
Want money off North Face clothing? You’ll have to complete a ‘racial inclusion’ course first (

Retailer aims to ‘foster a deeper understanding of the unique challenges that people of colour face when accessing the outdoors’

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4 months ago

Would never buy this crap. They had one ad that had a trans. I strive to not buy stuff that use any trans person in their ads. I’m also sick to death of all this race crap. I am not nor have ever been racist. I’m not going to let them gaslight me anymore by trying to convince me I’m a racist. I am a Christian and the Bible says that if we are in Christ then we are all one. One of my dearest friends is black, I am white. I love her dearly because she is a fellow Christian sister. I don’t care what her color is.

4 months ago

Seriously what challenges? You go outdoors to spend time alone in nature and have a moment of reflection peace silence… What is the challenge here?

randall hewgley
randall hewgley
4 months ago

From a meme I saw… Only racists care about race. Everyone else cares about character.

4 months ago

People of colour…like white? The last time I checked, it was a colour too.

4 months ago
Reply to  Noth

Stuff like this is just race bait meant to distract, agitate and divide people as well as making blacks and other non-whites believe that the ruling (Talmudist-Masonic) oligarchy have their back and are lifting them up (when they actually are theirs and everybody’s oppressors and exploiters, now and historically.)

4 months ago

Here’s a few apt questions for the quiz:

Who financed, orchestrated Colonialism and who were the main profiteers off of it?

Who financed, orchestrated the Transatlantic Slave Trade and who were the main profiteers off of it?

Were blacks in America economically on the rise, and doing much better than they are currently, before the creation of the welfare system?

Who orchestrated the crack cocaine epidemic that tore through and broke down black communities in the 80s?

Last edited 4 months ago by flipthepyramid
4 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

Bloodliner *kabaalah/satanic* identifies secretly as Jewish but publicly as Muslim/Christian/everything *in reality just a Saturn worshipping* cabal!
“” *same answer*

Yes, they are still doing better here than Africa. They learned to flyt and called it rap, learned to clog and called it tap they can outlast whites in the southern heat, get frostbite first in the North steeps, still got bigger butts than any can be beat. Despite the deceit we’re not the same, you run/we swim faster, no one needs to be calling master. It’s evil to force tigers into being ligers to force lions into hybrids for not love but power games; they can’t do what they’re meant to-nothing to gain.
Let me liger reframe, Bodies get more muscle than the bones can handle, they break and tear with every step they take they’re more physically dismantled. They’re dying sooner with more health defects, this what you want for the people to go against nature and the creator or you gonna reject?
If colors are beautiful why make them mute, if diversity is a strength why mix every soup? You call loving differences but show by erasing them, all for nothing but the medias debasing trend, heads up elite I got one thing for all that and it’s hack spit spread of my flem!

Been around my flyting/writing husband a while I guess it rubs off randomly. Anyways
…… Next answer
The gov/controlled by the global bloodline psychopaths who want to bathe the world in sacrificial human blood (literally written) so they can renew it for their satanic kabaalah God who requires blood sacrifices for the best power gains. A young virgin male beautifully perfect physically, and mentally with high intelligence for releasing into captivity aggressive mars energy
Female for the passive female energy. Take note calendars are a big deal with moon phases to kill the sacrifice. Read Crowley, you’ll understand their mental diseases better. The entire governments of the world march to their tune and we better figure it out soon or we are all doomed. I think if we mess their sacrifices up it could screw up their timing, it is one weakness they got, sure there’s more to be finding.

Last edited 4 months ago by marie
4 months ago

I’d like to believe most of this racial conflict bullshit exists only in mass media and on social (control) media and in a small minority who allow themselves to be deceived by the professional agitators and bots pushing this divide and conquer psy-op. We all – black, white, brown, Asian, Christian, Muslim, Jew (largely, i hope,) Left, Right, Marxist, Socialist, Conservative, Liberal need to realize that we all have shared oppressors, exploiters and destroyers and unite to reclaim our nations and our world.

4 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

I think in rural settings most everyone sees through the bull, and perhaps in the burbs somewhat, but cities are a whole different story. Unfortunately most people live in cities.

4 months ago

Wait what is wrong with this