
Why do they keep pushing this potentially dangerous idea?

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5 months ago

To make people dumber, less inquisitive and easier to program. Also more soulless as it calcifies the pineal gland which makes people more prone to moral corruption. All backed by actual scientific research and not the Talmudic-Masonic controlled $cience and, subordinate, ScIEncE, that controls official scientific narratives. Most countries rejected flouridation of water because the research clearly showed it to be harmful. It’s also known to cause gum retraction.

The flouride used is, BTW, a waste product from aluminum production and just like aluminum it is a neurotoxin. Scientific research determined that decades ago, just like with a lot of other things we’re told is safe or healthy but in reality is anything but.

5 months ago

Because it already has effectively reduced IQ and caused other health issues for large amounts of the population…

5 months ago
Reply to  papazhan

That’s what it’s effective at. And it’s more insidious than just lowering IQ. It makes people less inquisitive, less able to think independently and critically, less receptive to (to them) new ideas but more receptive to simple and repetitive propaganda messages. It also makes people less compassionate and less conscience-bound, making them easier to corrupt.

High IQ individuals are useful to them and not a problem as IQ level isn’t tied to gullibility nor susceptiblility to moral corruption. The people practically planning and orchestrating their frauds, wars and genocides as well as concocting their poisons are, of course, high IQ but also must be low in in ability to think and reason independently and critically and weak in abilities of the soul, such as compassion and conscience. Just as what flouridation provides for them.

5 months ago

Sadly the stage is set for this trash, tooth decay and cavities are the leading cause of child hospitalisation, atleast in the UK. I know a child who needed TWELVE baby teeth removed due to decay. When did parents stop caring about their children?

5 months ago
Reply to  JimBooney

The vaccine is known to cause oral problems.

In fact I just recently saw a “news paper” front page that read something like “Mouth disease can be an early sign of heart disease and stroke, here’s how to find if you’re at risk.” Which is exploiting the fact that the vaccines cause all those issues (depending on which kinds of batches the shots are from) to create the impression that the rise in heart disease and stroke is due to declining oral health. Which can then, in turn, be used (falsely) to justify water flouridation.

Flouridation is not good for oral health, in fact it is known to cause gum retraction. The supposed cavity fighting properties is at best a tiny, tiny benefit compared to the great harm it causes to mind, body and gums.

I think there’s also a bait and switch going on with this as there is naturally occurring flouride which isn’t nearly as harmful but what’s used for flouridation of water and toothpaste is a waste product of aluminum production.

Last edited 5 months ago by flipthepyramid
5 months ago
Reply to  JimBooney

I have read that the government in the UK deliberately uses the NHS to oppress the lower levels of the caste system. Only aristocrats and wealthy people can afford to pay for decent dental care. It is allegedly intentional for the purpose of keeping people depressed, humble and more unhealthy. People who feel better about themselves and their appearance are more confident and harder to control, something that the monarchy and their masters do not want.

5 months ago

I enjoyed the documentary, ‘The Great Culling: Our Water’.

Pedro Alves
Pedro Alves
5 months ago

In Brazil and other nations water is “naturally” added with fluoride, no escape. Curiously, a neighbour had cancer and now he and his wife only buy water to use it to everything: even cooking. So it makes me suspect something is off with “regular” basic sanitation’ water.

5 months ago
Reply to  Pedro Alves

There is always an escape. You have to actively seek it tho. Ask and you shall find, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened for you.

5 months ago

The doctor tried to supplement my kids with fluoride drops. Smh

5 months ago

Salt and baking soda with flavored extract. Have had No cavities, ever.

5 months ago

I’m not a chemist, but, I watched a video about fluoride the other day explaining that boiling fluoridated water turns the fluoride into fluorite. Which is more toxic to the body than fluoride.