life is at risk:
I would like to hear testimonies.
You seem to say that the baby always dies with the mother, but who told you that? Planned Parenthood? Big Pharma?
I have read about many children who lived because their mothers sacrificed themselves delivering them.
A woman I greatly respect clarified this for me:
She has raised multiple beautiful children in this world, and she told me that a real woman sacrifices for her children. Even her own life if it gives her children a chance.
I will choose not to argue with her unpopular wisdom since not all of these babies die as you have stated above as if that was fact.
I suspect many of them who live today know their mom loved them so much that she died so they could be here with us now.
I never said life isn’t ugly and full of the corruption that began in Eden when Eve listened to the liar.
I never said that women don’t have hard choices to make in this dark world.
I guess I’m just glad that there are some women in this world who understand that killing their babies is no choice at all.

1 month ago
Reply to  GatesSmasher

People kill inconvenient people and creatures all the time. And it’s even legal if it’s the government who does this.

I’m not saying that women should do abortions or that it’s good that they do this, I’m just saying that we kill a lot of living things all the time, and this is not very different from the rest of the killing we do.

Animals kill and even eat their young when they don’t have resources to feed them. People are not animals, but people are similar in a way that raising human kids requires a lot of resources and a lot of time, which not everybody can provide for various reasons. So just like in animal world some people prioritize their own survival.

Most anti-abortion people conviniently forget that the birth of the child is not the end, it’s the start. Then somebody has to care for the child, who’s going to do it if the mother can’t? I don’t see these people lining up to adopt a couple of kids. Well maybe some of them do, but totally not the majority of them.

And yes, some mothers facing medical complications may decide to sacrifice themselves, but these are not the type of women who will ever even think about abortion. But others will not and they’d prefer to live on and maybe try for another baby later.

So yeah, even if it’s ugly and unsightly, I will always advocate for legal abortions to be available, for reasons I’ve mentioned a lot of times already – to prevent more deaths of women. Abortions will happen anyway, whether we like it or not, but legal abortions will lower the number of bad outcomes.

The only true way to prevent abortions is educating people and providing easy access to contraception.

1 month ago
Reply to  mechanical

Says the one with the owl thumbnail… i had 3 abortions, ive mentioned this before, and i carry each and every one of them with me everyday. My first two were because of statutory rape or out right child abuse if you wanna call it that instead since the dude was 10 years older. Technically i wouldve fallen into the protected category but my heart and brain know better. I murdered my children, and they even had the gall to ask me if i would donate them for “stem cell research”. Even at 15 i knew enough to say no, because they were children, my children, and i told them so. Those who say it doesnt matter, they arent real, are just plain lying to themsleves. Its a hole you carve into your heart that never grows back. By the time i had my 3rd, i was just going through the motions, half believed the lies but mostly to ease my own conscience. I even argued for because i made the cause personal, which is a conflict of interest when i comes to debating, clouds your judgement. I thought the people in that clinic were so nice and helpful during a difficult time, but now i know, now i see my children running around and i know the truth. I still stop every so often and say that i would have 19, 18, and a 12 year old if i had had more guts. Go look into the Steven crowder undercover expose of drunk planned parenthood workers talking about getting more money for the ones that come out in tact, so explain that. Dont come here ill-informed and call us whackos. Do your research, see where the truth leads you.

1 month ago
Reply to  Missuhs.noobs

I’m so sorry you had to go through all this. It must have been a very traumatic experience. I wish no woman had to go through all this, all I’m doing here is trying to provide a balancing view, because all situations are different and blanket solutions for complex problems don’t work. I hope you will find a way to be at peace with yourself.

1 month ago
Reply to  mechanical

But you blanket everyone here with one viewpoint and then choose to side with ignorance to show balance?

