
Thousands of Japanese Protest WHO "Pandemic Treaty," Which Grants Globalists Sweeping Worldwide Powers to Enact Lockdowns, Travel Restrictions, Food Rationing, Censorship and More. (

Tens of thousands of Japanese citizens have taken to the streets in huge rallies to protest threats to the nation’s sovereignty from globalist outside forces.

Protesters are demonstrating to pressure the Japanese government to reject the World Health Organization’s (WHO) “Global Pandemic Treaty.”

As Slay News has reported, the Pandemic Treaty will grant the WHO, and its parent agency the United Nations, with sweeping global powers that override the laws of individual nations.

Under the treaty, the WHO will be able to enforce global lockdowns and other measures in the event of an “emergency” such as a pandemic or “climate change.”

After declaring an “emergency,” the WHO would have the power to roll out vaccine mandates, “climate lockdowns,” food rationing, travel recitations, mass censorship, and more.

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