
Castration on a very large scale!

Scientists and doctors are sounding the alarm, fertility rates are dropping drastically among men!

From the article:

“Across the globe, male sperm count is on the decline—a decades-long drop that has been alternately blamed on pesticides, heavy metals, obesity, and potentially microplastics. More worrying, the decline seems to be speeding up—by the calculations of one male fertility founder, sperm counts have fallen by 50% to 60% over the last four decades.”

From food (pesticides), to cell phone radiation near genitals (do not put your phone in your pocket!) – is this part of the globalist agenda to put an end to reproduction?


The global ‘spermpocalypse’ proves infertility is no longer just a women’s problem, says male fertility CEO 

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7 months ago

Definite link to cell phone in the pocket. Just listened to a summit yesterday on EMFs with extensive research on this. They showed graphics of how many antennas are in the cell phones beaming out in all directions. They said it also slows the swim rate.

They sited studies linking testicular cancer in cops to laying the radar gun on their laps, cancer in cops and firefighters linked to the radios on their shoulders and spent quite a bit of time talking about the high level of microplastics found in testicles.

My doctor believes the correlation between autism and cell phone use by the mother while pregnant is even higher than vaccines.

7 months ago
Reply to  seeray

Seeray, wow I’d love to watch the EMF summit. Can you share a link to it?

7 months ago

Thanks Rick!

Also, don’t use Bluetooth headphones, if you don’t want brain cancer. And nail drying lamps can cause cancer too, a lot of women are using them regularly.

Have a blessed week y’all!

Confused 2
Confused 2
7 months ago

Years ago, I read an article about BPA -its effects on estrogen in men and how it interferes with their reproductive system.

Men, every time you drink a canned soda or eat something that is wrapped in plastic your body is will actually produce more estrogen.

Cajun Mom
Cajun Mom
7 months ago
Reply to  Confused 2

I wonder how long this has been in the works. They didn’t want our men to be men because then they would rise up against all this. This was insurance against revolution in developed countries.

7 months ago
Reply to  Cajun Mom

There will not be any “revolution.” Since the January 6th set-up where busses of Antifa and the FBI caused violence during an “insurrection” and where people were let into the capital building unfettered, the global elite have done a fantastic job of quelling any opposition to their plans. If there was any semblance of a revolution it would quelled within 24 hours by our own military and the global police force.

7 months ago

Not to forget the high levels of estrogen in our drinking water. Estrogen present in the urine of women on birth control, then goes back out to the water supply and isn’t filtered out properly. This has been talked about for years but nobody has taken it seriously. Remember when the disinformation agent Alex Jones spoke about “turning the freaking frogs gay”?
Sounded ridiculous, but studies showed that was actually happening due to high volumes of estrogen in the water… But most people who heard that story, heard it through the elite mouthpiece Alex Jones, who nobody takes seriously. So people discounted it as fiction when it was actually fact.
Strange times ahead. There is a clear concerted effort to reduce the world population and that includes lowering the birthrates far past the “replacement” level.
And somehow the most fertile people having the most children, always seem to be those who are unfit parents in the first place.
It was once my dream to have children but these days I’m not so sure, with the sort of world they’d be inheriting.

7 months ago

I know that the sterilization efforts of the Rockefeller dynasty and their eugenics-loving allies is nothing new and has been going on for quite a long time, but I’m very interested in learning more about new trends that have specifically emerged since 2021 when men began accepting mRNA injections that seem to directly target the sex organs of both genders, among other parts of the body like the brain.
Seems like we’re still in the infancy stage of learning about whatever damage has been rendered.

7 months ago

I bet Bill Gates has a Thomas Robert Malthus shaped body pillow that he snuggles with every night…

7 months ago

Let’s not forget the 💉💉

7 months ago

“…over the last four decades…”
I’d say it has more to do with the last decade when people started taking their regular shot of flu vaccine (which does contain mRNA) and the later (I bet upgraded) covid vaccine. I remember to this day a Bill Gates, a bit too joyous, shaking a small vaccine recipient and proudly stating it will help control population.