
FLASHBACK: Kid Cudi wears a bathroom tub curtain as a dress. But … I am looking at his sweater.

Remember when Kid Cudi wore a dress at the 2021 Met Gala?  Cringe, I know.

He is wearing a sweater that reads “Amen Breakers” with two lightning bolts across from each other.

From wikipedia:

The Amen break is a drum break that has been widely sampled in popular music. It comes from the 1969 track “Amen, Brother” by the American soul group the Winstons, released as the B-side of the 1969 single “Color Him Father“. The drum break lasts seven seconds and was performed by Gregory Coleman.

While Kid Cudi has probably benefitted from sampling this break beat, is this a slick subliminal?

Amen roughly translates to “so be it” said after every prayer (God’s will) while “break” means “To cause to separate into pieces suddenly or violently; smash.”  While his sweater might represent someone who samples the “amen break” explained in the wikipedia article, the lightning bolts are a bit suspicious, not to mention the timing of it all, the Met Gala and him wearing a dress.

Things that make you go, hmmmm.  🤔

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1 month ago

What about that necklace? He was a total hot mess.

1 month ago

This is sad and humiliating.

1 month ago

This dumbass fool mocking God? Who does he thinks he is?