
Fortune says kids mental health "improved" during covid pandemic … I say bullshit.

Fortune’s “Well” column has put out some bullshit article defending kids mental health during the covid lockdowns.

From the article:

Much has been said about how the pandemic shutdown not only robbed kids of vital socialization and education, but also left them vulnerable to declining mental health, amplifying already debilitating struggles.

But a new study, published in the journal JAMA Network Open, has also found a surprise: that the early COVID isolation may have actually helped improve, ever so slightly, the mental health struggles of some children.  

“We would have expected a lot of declines in mental health over time,” one of the lead authors, Kaja LeWinn, professor at the University of California School of Medicine, San Francisco, tells Fortune. “We actually found some improvements, specifically for kids with significant behavioral problems.”

The study found an “ever so slightly” improvement in the mental health of kids with “significant behavioral problems”.

My guess is that these kids were playing video games all day and got them out of trouble they normally get into.

Some more pro-lockdown garbage.  Thankfully for the rich here in California, if we ever have another pandemic that forces us into lockdown, their children will still be able to attend private school!  

Right, Gavin Newsom?


The pandemic may have actually improved mental health for some kids, study finds

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4 months ago

I got some new pets during the p@ndemic. They are not even socialized well because of the previous p@ndemic. Imagine our children.

Last edited 4 months ago by Hunter
4 months ago

I’m sure not every youth had the same experience, and I’m sure there were some kids who regularly got beat up at school who enjoyed the lockdowns for the zero-violence environment that Zoom classes provided.
But I can personally testify that the lockdowns mentally ruined some of my students.
I spoke to students who previously were reasonable, but became shells of humans after the mass-formation mindwiping.
A few told me they no longer left their homes during that sinister era.
I assumed they meant for school, but they corrected me in that they meant never for any reason.
They believed the lies Doc Fauci was pounding into their brains and they thought they would most likely catch their death if they went outside.
You could imagine the anxiety that accompanies a mindset like that. Like a demon in their ears.
So sad and disgusting.
It was hard to watch my students fall victim to this orchestrated insanity, and especially to realize that my voice (attempting to be one presenting reason) was completely drowned out by the mass formation psychosis.
They could no longer hear/recognize the voice of reason. Only the pervasive lies that rang in their ears while they hoped with all hope for Gates’ vaccine to come quickly and save them from the terrifying pandemic.

4 months ago

Of course kids will feel better temporarily when they are removed from incessant bullying, but there will be psychological consequences from this (they are visible already, ask any teacher), especially in younger children. Older kids could still make it because they remember what is normal, at least a little.
Grades have suffered, you know it’s bad when the eduaction minister says to the press that online classes were a bad idea. Gee, I wonder why he didn’t figure that out before… It’s obviously a bad idea.

4 months ago

What utter crap promoted by the JAMA! Parents *and* their children suffered immense and likely permanent psychological damage during the CovAin’t. How about the constant mask-wearing which reduces oxygen intake and increases CO2, resulting in brain damage? Our Creator gave us a nose and mouth for breathing and thriving; to cover them — especially for long periods over time — is an affront to our very beingness. What about the fact that no one was prepared to turn their home into a remote classroom? There is so much horrific trauma.

4 months ago

Yeah because they were not being bullied.. I say this with only reading the headline

1 month ago

Infant deaths (SIDS, + SUIDs+) decreased 30% in 2020 – “well-baby appointments” are little-to-nothing more than multiple Vx injection sessions, and those were halted for a time.

Many babies lived because they didn’t get chemically assaulted – that improved their ‘mental health’ significantly.