
The Boys Town, NE (World's Wealthiest Square Mile) Child Sex Trafficking Ring That Included Prominent Members of Society and Government Officials | The Tiny "Orphanage Town" Now Has Assets of $1Bn+; is the Operation Still Active? (

In 1988, the raid and closure of the Franklin Federal Credit Union in Omaha, Nebraska revealed a child sex trafficking ring, mainly boys and, later, girls from Boys Town, Nebraska, that included prominent members of society and government officials as the perpetrators.

The investigation into the credit union and its General Manager, Larry King, ended with the arrest and conviction of Larry King for a forty million dollar fraud.

Despite multiple investigations into the credit union, Larry King and Boys Town, one of the greatest cover-ups was not only successful, but resulted in the accusations made and corroborated by several witnesses [being dismissed] as nothing more than a “hoax,” leading to multiple conspiracy theories.

A documentary created in 1993 by a film crew from Yorkshire Television in the UK, went to Omaha, Nebraska to make a documentary about the alleged pedophile ring.

Funding for the film was made by the Discovery Channel in the U.S.A. The documentary was set to air in Ireland and the UK as part of Yorkshire Television broadcast, “First Tuesday.” A US broadcast would follow.

The documentary crew claims to have found a vast operation throughout the country, providing children to the wealthy and political establishment for molestation, drug trafficking and blackmail. 

A year later, in 1994, the documentary, “Conspiracy of Silence,” was complete and ready to air in the UK, but the Discovery Channel withdrew support and reimbursed Yorkshire Television the half million it cost to make.

The documentary remains unaired till this day.

Over the years, the documentary has been leaked onto the web. The information in this story is what I gathered from the investigation done by the crew of Yorkshire Television, a book, The Franklin Cover-Up, written by John DeCamp, an attorney with intimate knowledge of the scandal, and other research.

Boys Town

The documentary begins in Boys Town, Nebraska, a small town founded in 1917 by Father Edward Flanagan. 

Monsignor Robert P. Hupp, former Executive Director of Boys Town, is seen in an interview for the documentary, saying:

“[Boys Town] started to be a home for orphans after World War I, and since then society has changed, and the problems of boys have changed, and so now it’s a question of taking care of homeless, abandoned, neglected, abused boys and now girls also”.

With cash reserves of five hundred million dollars, Boys Town was considered the richest square mile in the world.

Today, Boys Town may still be the richest square mile in the US, if not the world. According to their 2016 form 990 tax return, “Father Flanagan’s Boys’ Home” has a total net asset of over a billion dollars. 

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4 months ago

“The life story of a boy who was ‘born to be hung’.”
The children who Hollywood and politicians may consider expendable either for their own sexual gratification or as human sacrifices. I seem to remember the ‘star’ of the movie, Mickey Rooney, later insinuated that he was raped and knew of other boys who were raped. As the depraved people who run Hollywood are prone to do, they awarded themselves 3 Oscars for pimping out the boys in Boys Town. A good thing is that everyone who raped those poor kids are reaping what they sowed throughout eternity in hell right now. Unfortunately, many more are still raping and murdering children. Maybe someone should hire some illegal immigrants to hunt down all of the pedophiles and child murderers in Hollywood and Washington DC.

Last edited 4 months ago by checkers
4 months ago

This is a nightmare. We have to do something about this s**t.

4 months ago

If I were God, I wouldn’t have allowed Adam and Eve to sin, because I would have thought of all the consequences that would follow, I wouldn’t have given them the ability to disobey me, I would have made sure they couldn’t rebel against me out of love for them and not control. Sometimes we forget that life is a REAL experience, not a fiction.
We never stop getting angry at the one who is the author of all this evil: Satan, but strangely enough we never question the one who allows him to do so much evil: God.

4 months ago
Reply to  username

In the hebrew text of Job, the translation refers to the devil as “the satan” almost implying that it is a designated position. Meaning that God set in place someone who would oppose him on purpose, and in this a*s backwards way of life that is believing, its quite astonishing that God would institute his own checks and balances, therefore reinforcing the fact that he is not a tyrant, not a dictator. If he “prevented” sin, we would not have free will. We are made for a time such as this, and although i wish i didnt go through with all the horrid things i did in my life, i now have a deeper understanding and compassion for others who commit the same atrocities, placing me on an even playing field as the lowest of the low, and saving me from the self-righteousness that comes from never stepping out of line

4 months ago
Reply to  Missuhs.noobs

We can all have an opinion, I respect yours. Angels don’t have free will. If they did, there would be an endless multiplication of demons because of the evil option. Of course this “free will” thing is going to be discussed, I can understand that, but in reality it makes no sense to have created man only for so many innocent people to be lost. Didn’t God himself regret having created man? It’s literally written in the Bible. So why did he create man and then regret it?

