
Chosen For Pride? How The Christian Music Industry is Selling Out.


Pastor Joe Schimmel and his son in law, Chad Davidson, expose Christian musicians for supporting pride and the LGBT community. 

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1 month ago

Don’t let the church keep you from finding your Creator. Church people dislike me. Christ loves me (hint: Christ Consciousness is in EACH OF US!)

1 month ago
Reply to  Wowjustwow

That whole “Christ Consciousness” stuff is new age talk repackaged. People need to realize they’re degenerate sinners (me included, we all are) realize that Jesus Christ is the only Way, Truth and Life, He’s the only way to the Father, repent of their sins and be filled by the Holy Spirit. And no, “Christ Consciousness” is not in each of us. It is only after a person is truly born again that they receive the Holy Spirit. If you are a true Christian, I would consider not using that term anymore, because like I said, that is 💯 new age talk and does not communicate the true gospel correctly. If you’re not a Christian, then realize that Jesus in the Bible, never talked in a new agey way. Read the Bible and learn the Truth.

1 month ago
Reply to  Kathleen

Jesus said the kingdom is within. I’m gonna listen to Him instead of you.

1 month ago
Reply to  Kathleen

And I’m not a Christian because yall tell me that meditation is wrong. Yet, as I read the scripture, that is what I read from my Lord. You go your way, and I will go mine.

1 month ago
Reply to  Wowjustwow

Do what thou wilt my friend. I pray that you find a church and are discipled properly and come fully to Christ. What you are saying appears to be an internet assembled belief. Especially your mention of CC so I say this with respect to you.

Look I’m not being an jerk and for as much as Christ preached about love he also preached about sin. I missed that as many do and found I didn’t really understand Christianity or Christians at all. I was in rebellion for a GREAT many years before giving myself to His way. I’m still crap and broken and sinful but I understand I was just doing everything for me not for God. I’m a bit of a weird sheep and I’m not to struck on ppl so I tend to keep myself to myself. In short I find ppl in churches quite testing, but that is on me and is my problem not theirs a lot of the time. I refused to go to church which was a fundamental mistake as I was under no ones teaching and assembled my own belief and read the Bible in a way I understood it. A universalist one at that.

I pray for you brother. If you do one thing – but a study bible at least.

1 month ago
Reply to  Rosey

That I do. And I am your sister. No one ever hears me out, so I won’t bother here. Wishing you the best

1 month ago
Reply to  Wowjustwow


Be coherent if you want to be heard.

Make a thoughtful case for your perspective and I will pay attention. Just know that I will cross-examine any points you might make that I see as problematic.

1 month ago
Reply to  ignoble

Nah, I’m good

Bible lover
Bible lover
1 month ago
Reply to  Wowjustwow

New King James Version
Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. Phil 4:8

1 month ago
Reply to  Kathleen

Lol I could truly eat you alive with this weak zealot based response, but my God I’ve given too much effort to you dullards so I’ll just say this: There was a reason not every sheep on the farm was allowed into the “ORIGINAL” mystery system and you batteries prove it everything. Please go plug back in, the matrix awaits, & it’s hungry for its foolish cattle.

the great plague
the great plague
1 month ago
Reply to  Wakeupgoofies

correct, only ghey men allowed in the mysteries

1 month ago
Reply to  Wakeupgoofies

Just the fact that you are in a state of attack alone, shows me that you are not in possession of the intellect that you think you have. Calling people that you don’t even know names… for what purpose exactly? Does this make you feel good about yourself, do you feel more powerful now?

1 month ago
Reply to  Kathleen

Also, christ consciousness is an ANCIENT concept (known by many names throughout time) but since you infants shutter at the very term “occult”, it’s useless to expand upon it or even provide proper scholarship to zealots. My christians elders (ironically) have a saying: “If yeshua came back as one man, the “christians” wld crucify him ALL over again” for fear of him being a voodoo black magician. Smh god I hate ignorance.

1 month ago
Reply to  Wakeupgoofies

Thank you so much! You said it all…everything Christ taught us these people call evil. Darn shame. World wouldn’t be so full of bloodshed if Christians could stop eating the body and drinking the blood. But we are the bad guys 🤷🏾‍♀️🤣

1 month ago
Reply to  Wakeupgoofies


A striking difference between what Jesus taught and the ‘mystery systems’ is exposure vs illuminism. Jesus taught that whoever comes to the light shows that his works have been carried out in God, and that no one lights a lamp and blocks out the light. The ‘mystery systems’ teach illumination within the self, which is against God.

1 month ago
Reply to  Wakeupgoofies

Yet you spew ignorance. There were no Christians until after Christ died and was resurrected. Christians didn’t kill Christ, the Jews/Phoenicians did

1 month ago
Reply to  Wowjustwow

When you read a verse, check the context. Yes the kingdom of God is with in you but it doesn’t make you a king. It means God is King over you, making you a subject. So this Christ consciousness is a misinterpretation of what God’s kingdom is. There is only one King, we don’t share in God’s Kinghood but only the kingdom, as subjects

1 month ago
Reply to  john


1 month ago

This is what you felt was so important? Shouldn’t it be obvious to someone who follows Jesus that supporting the gay agenda is wrong?