1 month ago
Reply to  mechanical

Thank you for your sentiment. But that is ultimately the same reason for my response, is because though not admittedly, abortions are being used as a blanket response to pregnancies. I was still offered to see the ultrasound and now that is not common practice. That was like i said about 19 years ago and there were no minced words about what was happening. Yet i decided to go through with it because 1. I heard my mother sayung she would take me to get an abortion if i ever got pregnant while still a virgin 2. Planned parenthood came to my school and talked about abortions during a time when my father was gone and on drugs and 3. To protect my abuser. People are weak in desperate times but i always noticed that the girls my age at my school that got pregnant and had the baby, got stable and responsible, they went to college and married, but not me. I fell even deeper into the world, i became a drunken alcoholic stripper because of the pain i was trying to avoid. People never talk about the aftermath of abortions, the butterfly efect it can have upon ones life. Thats why i talk about this on here. I went through all this to be able to show a perspective that other may not have, and i will do it. God bless and may the scales fall from your eyes my friend. And though it may sound like a threat, i promise it isnt, but i will pray for you, many blessings and peace for all of us here discussing things as we often cant in the real world

1 month ago
Reply to  Missuhs.noobs

Oh my. I’m so sorry this has happened to you. I hope you can find forgiveness for your past self and move on. We all here are not perfect and we all make mistakes. You were probably very young and very scared and you did not know better. Try to not be so hard on yourself.

And the part about protecting your abuser – I did the same thing with mine. I kept silent and tried to evade him as much as I could. I totally get how one can get into a black pit of depression – I’ve been there. I’m glad you’ve persevered it and I wish you all the best, to be healthy, happy and in good spirits.

The thing that I am trying to express time and time again though is that banning abortions does not stop them from happening. There are researches about that. Banning legal abortions just makes people turn to illegal abortions, which are usually way more deadly.

So basically abortions still happen, but a lot of women die.

Blindly banning abortions also turns any pregnancy into a russian roulette, where the mother is likely to die if there are serious complications. Like it happened with that poor girl from Texas.

I understand that people here are coming from the goodness of their hearts and that’s why I’m the “deranged child sacrificer” here, but I’m voicing the side-effects of these policies that are real.

This is why even though I don’t like abortions too, I admit that their availability is necessary to prevent even more death. If the mother dies, the unborn baby dies anyway.

1 month ago
Reply to  Missuhs.noobs

PS. The owl in my thumbnail does not mean anything besides the fact that I love owls.

I know some bad guys like Bohemian Grove use the owl symbol for nefarious reasons, but I will not give them and the likes of them the ownership over these awesome birds. Sometimes a bird is just a bird.

1 month ago
Reply to  mechanical

I’m going to use a rainbow swastika and if anyone calls me a gay natzi Jew liberal that’s on them for being judgemental.
The choice of an owl, aligning your views with the prescribed illuminati views and your alias which sounds transhuman ai makes you seem suspicious is all.

Last edited 1 month ago by cabalfalls
1 month ago
Reply to  cabalfalls

Lmao. Owls are made by nature – unlike deliberately man-made symbols like swastika. Never in my wildest dreams I thought people will be disturbed by an image of a bird with flowers. Nothing in this image implies any symbolic context. Comparing it to swastika is wild.

As for nickname, I spent my childhood around an automobile repair shop, and in my native language these shops are called “auto-mechanica”. I used different variations of this nickname for years.

That’s why I like and simultaneously dislike this website – I too enjoy conspiracies, but some people here lean into them way too much.

1 month ago
Reply to  mechanical

The swastika is a symbol of good fortune and is widely distributed throughout the ancient and modern world.
The word is derived from the Sanskrit svastika, meaning “conducive to well-being.”
It was a favourite symbol on ancient Mesopotamian coinage.
In Scandinavia the swastika was the sign for the god Thor’s hammer.
The swastika also appeared in early Christian and Byzantine era and also in south and central America,among Maya and North America Navajo
Of course in Hinduism and Buddhism
Then the N**i’s hijacked it and people have no idea what it is actually, because they are too lazy to find out.

As for your statement that You enjoy conspiracies, like you would enjoy good comedy or action, that is so out of touch. So, you come to this website only for enjoyment? I would assume you are mentally deranged

Last edited 1 month ago by Višnja
1 month ago
Reply to  Višnja

You don’t know me to call me deranged. And by doing that you just proved my point.

1 month ago
Reply to  mechanical

I was analyzing your statement, and from it concluded the obvious

1 month ago
Reply to  Višnja

You’re not interested in a normal discussion, so I don’t wish to engage any longer. Good luck.