4 months ago
Reply to  username

Well if you think about it, the free will of angels can be disputed because there were those that dissented, but at the same time, if satan was created with the ability and position to dissent i guess it would corroborate your view of them not having free will. As for him regretting us, i think, hmm, well we are as a painting created by a painter, sometimes we dont like what we paint, but our love of painting doesnt go away with a bad painting. A true master persists through the failure, and even though one might regret a painting, in time, its the beginners paintings of that master that are the most sought after. Idk, theres an analogy in there somewhere

4 months ago
Reply to  Missuhs.noobs

And this is from someone who has been abused in more ways than one

4 months ago
Reply to  Missuhs.noobs

If God’s will was for Jesus-Christ to come and save humans then His plan was to create his own enemy “Satan” and for the mankind to “sin” rather than that man wouldn’t have need a savior, so all comes to only one person : Jesus. All about him, we make a huge issue about the fact that he suffered, 1st of all he suffered only 3 hours on the cross, not forever as some people not only during their lifetime and for eternity because they weren’t gave the “GRACE” to be saved, sounds off… just by reading the old testament you can see how God treated Israel as its “MOST IMPORTANT” and the other nations as TRASH, he don’t love everybody the same way, that’s a lie … He do prefer some people to others, proof : He will “grace” someone and leave in ignorance the other.

4 months ago
Reply to  username

I think they do have free will – that is why a third (so it is said) rebelled …and they continue to manifest themselves that way; the rest continued to serve.
their power is limited though since they are also creation.

4 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

I think that they don’t have anymore, why they do not “SIN” ever since Lucifer fell ??? How is that possible, can they be even tempted with evil ? No because God would not allow but why does he allow humans to be treated as TRASH and then we have to believe that HE loves us more than anything, that sounds ABUSE. The same person that allows you to suffer non stop is the same that tells you that she loves you. Not surprised so many people mad against God.

Last edited 4 months ago by username
4 months ago
Reply to  username

I get where youre coming from, i felt the same before and even during my first reading of the first testament, i used to be a fire and brimstone type of person, thinking that God needed my wrath for some reason, and really not being loving at all, so basically as annoying and dumb as the loudest bible thumpers usually are. I read alot of rc sproul but mostly cs lewis to help me understand how very little i actually understood anything at all. Its the ones with the least information that can be the most dangerous, as this site has shown us over and over again. I cant claim to know what Gods plan has been all along, but i think we went from mere creations in the first testament, to something more after His human experience on earth added to it his fatherly experience in losing a sinless man who did not deserve what he got. I may be totally off base, but what i understood is that the sacrifice of Yeshua is what opened the door for us to go from creation, to actual children, and so he wasnt so quick to throw us away anymore. Ultimately we are made in his image and so who knows just how deep that actually goes. Does God have an arc as we do in our lives? What i do see is that you still speak with respect and honesty in your questioning, and so i dont know where you are in your road, but you are definitely on it. I can even say that i had a hesitancy when it came to the son but i prayed for closeness and its been two years since that prayer and i have seen and so now i must do. It seems, dear friend that you still need to see, as we must all, see whats the point, the reason, the sense in it all, and i think its all very valid. I would like to pray for you if thats ok

4 months ago
Reply to  username

Not the same, but similar thoughts I ask myself sometimes. For example, if some mother or father on this Earth punishes her or his child by giving child a lecture, taking child’s privileges for some time, prevents malicious activity and so on, we may say that is good parenting.
But, if parent punishes by hurting child, by not helping when in need, letting bad people take over child’s life, letting someone violate child psichologically, physically for MANY years or doing this by themselves, I think, everyone would call that parent neglectful and sadistic.
And seeing that even social structure of our society is created to serve for violators, those in power, I do not see how I can call the creator of this horrible insanity anything but sadist.
And no amount of praying can save or saved anyone.
Only one thing can save someone who is suffering (and I think that this creator of human archetypes (social order, connections among people) knows that very well (because that force created this intentionally), and uses this to harm and violate some people). This advise is – CUT OFF OR LIMIT (if it is someone you can not cut off because of circumstances) ALL CONTACT WITH UNPLEASANT, NOT COMPATIBLE WITH YOUR MORALS OR HARMFUL PEOPLE IN YOUR LIFE. Your life instantly will get better.
And sadly, if you are a child or someone who are dependable, because of your circumstances, economical or psychological or some others, you are fully dependable by that force who are choosing which people surrounds you and stays in your life.
And seeing how this force is letting abuse someone for example, sexually or physically, so many years so bruttaly ( a child, a woman or man), I do not have much hope that force is good and caring parent. On the contrary, by seeing reality, I would call that force sadistic and having no empaty and no respect for human, and especially, woman’s life and body.

