
The Billionaires are Building Elaborate Luxury Bunkers – What are They Preparing for? (

Yogi Berra famously said, “You can observe a lot by watching.” There’s a tremendous amount of truth in that statement. You CAN observe a lot by watching.

Do you remember the waning days of 2019 and the dawning days of 2020 when dozens of corporate CEOs suddenly and inexplicably resigned from their positions and cashed their stock options without a word of explanation? And then the virus hoax happened, everything went south, and all of those resignations and stock sales suddenly made sense?

It was as if all of those corporate execs knew something we didn’t. They bailed themselves out, but didn’t bother to warn the rest of us. Someone with good observation skills, seeing all of those resignations and stock sales would have known right away that something nefarious was afoot.

The exact same situation is unfolding today, only in a different form. It’s not a case of CEOs resigning, but of billionaires building underground bunkers.

Also, those who own underground bunkers want to keep them secret. They don’t want others knowing about them – at all.

Then again, these aren’t your average steel-enforced underground bunkers. They’re being built at a cost of tens of millions of dollars – in some cases, hundreds of millions of dollars – and come equipped with bowling alleys, swimming pools, decontamination rooms (from what?), operating tables (to extract adrenochrome?), hidden doors and passageways, moats of fire, water cannons capable of taking down paratroopers or Apache helicopters, and much, much more.

Al Corbi, owner of the bunker-building company SAFE was quoted in the Hollywood Reporter as saying that super-yachts owned by the super-rich are now equipped with helicopters and submarines. Just what the heck is going on here? What are these billionaires preparing for that the rest of us aren’t?

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4 months ago

Looks to me like the dummies are preparing to be buried alive by anyone who wants them dead or by any number of natural disasters.

Terra Incognita
Terra Incognita
4 months ago

Buy lots of water now. Get some kind of a solar powered generator or power station. Get food that has a long shelf life (beans rice crackers peanut butter canned tuna/chicken beef jerky) and buckle up folks.

Jimmy Jam
Jimmy Jam
4 months ago

You sound like a scared little peasant.

4 months ago
Reply to  Jimmy Jam

These are the same people who push people to snap and go bat s**t crazy doing stupid stuff over conspiracy theories. Do I believe in what’s going on? Yes, but I also don’t think it’s right for people to be instilling fear onto others. I guess they missed an article about how a mom took her son to live in the Rocky Mountains over things like this to only end up dying. Shame on those who keep posting thinking they are doing some kind of Gods work smh…besides nothing can be done so why live in fear?. I’ll never understand these folk.

4 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

I think the elite are working for a higher elite. They are preparing for 1. Us going to hunt them. 2. Them mass killing us through one of their global destruction plans.
The real elite are so far away normally probably in Antarctica so we can’t ever get to them…. They are
The most high of elites the ones above the Pope the King even the straight up Zionist who are not hiding it, I don’t think we have ever seen these human? without some sort of mask on. There’s just some things these lower guys do that seem to be done out of orders. Plus they are stupid, taking orders would explain a lot
I also think they play this same theater, the same play out over and over. The tech they have was old and stolen. They only give some to the people when it benefits them. They’ve killed us off over and over and stole everything they have. The good music you hear, they didn’t write it, it’s stolen and old as the hills and they spun it. Everything they invent is old theft

4 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

What’s to say these companies haven’t designed the security system/physical locking mechanisms to be operated and/or overridden externally? A ritzy, well-stocked crypt is still a crypt once supplies run out. They had no problem doing it to untold numbers in Chinese skyscrapers.

4 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

This is a very interesting take, and makes a lot of sense. Layers upon layers, like inception.

randall hewgley
randall hewgley
4 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

Entirely possible. Why would the extreme elite want any other lesser elites around?

4 months ago

To be their btches

4 months ago

Media here is now addicted to showing bunkers of the rich, too. Of course they are preparing something. Why do you think different groupa are being lead to the same kind of expectation: Catholics with the punishment of Fatima and Garabandal and afterwards the kingdom of Mary, Evangelicals with Rapture and the Millenialism, Muslims with the coming of Mahdi and return of Jesus and after the calamity, the restart for he few left, ecological and sustainable people believing they will survive some catastrophe due to their preservation of nature, people who believe in Aliens being prepared to survive some catastrophic event too and finally have a world in connection with them, people who believe in Spirits and Reincarnation prepared to the coming of a planet near Earth that will cause destruction of many and survival of the most evolved souls etc; different sceneries to different people, with the same structural standard of a story, many will wait to survive and they will just be killed, its just population cleansing just like war and immigration thin but in a broader level, so that only MKd people survive and the world becomes more and more easily controlled until really few or no person free from mind control is left.

4 months ago
Reply to  Nobody

They will keep trying and trying as much as they can, creating and destroying things in the world, leading society on.

4 months ago

I’ve also noticed a disproportionate number of US Senators and Congressmen quitting or publicly stating they will not run for office again when their term is up. Considering the cushy perks, that definitely has been raising my eyebrows.

4 months ago

Buried alive is all they’re going to be.

4 months ago

Nothing. Rich people have built bunkers for a long time, this is just being dredged up by the “truthers” for more drama because fear mongering is the name of the game.

4 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

Lmao you’re not God sir or mam so please quit driving people to the point they are killing others over your conspiracy theories. You are as responsible to making people snap and doing stupid s**t. If you’re a true warrior of god or Jesus you wouldn’t be try to instill fear which is just as bad as some Illuminati s**t. I’m surprised VC hasn’t been shut down because a lot of people are snapping from sites like this so you must be proud of that huh? True faith believers have no fear and are living their life best they can as you should as well. Blessed day.

4 months ago
Reply to  Rose

Bs. The people snapping have been mk operated facilities thinking they changed genders. Spreading awareness to understand those working the levers will allow us to break the gears with a few rocks.

4 months ago

lol as if God’s wrath won’t absolutely hulk-smash these bunkers… Matthew 19:24 “I’ll say it again-it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of A needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!”

4 months ago

What kind of kitsch p**n is bowling during the apocalypse?

4 months ago

¹⁵ And the kings of the earth, and the great, and the rich, and the captains, and the mighty, and every servant, and every freeman, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains; ¹⁶ And they said to the mountains and to the rocks, Fall upon us, and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb; ¹⁷ For the great day of his wrath is come; And who can stand? 

Revelation 6:15-17.

4 months ago

Nuclear war. And if you hear them buying bunkers in New Zealand, New Zealand is one of the safest places in the event of nuclear war.

4 months ago
Reply to  Ryan

They keep investing in nz

3 months ago

Don’t worry – they can’t hide from The One who’s coming 😉