
Fotomaker self-titled album (circa 1978)

Fotomaker was a power pop group from Long Island, New York who released three albums between 1978 and 1979.

They released three albums, this was their debut.  The album cover features a vulnerable child with heavy makeup giving off “lolita” vibes.

This was released just two years after the Scorpion’s “Virgin Killer” album.

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4 months ago

Just type “Vogue kids” in google images and you’ll be shocked.

After women “empowerment”, children “emancipation” will come soon. We wont be able to question s3xu4l attitudes of adults towards children in this babylon we live because it will be considered an absurd to say “the child doesnt know what he/she is doing”, it will be an offense to say that a kid doesnt know what he’s doing because it will be like diminishing the kid and “kids are people too” etc. Just bear it in mind. We wont be able to say that a kid doesnt know what he is doing. Kids will be taught s3xu4l education since they are VERY young in order not to “fall pray to p43d0s”, but the real intention will be convincing people that there is no more reason to find it awful for a kid to have s3xu4l life. 🙁

4 months ago
Reply to  Nobody

I knew what I was doing as a child and was forced. There was no constant! I am not talking teenage girls 14-18. These are small children on the covers they would not consent, believe me.

Now when I was in my teens I did date older men.. not like nasty old but at 15 I had a 21 year old boyfriend. He did not groom me or chase me. If anything I was his predator lol.

This thing where society thinks a 13-18 yr old females cannot consent is just insane. To say an 18 yr boy has raped a constenting 14 yr old is just lunacy.

Females hormones rage just as much as male hormones age 13-30 and beyond in many cases. So keep that in mind as you raise up teen girls.

4 months ago

The “it was a different time” defence.

4 months ago
Reply to  Rosey

Except we know there’s nothing new under the sun.
I wonder, at the time these albums were released, what percentage of the population was awake to messaging like this (enemy gang signs) without the aid of the internet connecting us to share our insights.

4 months ago
Reply to  Rosey

Yeah when sexual predators got a slap on the hand. My predator went completely unpunished by authorities. He was nothing special, no elite or high standing society man and they let that b*****d walk!