
French music festival Les Nuits Secrètes (The Secret Nights)

It’s so blatant it’s almost ridiculous.

A devil with one-eye and the hush secrecy sign in front of him. Wooden marionettes doing some dance moves (they’re probably moking the crowd/people attending the festival with their “eyes wide shut”…)

An arch… Passing through an arch is the symbolic act of rebirth, of leaving the old behind and entering the new. They often mark access into holy places.

In religious and spiritual traditions, arches symbolize the divine gateway and serve as markers of significant thresholds. Arches hold spiritual significance by evoking feelings of transcendence, awe, and wonder, and representing a connection between mortal and divine realms.

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1 minute ago

A music festival for people who are sad that the 2024 Olympics are over!