
The possible future president of South Africa

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7 months ago


7 months ago

Any white people still in that shxxhole after these comments are more foolish than the fool saying it.

7 months ago
Reply to  Jbizzle

Not everyone can afford to leave and ultimately it’s not safer anywhere else. The whole world is facing eternal digital enslavement via digital ID, programmable digital currency and social credit as well as complete surveillance and death is preferable to that.

I believe this is a trial run for similar CRT and BLM-based genocidal anarcho-tyranny in the US. I believe they will use social media and 5g to drive blacks and Antifas into a genocidal fervor against whites. Many whites will defend themselves with firearms and there will be a blood bath on both sides. The government (probably Trump, Mk2) will then step in to restore order by instating martial law and deploying the military around the nation. When the dust has settled and the mass graves have been filled and left to be forgotten, the digital enslavement will already be complete.

Sounds far fetched? Remember that the people in charge are the same demonic Globalist (Talmudic-Masonic) crime families who had 20 million Russians and Cossacks butchered during their Bolshevik revolution. And the same people who had Ireland drained of food and caused a famine which killed 2 million Irish between 1840-1845. That’s just a couple of the many, many genocides they have perpetrated across the world. They are evil incarnate.

Last edited 7 months ago by flipthepyramid
Shirley Temple
Shirley Temple
7 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

Not that far-fetched when you consider claims the Rwandan genocide was engineered by British psychotronic weapons. You can read about this on Wikispooks.

7 months ago
Reply to  Shirley Temple

That’s what I was getting at. Never before nor since has the world seen any such genocidal mass rage. It’s not human behavior. It’s also scientific fact that EMF frequencies can have an impact on the human mind (and body.) In fact, I got rid of my wifi and find that my thinking is clearer that and that’s very mild compared to what 5g is and what it can do. I have read that, about Rwanda, on wikispooks and it seems valid. The science certainly is. They can do a lot to manipulate us, weaken us, sicken us and even kill us with 5g. For instance, 5g happens to use a frequency band very close to frequencies which render oxygen unusable to humans and animals.

Last edited 7 months ago by flipthepyramid
Boeta X
Boeta X
7 months ago
Reply to  Jbizzle

South African politicians have been singing this since “democracy” was brought to us in the early 90s…

7 months ago

I’d have already left there 5-10 years ago. They should all relocate to Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Argentina. We could do with some more millions of our own after the tide of mass immigration. I left off USA as it will be a minority white country soon.

7 months ago
Reply to  vipooch

Are you aware of that the vast majority of the people working in white countries to digitally enslave us as per Agenda 2030 are white? And practically all-white countries such as Poland and Hungary are on track to join in that global enslavement as they are ruled by WEF puppets who have the populations fooled with racial and right-wing BS into thinking they’re safe and protected.

7 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

… while actually being put under surveillance and control. In that way, Agenda 2030 digital enslavement is realized in those all-white countries and an homogeneous population doesn’t help when the population is digitally shackeled by ever present surveillance and a system of digital money and social credit where one has to either obey or be disabled from the system and left to starve in the street.

7 months ago

Is he not the president already?

7 months ago

It is a test for race wars around the world to instigate martial law

7 months ago

A puppet of the Globalists (Talmudists-Masons) who had the British Empire invade South Africa and take it over and then took around a million Boer to concentration camps where they killed them. The first of several such Globalist holocausts. After they took control they established Apartheid (possibly to fool whites into thinking they had their backs to avoid rebellion, as well as later having it used against them.)

They then had South Africa flooded with large numbers of black immigrants which the Globalists used as cheap labor. After great numbers of blacks had been imported and settled, they used their media and professional agitators to drive blacks to rebell against “their white oppressors.”

This uprising was then allowed to tear down the white government and was replaced with a black one controlled by the same Globalist puppet masters. After some time of pretending the “new order” about “peace and reconciliation” they began the agitation once more to distract from true oppression, exploitation and misery caused to the people (and due to their limitless bloodlust.)

Now the people is being driven into a genocidal frenzy by having the white man blamed and demonized by blaming the ever worsening economic and social conditions caused by the “black” Globalist puppet government, Globalist looting of South Africa’s resources and also by the parasitical and criminal Central Banking system (just like the rest of the world.) They’re stirring up this genocidal fervor to distract South Africans while the Globalist puppet government and private contractors converts South Africa into a digital ID, digital currency and social credit controlled surveillance state split in “eco-friendly” 15-minute open air concentration camps, as per Agenda 2030. They’ll probably have UN forces step in ostensibly to “restore the peace” but actually to crush any and all resistance that arises. While the blacks are busy and distracted “getting justice” by “killing the Boer” their “pro-black” Globalist puppet government, backed by military and UN forces, will be putting them in digital chains to be kept as the Globalists’ slaves for all eternity. Just like what is planned for all the rest of us.

How do I know it’s a puppet government of the Globalists? Well, they are attached to and subjugated by the same global parasitical Central Banking system as the rest of the world. And they are also fully onboard with Globalist agendas such as the Covid scamdemic and its accompanying maiming and murdering vaccines.

Last edited 7 months ago by flipthepyramid
the great plague
the great plague
7 months ago

That’s how populism works in a former apartheid state. I wonder how they got so racist towards those poor innocent farmers…? Same people who invade countries complain about immigration when others come. And they’re all Bible thumpers of course!