
Fungi are adapting to body heat, another doomsday scenario being promoted.

Apparently we inhale thousands and thousands of fungi spores daily while breathing but are body quickly defends us from this – one way is through heat; our bodies are too hot and not an ideal environment for them.

However, scientists stress that due to “climate change”, things are changing rapidly.

From the article:

But a new study has found that some fungal pathogens are evolving to become capable of infecting humans — and it may be linked to climate change.

“The danger and importance of new fungal pathogens is believed to be seriously underestimated,” wrote the study authors in a paper published in the journal Nature Microbiology.

There are also indications that rising temperatures are allowing fungi to mutate and become resistant to antifungal drugs.

I respectfully request everyone on this site to please reduce your carbon footprint at once to save us from ourselves.


Fungi are adapting to body heat — a ‘doomsday scenario’

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2 months ago

Sigh. This climate bs is exhausting.

2 months ago
Reply to  Rosey

If spores from fungi are suddenly adapting to human bodies, these folks can cry “climate crisis” all day but I guarantee the real reason is because so many people worldwide have had the function of their DNA altered by the mRNA pokes.
Maybe that’s just one more side effect Billy G told Moderna to program into their witches’ brew.

2 months ago
Reply to  Rosey

Climate bullsxxxt or not, manufactured fud or not, I’ve always believed in keeping everything clean and I can’t side with with polluting the world we live in. In my country, I can’t stand the air in the crowded cities anymore. I’ve moved 35 kms away near farmlands and small forests. yet the pollution is slowly reaching where I live. Climate change or not, pollution is a real problem, just look at China too. That’s not fog, that’s smog. I don’t want that to happen allover the world. People need clean air and water too.

2 months ago
Reply to  john

Up voted

2 months ago

Life needs carbon. I got a grand idea, let’s reduce the biggest contributors by starting with the elite and working our way down to ‘stability’. We can give them an option of vaccine or Gaza/Ukraine tour just like they have done and are doing to us. They can also be zapped with the Hawaii zapper, they don’t get to wear blue either. If they return the children then we might let their children eat bug milk and get a vacation to Mel’s hole.

2 months ago
Reply to  marie

I’m so glad to see you, Marie! I have lost your email…are you willing to resend, please?

2 months ago

Adapting? Yeah sure, how about genetically engineered. The so called elites are psychopaths who are in alignment with the evil one to destroy humanity. I believe there was some kind of demonic agreement with the United States after WW2 in which technology and knowledge was given to humanity in exchange for the most powerful country in history would be enslaved to satan. Where has all of the evil social changes started, who has led the world in technology development, where has most of the pharmaceutical developments come from and one could list many other things. God is in charge and we know from the Bible what happens when God has had enough.

2 months ago
Reply to  Brooks

There are specific demons who give knowledge of tech and music and math and every other thing under the sun, but they are also all liars, so they wouldn’t be holding up their end of the deal. We are not very technologically advanced actually. I believe technology was far more advanced in the distant past because what we have now doesn’t even hold a candle to what they had in the 50’s even. If someone did make that deal, they made sure it was suppressed once they figured out people would be happier and the top few who commune with these demons wouldn’t make as much money. Pharma is a lie. All of it. No advancements there, just primitive poisons. The real trickery is in convincing people to take the poisons themselves and essentially commit mass suicide every day.

2 months ago
Reply to  green

….stopping their souls from being redeemed.

2 months ago
Reply to  green

Green you’re absolutely right about “advanced” Pharma being built entirely on primitive poisons. Rockefeller just figured out how his clan could get richer by mingling those primitive poisons with the petroleum he would control the world with for a handful of generations.