
Poll shows 1 in 5 voters who used mail in ballots in 2020 admitted to voter fraud

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8 months ago

Yes, there was loads of fraud all over the US.
I had an elderly friend who lived in New York State, who has since passed. She called me after the election and said that her mentally disabled cousin, who was in his 60’s, said that he and all his housemates voted for Biden. This man has the mental age of a 10 year old. So she asked him, “How were you able to vote?”
He said that the aides who take care of the residents got all of them registered to vote. When the ballots came in the mail, the aides checked the box for Biden and had the residents sign their names.
This woman’s cousin was the highest functioning person out of the six people in that group home. My friend said, even though it was only a handful of people, it showed that fraud took place, but think about how many group homes and senior citizen facilities there are throughout the state, and in every state, and how easily these people can be taken advantage of.
It sucks, because I don’t know what can be done to stop it.

8 months ago

I heard a statistic on the radio today that there are 900,000 more Republicans registered to vote in Florida than Democrats. Almost a million more… Keep this in mind next election cycle if anything screwy happens with Florida, if it’s somehow a blue state we will know 100% that the votes were tampered with here.
Florida is also where the fraudulent activity took place to install Dubya as president. Not that I care for Al Gore but, Florida has long been a hotbed of corruption. People moving here are in for an unpleasant surprise when they’re having heat strokes in November and dealing with the insane traffic, hurricanes, and blatant corruption overtaking the state.
And I say this as someone who has lived here my whole life and can attest to how much worse it’s gotten in recent years… Our gov is okay and definitely better than the other guy would’ve been, but the rot runs deep here and it’s never going to get better. We are owned by the tourism industry and actual residents hold no value. It’s f***ing absurd frankly, can’t wait to get out of here.
I had my hopes set on Tennessee for a nicer place with better weather and lower cost of living but I’m really not sure.