
Two gay flamingo's have hatched an egg says the San Diego zoo.

In keeping with the LGBTQ+ normalization of homosexuality in a growing debauched society, the San Diego zoo has great news!

It appears a couple of homosexual foster parent flamingo’s, both male, have hatched an egg together –  awwww!  How cute. 

From the article:

Two male flamingos have joined their kind’s ranks of same-sex co-parents after hatching an egg together at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park.

The two foster dads are both in their 40s and are lesser flamingos, a species found in sub-Saharan Africa and western India, according to the zoo. The chick is also a lesser flamingo.

They were given a fake egg to sit on earlier this year – and after passing the test, they were given a real egg, which they hatched successfully.

“The pair has perfected their fatherly duties by alternating brooding responsibilities”, the zoo wrote in a social media post.

I wonder if the little chick will be gay too when it grows up; I am certain the parents will encourage it to be whatever it wants to be … even if it decides to identify as a walrus.

Note: the article does not say the flamingo’s are gay nor insinuate they are although my gaydar detects it in the spirit of the article.  If two same sex flamingo’s can hatch an egg, why cant a male/female pair do the same.  I dont understand why two males have to be used.  They also can incubate it and take care of it or pair two opposite sex flamingos to hatch it.  Regardless, this has gayness written all over it.


Flamingo foster fathers hatch an egg together at the San Diego zoo

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1 day ago

Forcing unusual, defective, pairings in nature as normal. Also the headline failed to mention that it wasn’t really their egg but stolen from other parents

Last edited 1 day ago by John
1 day ago

Aww, adorbs!

1 day ago

Haha! Nice try!

20 hours ago

God and a scientist are having a conversation. The scientist tells God, “You know, we don’t even need you anymore. We have mastered the art of creation. We can take a handful of dirt and create life from it, just as you did.”

God pauses and smiles for a moment. “Oh really?” says God. “Show me.”

So the scientist reaches down to grab a handful of dirt and God politely stops him saying, “Oh no, no, no. I made that. You’ll have to get your own dirt.”

No matter what they ‘profess’ to be able to do without God, they are always using His Tools & His Creations combined with Satan’s methodology.

The egg the male flamingos hatched was laid by a female flamingo who had mated with a male flamingo. Period.

Get your own dirt.

11 hours ago

You are not the target group.
They know this information is for you “adult old school” an absurdity,
What population goes mostly to zoos? It’s for children

10 hours ago
Reply to  cocoa

Children can’t go by themselves… parents can always correct erroneous teaching at home. I’ve discussed this with my own kids, my nieces, nephews etc they do agree its abnormal for a few to force their delusions on the many. Even their gay friends think its stupid to force gender lies/wrong pronouns on the majority.

6 hours ago
Reply to  john

I would encourage everyone to visit the Natural History Museum of the Smithsonian in DC, and one little ridiculous exhibit specifically.
Look for the tryptich sculpture in the glass display case which demonstrates clearly to all of us simpleton Neanderthals the evolution of fish.
The blatant stupidity of this Satanic agenda is obvious if you spend just two seconds looking at it with your brain turned on.
I stood there with my students saying loudly for all passers-by to hear, “Can you believe this bimbo-science hack-fiction?”
I would love to walk in there with a display table to set up directly across from their absurd “science exhibit” and combat their bad comic book mythology with some actual science and history.
I guess if the people of America will believe that fish lost their legs because the puddles they walked around in grew too deep, then they will be sure to take their Covid shots when the time arrives.

2 minutes ago
Reply to  GatesSmasher


6 hours ago

Please San Diego!
Feed us more lies!!!
We are so hungry!!