
Vladimir Putin and Klaus Schwab Go Way Back (Note the Masonic Handshake) (

Swab meets both Putins. In each case, Masonic thumbs get a workout.Putin is a Rothschild bum boy like all world mis-leaders. Mankind is the victim of a diabolical plot to start WW3.

In January of 2021, Putin gave a keynote (virtual) address before the World Economic Forum. The theme: “The Great Reset.”

Beginning his speech with a warm “dear Klaus,” Putin recalled how he first met Mr. Schwab in 1992 and since then had regularly attended events organized by the Fourth Industrial Revolution visionary.

Putin used his address to urge for “expanding the scale of [COVID] testing and vaccinations” across the globe–policies that have ushered in worldwide medical apartheid.

Echoing the sentiments of western leaders, Putin also argued that the global economy would need to be rebuilt from the ground up by central banks:

[T]he key question today is how to build a program of actions in order to not only quickly restore the global and national economies affected by the pandemic, but to ensure that this recovery is sustainable in the long run, relies on a high-quality structure and helps overcome the burden of social imbalances. Clearly, with the above restrictions and macroeconomic policy in mind, economic growth will largely rely on fiscal incentives with state budgets and central banks playing the key role.

The Russian president has repeatedly stated vaccination should be voluntary–but his personal opinion has had no impact on actual policy. All 85 regions of Russia now have decrees requiring certain segments of the population to get the shot.

On December 17, Putin voiced support for a nationwide QR code law–one of the most unpopular pieces of legislation in recent Russian history. The introduction of digital health IDs would in essence make vaccination compulsory for those who want to partake in life’s most ordinary activities.

In late November, after the health ministry approved “Sputnik-M”–Russia’s COVID shot for ages 12-17–Putin suggested authorities begin “thinking about” vaccinating children starting from the age of two. How many two-year-olds have died from COVID in Russia? (Trick question: the Russian government doesn’t disclose COVID-linked deaths by age group. In fact, the Russian government refuses to publish lots of highly important COVID-related data, including statistics on post-vaccination side effects. Why?)

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4 months ago

this website & the MM go way back too.
this site is 100% 33 bullshi*.
jabulon incarnate.

[ @ 444Gem ]

4 months ago
Reply to  HollowLogs

Has anyone heard from @444gem lately? Hope dude is alive and well, still waiting for the next 12 Monkeys drop.

4 months ago
Reply to  Buddhaboy19

You’ll find what i’m telling you nonsense, but believe me, 444gem is an AI bot! VL improved it’s monitoring to exclude bots, that’s why 444siri is not answering you anymore.
Welcome to the new age of AI deception!

4 months ago
Reply to  Netto

I guess anything is possible, like him sending me a few emails with some items i requested. idk.

4 months ago
Reply to  Buddhaboy19

In a previous thread around 1 month ago, 444GEM asked me my email.
That was his last comment, i answered him, but never got any email or any answer from him.
Could you please make the connection, here is my email:
mrcollins at mailfence . com
I have many questions and i would like to hear from him.
Do you know if he’s posting elsewhere? If he has a Substack Blog?

4 months ago
Reply to  Netto

he’s not..
he’s been on here for years & years.. typos galore..
he’s likely from UK.. older millennial..
disaffected initiate or striving for next degree.. hard to tell. though certainly human, male.
hit up the Monkeys archived comments for confirmation.. wayyyy too disjointed to be prograMMed ai..

he called out this site to be pharonic years ago. he’s a more hopeful Seam Hross type.. the only insightful reason to still drop in on VC & VL.

the VL logo is ancient ( his words)
& the mirroring technique was disclosed here before any of the chans etc… kek.

now the regular frequent uploaders are under the auspices of ai, for sure. they never last more than a few years..
again , hit up the archives comments for further confirmation of whatever bias needs affirming..

33controlled 100%

4 months ago
Reply to  HollowLogs

Yes, if you look at the VC symbol at the top of this page, you may notice that it is not VL but is rather ‘same above as below’.

3 months ago
Reply to  admin

It’s a digamma.

4 months ago
Reply to  HollowLogs

It is written: “Ye shall know them by their fruits”.
So far, he has said many wise and true things and the things I was unsure about I researched and found they made sense. A lot of sense. Maybe he really is what he says he is, as many occult texts do seem like they lack something or that they deliberately ignore something very important.
Maybe he is not, but just as you would do with occult texts – you take them with a grain of salt, do your own research and if need be pray for the truth to be shown to you.
So far the fruits have been nourishing indeed and I hope they stay that way.
That being said, we must test everything and always be vigilant.

3 months ago
Reply to  HollowLogs

Yeah I noticed the logo looking a little too ss zz NN lightning bolt myself. I wondered what happened to delete the elite. I’m not going so far as to say he was ai I don’t think he was at all but he was pretty active to suddenly drop.. Personally I haven’t been able to upload various things in the past which were non offensive and after trying several times and spending my time I got upset and stopped. I’m not sure why but the least we could get is some kind of email or clue what needs fixed or what topics are off limits versus wasting away our time for nothing on an article that mysteriously will not post for any reason imaginable or is too deep state and will get people into trouble

Last edited 3 months ago by marie
3 months ago
Reply to  marie

I don’t post anymore because there seems to be little point.

3 months ago
Reply to  Netto

He is not I have received emails from him before. He was pretty busy last time I heard he was compiling a lot of information to eventually email everyone on the email list asking for monkey info after it was done. I’m guessing life isn’t as smooth sailing as he thought and he got side tracked that doesn’t make him a bot. You can dislike him all you want but lying about him to influence others is f****d up.

4 months ago
Reply to  Buddhaboy19

I think he posted some comments on the latest Balenciaga ad with some celebrity woman dressed as Marilyn Monroe.
He hasn’t been posting many articles lately. I have a feeling that if a new one ever gets posted, it will include a lot of text translated from some ancient language.

3 months ago
Reply to  sempervigilans

Yeah I liked his posts. I didn’t agree with him all the time but he wasn’t a dick

4 months ago

Internet rumours say that Trump and Putin are close friends and that all world leaders are WEF butt boys and pedophiles. I suspect that Trump also takes orders from the WEF and will implement qr codes vaccine passports under the guise of voter id. Trump already ordered vaccine records to be digitized even before he deployed the plandemic when he was chief con artist before.

3 months ago
Reply to  Michele

They all work for the cabal. This whole thing was planned long ago.

4 months ago

COVID does not exist.