
Everyone should at least watch this twice: Republic vs. Democracy

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2 days ago

I have sent that video out for the past 15 years. some people don’t want to wake up. Great video. Shows how the elites create a vacuum called’s the last step before tyranny … Thanks for posting it.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, when he was arrested by the Nazis, sat in his prison cell and said to himself what happened to my nation that was full of poets and intellects. He came to the conclusion that you could fight against evil, confront it and battle it. But you can’t fight against stupidity. if you go on YouTube and look up theory of stupidity… it’s a whiteboard type video, it’s an another great watch.

2 days ago
Reply to  Kavanah

I just want to point out that this vacuum you mentioned, is not called anarchy, but rather an “anomie”.
from wiki:

“In sociology, anomie or anomy (/ˈænəmi/) is a social condition defined by an uprooting or breakdown of any moral values, standards or guidance for individuals to follow.”

“The term, commonly understood to mean normlessness, is believed to have been popularized by French sociologist Émile Durkheim … ”

“Durkheim never used the term normlessness; rather, he described anomie as “derangement”, and “an insatiable will.” Durkheim used the term “the malady of the infinite” because desire without limit can never be fulfilled; it only becomes more intense.”

“For Durkheim, anomie arises more generally from a mismatch between personal or group standards and wider social standards; or from the lack of a social ethic, which produces moral deregulation and an absence of legitimate aspirations, i.e.:
[A]nomie is a mismatch, not simply the absence of norms. Thus, a society with too much rigidity and little individual discretion could also produce a kind of anomie …”

In contrast to that, anarchy is fundamentally defined only by the absence of rulers.

“As a concept, anarchy is commonly defined by what it excludes. Etymologically, anarchy is derived from the Greek: αναρχία, romanized: anarchia; where “αν” (“an”) means “without” and “αρχία” (“archia”) means “ruler”. Therefore, anarchy is fundamentally defined by the absence of rulers.

While anarchy specifically represents a society without rulers, it can more generally refer to a stateless society, or a society without government. Anarchy is thus defined in direct contrast to the State, an institution that claims a monopoly on violence over a given territory. Anarchists such as Errico Malatesta have also defined anarchy more precisely as a society without authority, or hierarchy.

Anarchy is also often defined synonymously as chaos or social disorder, reflecting the state of nature as depicted by Thomas Hobbes. By this definition, anarchy represents not only an absence of government but also an absence of governance. This connection of anarchy with chaos usually assumes that, without government, no means of governance exist and thus that disorder is an unavoidable outcome of anarchy. Sociologist Francis Dupuis-Déri has described chaos as a “degenerate form of anarchy”, in which there is an absence, not just of rulers, but of any kind of political organization. He contrasts the “rule of all” under anarchy with the “rule of none” under chaos.

Since its conception, anarchy has been used in both a positive and negative sense, respectively describing a free society without coercion or a state of chaos.”

The german wiki-site even states this:

“Anarchy is also commonly assumed to be a state of social disorder, tyranny and lawlessness caused by the absence of the state and institutional violence, and is often used in many media to falsify the actual meaning in the catchphrase “chaos and anarchy”. However, the actual name for such a condition is anomie.”

Why does this even matter?
Because this is a prime example of orwellian social engineering.
Anarchy is literally THE solution to our problem. A free society without coercion and without rulers. No coercion means no violence.
And what did the satanists do? What they always do: take it and invert/pervert it.
They took something which literally means peace on earth and turned it into something bad.
It’s exactly as in “1984”, control over the mind through control of language.

Don’t let yourself be deceived by their inverted language.

1 day ago
Reply to  whatever

No faith in Jesus Christ is the only solution. We will never attain it on this earth because man cannot see it or mocks and challenges God.

Frances Schaefer explains it best in How do we then live? (Series is in YouTube )1970s and not a moment out of date. It’s about moral absolutes otherwise we can’t hold it together.

1 day ago
Reply to  Rosey

Good point Rosey. Anarchy is not just the absence of government, but also the absence of just law, which was ordained by our Creator to protect mankind from the symptoms of her fallen state.
Anarchy in the hands of man…meaning man living not only without a ruler, but also under the effects of total lawlessness, would only lead to ruin, and those who value natural law would be stomped out by those who would adhere to Satan’s advocacy to “do as thou wilt.”
Even when Christ returns and there is no more corrupt governing, there will still be law and order, even if a perfect version we have never witnessed in our lives or across human history after Eden.

22 hours ago
Reply to  Rosey

As I said, anarchy literally means a peaceful coexistence without coercion or rulers. There can be no violence without coercion and there can be no crime without imposing one’s will on someone. And if there’s still chaos, uproars and injustice than it’s not a real anarchy. Per definition. Therefore anarchy IS the solution. Anarchy should be the “end product”, the most desirable outcome for human civilization.
The more important question is how to get there.
And since this satanic-abrahamic blood cult that you call christianity, with your jewish galleon figure jesus, is demonstrably nothing other than the greatest psy-op in the history of modern humanity, i cannot imagine that “faith in jesus” will lead us to anything other than our doom. Nor do i believe that laws are useful to us, for my vision of a peaceful civilisation needs no laws, as people would inherently perceive their existence as a “collective individual” living in cooperation rather than competition, instead of falling prey to the most persistent illusion of all, the illusion of ego.
To be clear, I do not believe in jesus or god, but I certainly believe in satan or saturn or whatever that entity is. Satan’s biggest trick was not to make us all believe that he doesn’t exist, but to make us all believe that there is a “righteous god” who will save us all when the time comes. it’s basically the same as “operation trust” (look it up). you don’t have to do anything, “just trust the plan” and the powers behind the scenes will sort it all out for you. same scheme as controlled opposition. evil plays both sides.

truth sleuth
truth sleuth
45 minutes ago
Reply to  whatever

So you believe in a world where there is a father of lies, but no father of truth? The world is a pretty dark place, but not completely devoid of light. “Just trust the plan” philosophy is not the teaching put forth in true Christianity. The Devil has skewed it to make us passive and do nothing against him and make us believe that that’s what God wants us to do. Jesus called us to “bear good fruits.” These fruits are the fruits of faith, yes, but they are the results of ACTING on God’s law. A law that requires us to feed the hungry, to love your neighbor, to admonish the sinner, and to speak the truth. The idea of trusting in God’s plan is supposed to give us the strength to step out in the world, knowing that whatever harm befalls us from spreading truth, fighting temptation, and defending others against evil in this world, will be cause for reward in the next.

Peace be with you 🙂