
The reactions of her colleagues say everything

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10 months ago

“Karen Berg” is a cushy-job-keeping career clown who clearly exhibits “duper’s delight” at her own f*****g bullshit.

10 months ago

This all stems from the Talmud, the New Testament of Judiasm. Judaism is a misanthropic supremacist cult which the super-elites of the world belong to.

The Talmud states that a Jew is allowed to have sex with any Gentile (non-Jewish) female, age 3 and older. It goes on to say that the Gentile female must then be executed for tempting the Jew into committing the sinful act (of raping her.)

These Jewish Talmudist super elites have turned the ruling classes of the West (and much more) into their disciples through enrolling them in Freemasonry and brainwashing them with pseudo-Talmudic philosophies such as Illuminism, Dualism and Inversionism/Satanism, making them just as morally inverted and warped. These philosophies entail, for example, that there is no God and that truth and morality is relative and subjective (Illuminism) and that Good and Evil are equal, non better or worse than the other, and one may choose either (Dualism) and even that doing Evil is Good.(Inversionism/Satanism) You can imagine which way these teachings leads wealthy and powerful people.

These warped Masonic ruling classes have then used their control over “higher education” to warp “intellectuals” with teachings such as Darwinism, Nihlism and Fruedianism, which are “scientific” repackaging of the Talmudist/Masonic philosophies and ideals. They teach that Man is just a noble ape (Darwinism) and that there is no God, no meaning to life (Nihlism) and that morality, empathy and conscience are mere social constructs which hold us back and cause mental illness (Freudianism.) Freudianism also states that “sexual abuse of children is a good thing because it destroys their faith in authority which immunizes them against fascism.” In other words raping children is then a service to society.

Others they have brainwashed with tweaked and rebranded version of Illuminism which teaches that truth and morality is relative and subjective and that true or false, right or wrong can only be determined by consusus of “experts.” (Post-modernism.) Furthermore, it says that doing Evil is Good if it’s done for “the Greater Good.” (Utilitarianism, part of Post-modernism.) It also teaches that the rights of “oppressed groups” are more important that groups regarded as less or not oppressed (Intersectionality.) If a person has been brought to believe that morality is relative and subjective, he can be brought to believe anything, including that pedophiles are an “oppressed group” and that children are not and thus pedophilia and child rape becomes morally acceptable and opposing it becomes immoral.

The normalization of homosexuality and other degeneracy and depravity also leads to increasing amounts of pedophiles and increasing acceptance of it. Homosexuality is generated through chemical and social poisoning which is ever increasing. This produces more and more homosexuals and homosexuals are naturally more inclined to pedophilia as they are both very similar psychosexual disorders which means a constantly increasing amount of pedophiles. Succombing to degeneracy and depravity means breaking down and crossing moral barriers and degeneracy and depravity only leads to more and worse of it as it acts as a drug. The less moral and more depraved a person becomes the more likely it is that he will find pedophilia acceptable or enticing. There’s also the ever growing menace of (vaccine and flouride induced) autism. Autistic people are basically devoid of empathy and conscience and thus more likely to become or be turned evil and warped. Which is hardly a coincidence… Couple all that with the ever increasing spread of morally relativist or morality rejecting philosophies in the general public and you can see how pedophilia can become normalized.

This is what has brought us to this point where these ruling elites and their pervert disciples are now ready to and able to work increasingly openly to normalize pedophilia and to sexualize and groom children.

Knowledge of how it all was made possible and how it all has happened I believe is key to fighting back and to effectively spread awareness and therefore I took the time to make this writeup. I hope it sets at least some people on the path to enlightenment and helps in some small way in stopping this powerful, insidious and horrific creeping menace to mankind.

If you wish to learn more there is a wealth of information at:
winterwatch dot net
henrymakow dot com
healthimpactnews dot com

10 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

You did a very good job of explaining a lot and it make sense. I’ve read some of the Talmud and you’ve enlightened me further, thank you.

10 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

Very informative but I wouldn’t really agree “Autistic people are basically devoid of empathy and conscience and thus more likely to become or be turned evil and warped. Which is hardly a coincidence…” That sounds more like sociopathy. Autism is different, and does not necessarily mean the person is devoid of it empathy or conscience.

10 months ago
Reply to  Lori

Though some are I’m sure others aren’t. I have one person overly sensitive and another person who lacks feelings in the family. They relate to each other though.

10 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid
10 months ago

doesn’t she have a son? if so, shouldn’t she be investigated for potential child abuse considering her stance on child love?

10 months ago
Reply to  ibelieve

But who would investigate? This is Washington D.C. (which is really a micro state and a corporation called the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA which owns what the public knows as USA, as per the Act of 1871,) the pedophilia capital of the world. A power nexus of the Talmudists and Masons, closely related Inversionist cults where child sex abuse and child sacrifice is venerated. More kids go missing around D.C. than anywhere else in the USA. It’s a den of pure and limitless Evil. Anyone tasked with investigating will certainly be part of the same demonic cult.

Last edited 10 months ago by flipthepyramid
10 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

well f*ck… burn it all down then.

9 months ago

Treatment Pedophilia: Lots of Lead!!!