Schimmel seems like a sincere man, but don’t seek people to look up to.

Jesus didn’t subject himself to anyone because he knew what was in man.

Last edited 1 month ago by ignoble
1 month ago


You made it seem like what you wanted to post was more important than what’s been posted previously, going so far as to call the moderator an idiot.

If you want to post a podcast that is up to you, but you might consider some reflection on your audience here, as well as your self-righteous tone.

1 month ago



HAHA funny joke, dude.

1 month ago

Yo yo Gem, are you the twin of the sky? Lol. Diane’s a new one, no?

No rush, but message is up whenever you’re ready @444gem

Came here to ping you and found no better place than this

1 month ago


My guy, this is super lame.

1 month ago

Amy Grant has a big heart. ❤️

1 month ago

I wanna keep this chat going but organized. I also say, the Bible is allegorical. Please continue to tell me I’m wrong, and how y’all unknowingly or openly celebrating pagan holidays makes you a better person than me. Seven seals: seven chakras. What did Jacob name Peniel? The place where he saw God. What is the spiral staircase? DNA? Kundalini? Also, I can’t be homophobic. I only despise pervs and pdfiles. However yall live, if you’re good to people, that’s awesome. Some of the most evil people I’ve met sat in that front pew. Love you all.

1 month ago
Reply to  Wowjustwow


“You shall not sleep with a male as one sleeps with a female; it is an abomination.”
Leviticus 18:22

Is this verse allegory?

1 month ago
Reply to  ignoble

I’m black. If I judged so harshly I wouldn’t be able to live where I live with how some black folks treat each other. Some kill each other. Shall I judge the whole world, or live. In this world but not of it. I am certainly not for this agenda, but I will not use the Bible against anyone. Already too much blood shed in this world for my mind to be hateful. And yes. I’m also not supposed to each shrimp or pork according to the laws.

1 month ago
Reply to  Wowjustwow

Its been made clean in the new testament

1 month ago
Reply to  Wowjustwow

You re totally right Wow, i can’t believe people don’t hear the hidden Zeus in JeZus!!! Christianity is nothing but neo paganism!!!

1 month ago
Reply to  Wowjustwow


If you think that hatefulness is wrong and that the Bible is hateful, then why do you respect it?

It’s clear from the Bible that God’s desire is for righteousness. The Bible explains that the purpose of having children is to raise righteous offspring for the Lord.

If you say that the Bible is allegory then you are bringing it down to your level and denying God’s righteousness. Instead of making comfortable attributions to it, let it inform you.

1 month ago
Reply to  ignoble


1 month ago
Reply to  ignoble

Once again, yall “symbolically” drink blood and eat His body. Yall are weird. Yeheshua is the only one I wanna learn from

1 month ago
Reply to  Wowjustwow

If you truly wanted to learn from Yeshua, then you would know that He said that unless one eats of His body and drinks of His blood then they have no part of Him. Jesus is the Bread of Life, that was foreshadowed in the OT by God sending the Manna from heaven. Jesus is the Living Water. That was foreshadowed by the OT occurrence of water coming from the Rock. We eat and drink of Him when we accept Him by faith. We understand that our lives consist more than of physical food and drink but we need the spiritual food and drink too. This is not a perfect explanation. I’m not a scholarly theologian, I’m just a Christian wife and mom who loves her Lord and reads her Bible. You said you wanted to learn from Jesus Himself, Yeshua. Well, like I said, He’s the One that mentioned eating His body and drinking His blood. Some people that were following Him turned back and they stopped following because they said that “this saying is hard, we cannot understand it.” If you’re following a Jesus but refusing to eat and drink of Him, then you’re following a counterfeit Jesus.

1 month ago
Reply to  Kathleen

Kingdom of God is within. Love thy neighbor. Let thine eye be single. I’ve met too many bad people who think that eating a cracker and drinking grape juice fixes how wrongly they treat people. If you take it metaphorically, you can eat and drink of Christ constantly. Not simply to show off in front of the congregation. Christ does not love me any less because I don’t follow the pomp and circumstance of it all. Stop symbolically drinking blood like pagans and perhaps the bloodlust of this world could die down. Yall will never agree, just like yall can’t agree on a denomination.

1 month ago
Reply to  ignoble

Who said I think it’s hateful. I think it’s the same story told since the beginning of time, and Christ was the one prophesied about all along

tom doe
tom doe
1 month ago

Big surprise. Apostacy is a benchmark of the end times.

1 month ago

2 Corinthians 3:17

Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord it, there is a liberty.

2 Corinthians 3:6

Who hath also made us able ministers of the New Testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth the life.

Yall have fun.

Last edited 1 month ago by Wowjustwow