
How police rescued a woman from a ritual killing amid massive Mexican trafficking network (

The kidnapper’s murder tools were ready. Tarp, knife, candles and statue honoring the patron saint of death. Georgia police rushed to intervene.

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1 month ago

God sets before us life and death. Don’t worship death, so dumb. Don’t worship physical death, mental death, spiritual death. Maybe the reason you are sick is because you choose some manifestation of death.

1 month ago
Reply to  Michele

As a black woman I told everyone I could that BLM was a death cult. No one listened. They called me white-washed. Death cults know no color

1 month ago
Reply to  Wowjustwow

So many death cults around right now. Ppl just mindlessly follow. That’s when you know true evil is at work I think.

1 month ago
Reply to  Wowjustwow

Can you elaborate on what you mean about BLM being a death cult?
I’m aware of certain leaders somewhere in the organization practicing witchcraft on behalf of the organization…
I want to make sure I understand the term “death cult.”
My brother is so completely brainwashed by Satan’s camps (I think his mind was given over to the devil after he became an accomplice in multiple abortions) that he plants a big BLM sign in his front yard.
He claims to care about the lives of our African-descended brothers and sisters while his number-one hero is Margaret Sanger as he actively carries out her legacy (talk about a death cult! That’s “reproductive rights” in a nutshell, huh?). How does he not recognize this gaping disconnect?
Satan took his ability to reason that formerly existed in his once-intelligent mind.

1 month ago
Reply to  GatesSmasher

Their sole focus was on the graphic deaths of black men. Leading to those images being fed to society repeatedly. Now anyone criminal who gets hemmed up yells, “I can’t breathe! You’re killing me!” Looking to be the next martyr. Then they took to the streets, people were hurt and killed. Businesses destroyed. And that was called “peaceful protest”. A hallmark of a death cult is backwards double speak. Now black kids and others are killing each other at a more rapid rate. All the comments read, “Where is BLM?!” But that’s the point, they wanted to see an end to black men. They’re lesbians, who moved to topanga with the money. I’m certain they’re up there doing wicked rituals with the children of the excrete. It’s a dang old shame what’s going on, but I’m learning to still be my best and let my energy transform my environment. Or simply leave when the environment is broken…like with my extended family. I don’t trust anyone with a blm sign at this point.

1 month ago
Reply to  GatesSmasher

Margaret Sanger was a racist and eugenecist that considered black people “less than”.

Last edited 1 month ago by rick
1 month ago
Reply to  Wowjustwow

There was an ex-BLM member speaking out on it being frivolous.