
Anybody Else See The Hidden Meaning?

So Will Smith is being recruited to join MIB, & he shoots a little girl carrying physics books in the hood. While he implies that she’s an undercover dangerous alien, the real hidden meaning, in my opinion, is he aided the demons and shot a child prodigy asset when “they” want to keep us dumb. We’re dangerous when we arm ourselves with knowledge, and the Moloch cult has always been after children. 

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3 months ago

Ever heard of irony?

3 months ago

It’s also an attack on white people. White people, mostly men, are portrayed as the most evil, the most dangerous, and whiteness is to be eradicated. So you have this innocent white girl, minding her own business, carrying school books in her arms, but just on the basis of her whiteness alone, she has to be taken out. They hate white people and have been putting this message out, very subtly, for a long time. ( I know my grammar is probably terrible, lol. But it’s late and I’m tired. Just wanted to give my two cents. Night, all. )

3 months ago
Reply to  Kathleen

Some of the best grammar I’ve seen on the internet in a long time. No joke!