1 month ago
Reply to  mechanical

Well, those bad guys you are mentioning invented Planned Parenthood for your info, you should truly dig deeper.

1 month ago
Reply to  Missuhs.noobs

Words are poor! I’ve fought with my tears while reading your lines. I felt your rage and pain, your regrets. It is a terrible thing to digest that abuse and abusers take so many forms! Predators are always attacking the most vulnerable, many times those already abused.
I am so sorry for everything you have endured! These things that happened to you are bad enough to crush pretty much anyone, but you have managed somehow to overcome it and I guess it has in part to do with you not willing to live lying to yourself. At the same time I admire your courage to share your painful story in defence of life. We all have a past, missuhs.noobs, and we all have a future. Don’t get stuck in the past – I think it’s time you forgave yourself, if you didn’t by now …and I believe this change in your life is enough proof that God forgave you and helped you
Please do your best, as you did just now, to help others wake up and prevent them from becoming the victims (as you once were) of these sweet-talk butchers. Sometimes one life saved means two (baby AND mother).

1 month ago
Reply to  crisspf

I found the forgiveness of the father and though i know i am no longer merely a creation, this is one of those things i never want to forget. Those pictures are hard to see but are very important. As for my abuse, i think i had built up many walls as a trauma response and only really woke up to it few years ago, at around thirty, and realizing how my daughter is mere years away from the age all my turmoil started to open up my eyes to it, so in a way i dealt with that quickly in finding the truth, way, and light. I didnt always know i was abused, but i always knew i was a murderer. All im trying to say is that it is all a lie, but even when i did it, the question wasnt whether or not they were real humans. The level of dehumanization only compares to that of the jews

1 month ago
Reply to  Missuhs.noobs

That’s really sad. I’m guessing or hoping most females who had abortions have at least some regret even if it was a few weeks. It shouldn’t be used as a contraceptive.
If yours was an early abortion you might be blessed with having the same souls as children. There were a few women whose children they had after abortions mentioned something along the lines of “remember the first time I was in your tummy and you couldn’t have me?”

1 month ago
Reply to  cabalfalls

Thats very sweet of you, who knows. Two of them were, one was not, although by todays standards, they all were in the first trimester so they probably were early enough. I dont know how all that works in the context of heaven but im sure they are in good hands now. Its funny because all those excuses they use today did actually apply to me, the whole deadbeat father, abuse, awful life bit but i still regret it. Just goes to show

1 month ago
Reply to  Missuhs.noobs

Missuhs, thank you for your raw honesty, and I too am profoundly sorry for what you have endured.
The abortion industry never shares your side of the story, and they go to extremes to silence voices like yours when they are counseling vulnerable mothers to destroy their babies, and that it is the only way.
We have a friend who got pregnant after she was raped at a party where her drink was spiked.
She was advised to abort, given the reasoning that she would have to raise the child of the monster who violated her that way.
She made the decision instead to carry and deliver and raise the child, and we were so blessed to know her sweet daughter. There was no sign of the monster that was her creep father in her.
I believe that nurture counts for a lot over nature, and that sweet little girl is a perfect example.
I’m sharing this for the group at large, especially for those who think that women who have been victimized by rape should then turn and victimize their own child through assisted homicide.
Missuhs, my soul grieves alongside your own for these tragedies in your life.
All of our Creator’s love and blessings to you.

1 month ago
Reply to  Sarah

No matter what, this in not an “lol” matter. Your lack of understanding for the gravity of the matter shows in your desensitized language.

1 month ago
Reply to  Sarah

Wow Sarah,
Not everything Margaret Sanger and Bill Gates preach to you through your public grade schools is true.
When you call for critical thinking maybe check to see whether you yourself have engaged in it or whether you’ve thoughtlessly thrown in with the goat herd who says that the best way for women to demonstrate their femininity is to murder the very children they were divinely ordained to care for.
What did you say about propaganda?
Come back when you discover what it truly means to call yourself a woman.
Real women protect their babies with everything in their being.

1 month ago

It’s crazy to think there are people out there who would willingly destroy a perfectly healthy fetus and on top of that, harvest the organs for research or sale is …. even crazier.