
The crowdstrike crisis was planned (

In October 2019, the World Economic Forum (WEF) promoted “Event 201”, an exercise simulating carefully designed scenarios of a possible coronavirus pandemic. TWO MONTHS later, the pandemic happened following each of the simulated scenarios like a script. In 2021, the WEF held the “Cyber Polygon” event that simulated a fictional cyber attack with participants from dozens of countries. Klaus Schwab, founder of the WEF, justified the event by saying that the world must prepare for a potential pandemic even more serious than the current one: the cyber pandemic.

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2 months ago

Que Crowdstrike sorte un bug majeur c’est possible, mais que cela affecte tous les utilisateurs en même temps est quand même suspect.
Alors … OUI c’est de nature valider un possible test de blocage mondial via une action par internet.
En cette période (07/2024) de guerre tout est envisageable.

2 months ago
Reply to  Nathanael


That Crowdstrike releases a major bug is possible, but that it affects all users at the same time is still suspect.
So … YES it is likely to validate a possible global blocking test via an action over the internet.
In this period (07/2024) of war, everything is possible.

2 months ago

Everything according to plan. If they down the internet, the flow of information will be severely limited, i.e. this site and others.

The control of information is what they are after I reckon.