
Australian Premier Creates Ministry In Charge Of 'Changing Men's Behavior' (

The hyperfocus on men is logical if one accepts the possibility that the goal of these programs is to weaken western societies to the point that they are easy to conquer…

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7 days ago

‘she’ is surely a ‘he’ Look at those mitts!

7 days ago
Reply to  paul

You’re not helping real women in any way by claiming that all middle aged women who look middle aged- are men. Get a grip. Much as I don’t like in any way what bring suggested here – I seek truth – not untruth.

7 days ago
Reply to  Rosey

Let people express themselves without attacking them, what the hell is your problem, when ya’ll bark here like puppies ya’ll always say that people have the right to their opinion, when it comes to others it becomes a problem, shut the f**k up oohhhh, what the f**k!

5 days ago
Reply to  username

I didn’t tell him to shut up – he’s completely entitled to his opinion and he can say what he likes – just making the point that women with big hands are probably just that. 😆

My point stands.

7 days ago
Reply to  paul

France’s first lady is a guy, so it wouldn’t surprise me if this one was too. 
In this blog we have a user named @truther who is one of the best article writers, literally I want her/him to deal with this topic, currently her/his articles are under attack because people are so jealous of her/his analytical skills, as soon as something doesn’t please the assholes here they object with firmness, hence they are poor in life. Give your opinion and you don’t give a s**t about these shitty bastards.

5 days ago
Reply to  username

Oh I see. You’re upset because @Truther had their article ratio’d. Again people as you said above have the right to an opinion and my opinion was that although Truther makes some good points and does interesting and substantial articles – they often make spurious connections – in my opinion. I answered Truther and you on this point as you both seemed to think this was malicious – I was making the point it probably wasn’t and I wanted to justify the reason I voted it down. (I have voted them up before.)

But that that’s just my opinion – I know much you support other people having opinions – so I guess you agree with me? No one is attacking anyone please understand this.

If you want to witness attacks – ask Steve C. They try to dox the guy.

1 day ago
Reply to  Rosey

Steve gets doxed because he’s a self-admitted pedo who keeps crawling back to engage in the comments section. Apparently he forgets that the Internet has a long memory and nobody normal is going to knowingly have positive interactions with a pedo.

1 day ago
Reply to  Lee

Truther had replied.

1 day ago
Reply to  Rosey

It’s your grandma’s a*s that’s got ratio’d. Truther has her own website, all the articles she had published here are now present on her own site and in a few days her site already has 1,000,000 visitors worldwide, like I said she has a gift for success. Articles that had been downvoted here are much loved over there, for example her article exposing the fact that Selena had been sacrificed so that Shakira could have her breakthrough in Latin music was liked by 32.6K people and viewed by 178,000 unlike the -13 on this website, lol. Your attacks had driven her to literally create her own platform and she’s getting paid!!!! She actually wants to thank those bastards, they’re the ones who promoted her to a new level.

Last edited 1 day ago by username
1 day ago
Reply to  Rosey

Look at how Shakira tried to be Selena.

7 days ago

This is the state governor of Victoria not the Australian premier.

7 days ago
Reply to  Rosey

Nobody said otherwise, oh s**t.

5 days ago
Reply to  username

It literally says “Australian premier” in the headline Rosey is correct.

5 days ago

The feminization of men, and encouraging or supporting it, is nothing short of a national security crisis. While our average man becomes more submissive, other countries are encouraging dominant traits – I wonder who then, one day, will be subject to the other?