
Ariana grande openly talking about how she's a literal WITCH

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4 months ago

This is what it takes to be successful in the music industry, tv, Hollywood and even many businesses today. Heaven is worth more than any success or wealth too bad for her and many other bad choices. We should pray for her conversion and those like her.

4 months ago
Reply to  Brooks

Too late for Satan’s sick little plastic puppet. Her anorexic self is bound for the pits of hell because she went into this extremely willingly. Yes she was groomed at one point, but she had the free will to reject it all and Hollywood, and instead she decided that being a pedophilic sex object for money was more worthwhile.
She and others like her will get what they ultimately deserve for their gung-ho satanic deception of the masses, primarily little children.

Let’s all stop pretending that these industry w****s and prostitutes are innocent victims. Yes, they may have started out that way, but eventually they had a choice. I personally have been subjected to numerous sickening things the likes of which these clowns are subjected to on a daily basis, with none of the material or social gain involved whatsoever, and it broke me and forced me to take a long look at what sort of life and morality I wanted for myself. I’m not saying it’s unexpected for these people to act out sexually, that’s literally a trauma response and has been documented as nauseam in psychiatric literature.

But when these clowns continue propagating a sexualized childish image, appealing to pedophiles, championing the destruction of the nuclear family, getting insane amounts of plastic surgery and starving themselves and filtering photos for “the look”, knowing full well their average audience is 12-14 year old girls… That’s when I’m f*****g done. That’s when I don’t care what you have been through, that’s when I’m ready to chant your cancellation from the rooftops.
Because if there is one thing I am absolutely never going to abide, it’s pedophilia, and I don’t give a s**t how they try to dress it up in a shiny bow with an “of age” starved, surgery-addled brainwashed plastic clown.
The answer from me is absolutely f*****g not, get behind me Satan, and don’t you even dare to begin trying to target innocent children. NO!

4 months ago
Reply to  Lee

I agree completely, except for one detail. “Satan” is an umbrella term. Most Satanists are wannabe Crowleys. The specific entity responsible for the acceleration and spotlight of sexualization , especially of children is Paimon. Think of him as the right hand man. Without going into detail and sounding absolutely batshit, with study, research and other things. I can tell you all this. Paimon.

4 months ago
Reply to  No-One

That is interesting, in that Ari Aster, the Jewish writer and director of A24 film “Hereditary” chose that name as the demon who was worshipped by the dead grandmother. Guess it wasn’t random if you actually have researched the matter.

4 months ago
Reply to  No-One

I highly doubt that. Provide more sources please. Most ppl are still so pathetically surface level/earthbound with their new aged & exoteric “interpretations” of the goetia (& the occult period for that matter) that it’s hard to take these statements seriously.

4 months ago
Reply to  No-One

Satan is Satan, a real spirit and not an umbrella term like I have read many times here.

4 months ago
Reply to  Lee

You’re right, but I think this is too mean.

She’s short and has a small bone frame. In fact in this still scene, she seems like she has gained enough weight to even have cleavage. Even if it’s fake, her arms and legs are definitely not spindly thin like Victoria Beckham’s or Meghan Markle’s.

Some women are naturally petite and cute, they can’t control that. And shouldn’t be blamed for paedophiles.

Paedophiles decided to be evil on their own.

Also, no matter how far gone she is, even if it is now not likely, God can always save her and change her life.

My pastor says that we should always remember that everyone is made in the image of God.

We definitely shouldn’t excuse their evilness and should absolutely be just, but we should also maintain a level of respect for them because they are God’s creation.

Kind of like how David did not kill Saul even when he had the opportunity to do so twice and was encouraged by his own loyal men to do so.

God’s spirit had left Saul, Saul was evil and was pursuing David. David had been suffering for many years in exile. He still had the ability to restrain himself.

4 months ago
Reply to  Lee


“… but she had the free will to reject it all…”

Maybe, but it’s difficult to say. You should read Cathy O’Brien’s book, “Trance Formation of America.” You might not be as confident after reading it.

Or read Brice Taylor’s (alias) book, “Thanks for the Memories… The Truth Has Set Me Free!”

Either of those books will create a pit in your stomach.

Last edited 4 months ago by ignoble
4 months ago
Reply to  Lee

Ariana Grande is 30 y-old now, MK ultra slaves start breaking out of their program around 30 y-old. So you can’t say yet for sure she had the free will to reject this.

the great plague
the great plague
4 months ago

These posts are so stupid, just mindless fearmongering. The truth is that she is a puppet, likely abused since birth. There are no “witches”, because women who practiced natural healing were exterminated by organized religion. These celebrities are owned by the Man Corp, getting pimped ten ways from Sun-day.

4 months ago

Do I understand correctly that you don’t believe in witchcraft? Or do you just view it as traditional medicine?
Natural healing practices and witchcraft are far from the same thing.
I agree with you that she is a puppet who has suffered abuse for a long time. But you don’t think that puppets often get recruited to become trained/groomed practitioners?
It’s my understanding that Marina Abramawitch took Lady Gaga into the woods and placed her under a trance for an extended period of time as part of her “helpful” mentorship.
Sure, Gaga might still be a puppet (as all witches are, including Crowley) but I don’t think it’s so unlikely that the demons Marina left Gaga in contact with have taught her some things about conjuring the likes of them.

4 months ago

That’s the sanitized version of witchcraft we have been fed by the New Age. I think many women have been unjustly accused of witchcraft and I believe in women’s rights. But witchcraft is actually real and is more like serial killing than anything else. Read about the gruesome practices of tantra and the organized mass human sacrifice in the ancient world. Witchcraft feeds the demons with the blood and human suffering they crave and in turn raises magical power from their realm. Think about the kind of people who would sacrifice others to demons so they could have power and material things and you have an idea of real witchcraft.

4 months ago

I agree, mostly. Just a bunch of cosplaying dullards who have been led astray by pseudo occultists who themselves don’t even have access to the “original” mystery system so they decided to pervert it all & make their own petty version & attempt to embody what they think Satan wld be using psyops, NLP, & various pageantry acts to galvanize the ppl using their fear & ignorance to their advantage while using “vampirism” techniques to extract energy from every religious idiot via the architecture of certain churches, cathedrals (etc) & also the energy gathered from music festivals, sports centers, etc (any organized entertainment event) combined with certain high tech machinery (CERN, collider, etc)

But even THAT isn’t working how they want & backfires almost everytime they use it (CERN). The extension these pretenders got during 1914 has expired decades ago. All this nonsense now is just the ongoing distraction to maintain the status quo. Even in defeat, the so called “devil” will make everyone believe it is still winning when the battle has ended ages ago. It’s not OUR apocalypse you zealots. It is THEIRS. Stop creating thoughts forms of fear & paranoia that aid these creatures people.

4 months ago

If ‘witch’ means ‘incredibly stupid’, then she’s absolutely right.

4 months ago

She’s wearing RED, the color of sacrifice / initiation. Remember Beyonce and Taylor at 2009 VMAs, both wearing red at the stage, it was at that moment that Taylor got initiated.

4 months ago
Reply to  username

Yh tend to agree. Maybe she’s about to move up a level.

4 months ago

She is a he… many on stage and screen.

4 months ago


4 months ago

And she’s blonde right now. Maybe she just got rebooted. The ponytail could be fake/chopped off hair.