4 months ago
Reply to  Adriana

You described my upbringing to a t, neglectful abusive mother, drug addicted dad who up until tgose drugs was the only light i ever had, with added sexual abuse and pregnancies and abortions from said abuse. I know there really isnt much worth to saying all this, im not competing in the sympathy olympics, except to say that it all helped me understand sin, generational and perpetual sin in laymans terms is trauma. It is inherited and perpetuated like a cancer. A cancer to which there is only one cure, complete and utter forgiveness, because without it, its easy to lie to oneself about our motivations and the effect that we have on others. I hurt soo many people on my road and it was because i was so hurt that i dealt im a currency of hurt, moving it around, investing it, trading it, traumatizing others. But once i started to understand the power of forgiveness i understood my mother, my father, and my abuser to a degree i never thought possible. I think about my mother now that i am a mother too and i see how she tried to half her trauma towards me, and although most times her effort was misplaced, it was still a noble endeavor and i see it in my many shortcomings as a mother. Im gonna f**k my kids up in ways i cant even comprehend right now, but being a parent is tricky business. In the end i think this is the real problem we have with god, is that we base our relation ship with him based off of what we have seen in earthly fathers. Mine took off so i expected that from God. I wandered alone and angry and i couldnt understand how anyone could love me. My mother was never there when i needed her, and always interjected herself when a valuable lesson could be learned, lessons that could have brought about some real change, but then again i see the noblility in the short sightedness. My life continues to be very difficult but i dont fight it anymore, i understand that i would not feel the things i feel had i not been through what ive been. I can promise you friends that i have made a true commitment to bring light to the world and that is something that would not have happened had god interjected prematurely in my life. All i have to say is what has happened to me, nothing more

4 months ago
Reply to  Missuhs.noobs

I wish you the best in life, it is hard to read what you been through. People are not ideal, there are always lessons to learn.
But to teach someone to be greatful for being abused is just wrong in my opinion.
It’s been a trick for a long time – to teach victim about special lessons and spirituality in the hands of abuser.
Of course, for your own well beeing, it is the best to have strenght to step out to some good place to not become depressed. And I understand that to be hateful to your abuser all the time it would be equal to weakening yourself.
What I want to express is the long-standing effort to connect the victim and its torturer, the victim tries to understand and justify the torturer, while in the meantime, in my opinion, it would be most effective to realize that this relationship is or was harmful and to end it, without seeking justification for the torturer. Even when we are sometimes the torturers ourselves, I think we can understand it ourselves from that perspective.
With each person we create a unique relationship and already at the beginning of communication you can see how it will go and what impact that person has on you.
Surround yourself with right people and your life will be beautiful.
That is why it is better to be alone than in bad company. Literrary. Besides, there are plenty of citations in the Bible about that. Do not try to justify someone’s bad behaviour, just leave them. That behaviour not gona be better, only worse.
Because someone had bad childhood, they can do harm for others? Now and there only one thing is important – that this person is not good influence to me. It is necessary to recognize this fact and part ways with that person if you can do that – if you need and can, of course, forgive that person and create your own beautiful life.
By the way, people who are in power dinamics, consciously or unconsciously do exactly the same thing – they immediately cut ties with people whom they see that they will not be able to control or impose their opinion on.
Just use this for your own good and be safe from negative influences.
All the best for you.

3 months ago
Reply to  Adriana

Thank you for your sentiments. Im alright now, i promise. I actually see similarities in the processing of information between you and i, and i actually did separate myself from said people for years and built a life for myself. It was in bringing forth new life that i understood that although i did bad things, there are things inherent to me for which i had no choice. The way i see it there are two roads from trauma, you can deny and ignore it, ringing forth much of the same patterns upon ourselves and others or you can recognize that it happened and that it was wrong and spend the rest of our life fighting the pattern. I think we are looking at this from two different sides of the same chasm. I feel you stand of the side that alot of adults are evil and perpetuate evil, to which i agree, and on the other side i stand seeing those bad adults as once abused children, and neither are wrong. Both are true. Its really a roll of the dice whether we were taught good enough coping skills to subsist and whether we want to learn said coping skills at a later date. The mind is an amazing thing whilst also having the ability to be the darkest prison, and that is what i sympathize with. The ever-so enveloping darkness that we all have a propensity towards. Thank you for your respectful dialogue. You have an amazing brain and processing center. I guess the only thing i can really suggest to anybody on the other side of the chasm is that i dont think im crazy and there is a different way, and when all hope seems lost, its ok to ask for help, or for proof rather, to the one we never know is there, but from this side, see he always was, waiting. Thanks again friend

4 months ago

great book and totally worth the read…

4 months ago

Most of the kids that were in line to testify, recanted their testimonies, except one girl, and they gave that one girl 15 years in prison, almost like teaching her a lesson, similar to whats happening to the Jan 6th people

4 months ago

Amazing. Thank you. Do you have a FB or social I can ‘follow?’ Appreciate the effort and information.