
Poster for Peacock’s “The Lost Symbol”

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3 months ago

Pea “c**k” hosts Dan “Brown” via a triangle which can (and does) symbolize the butt-crack, with a view of a single eye, like a “one-eyed snake,” also known as the p***s. Hmmm.

Welcome to the religion of Luciferianism and its repulsive, anti-Life practice of butt-sex as the way to “illumination.”

Let’s stop worshiping these fake idols and get back to living the wholesome, healthy life that we were designed to live!!!

3 months ago
Reply to  Sharine

Wow, never thought of it like that before…wonder if they relate the act to ouroboros?

3 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Circle jerks and so*omy trains.

Also, the cycle of abuse.

3 months ago
Reply to  Sharine

Sharine, I’ve seen you post on another site Fighting Monarch. I have to ask, are his claims legitimate? He says he is constantly being harassed by brainwaves to attack women or some wild stories like that. He posts nude 3D pictures of perverted N4ZI comics. Posts nude photos of playboy models. Is he just a straight up pervert or is he actually telling the truth? I stopped going there a long time ago because honestly it just seemed like it was less about exposing problems in the world and more focused on increasingly x rated material. And I don’t buy his justification that it’s US as the viewers that are thinking dirty thoughts. I think there’s something very wrong with the man and he’s making a lot of stuff up. But if you know better, I’d love to hear it.

3 months ago
Reply to  fuzz

fuzz, I have many of the same questions and concerns.

As FM’s repetitious posts continue — bolstered with the p*rn photos and comic book stuff — I grow increasingly concerned about his involvement with the wayward wizards, so to speak. To note, he says that he’s been drugged repeatedly and, as you mentioned, continually harassed with directed wea*ons. I cannot refute this but it just seems weird.

It’s very shocking to me to see the embedded p*rn photos and cartoon p*rn drawings that just pop up in his posts!😳😭

FM disagrees with me that all those “female” p*rn stars and film stars are MTF trannies. That is problematic to me from the get-go.

Final note: FM and I have actually talked (once) on the phone, but I made sure to schedule it on speaker phone when my husband was home. He was gentlemanly enough. It was weird but “okay.”

I feel like I need to maintain a presence on FM’s website so as not to raise any alarms.

I am so glad you reached out to me.

3 months ago
Reply to  Sharine

Yeah the jury’s still out for me too. My first impression was that this guy had a unique perspective on mind control given his back story but then after a while, things seemed a bit too ridiculous. Not sure I understood what you meant by maintaining a presence there.

Brian Pierson
Brian Pierson
3 months ago

If it’s Dan Brown, flush it!