
Plastics have been detected in clogged arteries of patients

From the article:

“Following 257 patients for 34 months, the researchers found nearly 60 percent of them had measurable amounts of polyethylene in plaques pulled from their fat-thickened arteries, and 12 percent also had polyvinyl chloride (PVC) in extracted fat deposits.”

From plastics in food to graphene in vaccines, God only knows what is running through our veins.  

No wonder why more and more people getting strokes.  Is it age or is it nano garbage in our veins?


Plastic Found Inside More Than 50% of Plaques From Clogged Arteries

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7 months ago

Shouldn’t take much of a mind to figure out that it comes from the (painfully obvious) global large scale (geoengineering) spraying in our skies. Especially since ever higher concentrations of microplastics is detected in clouds. How else would it get there?

They’re openly spraying our skies with geoengineering agents and toxins and people are still oblivious. During sporting events they seem to even make a point about filming the trails, as you often see the camera focused on them for many seconds. Also obviously no coincidence that these trails appear over the skies during these events in the first place. And geoengineering patents specify, among other components, plastic polymers and aluminum. Substances that are now found in our clouds across the world.

7 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

And no, it’s not con(densation)trails because…

Modern jet engines are highly efficient and therefore only produce visible contrails in very cold and very warm conditions.

Contrails generally dissipate within seconds (as they’re just condensation) and also do not spread out. These trails remain in the sky for many minutes and spread out.

Also there’s often way too much for it to possibly be contrails (if that was technically possible, which it isn’t.)

Last edited 7 months ago by flipthepyramid
7 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

Additionally, these substances are also found in our top soil and from there it contaminates our food. When it rains, microplastics and other geoengineering chemicals and metals pour down and poisons the earth.

7 months ago

This is not surprising given that we’ve known about micro plastics and the dangers of plastics for years.

7 months ago
Reply to  Ryan

Just like with margarine and Canola oil and similar unnatural seed oils and flouride and Coca Cola (probably other Colas as well, though not sure) (I’ve found Coca Cola works better as a toilet cleaning agent than products marketed as such so imagine then what it does to your stomach.) Just a few examples, there’s much more.

All of that has been known for decades to be very harmful and yet keeps being used, sold and even recommended. It’s systematic mass poisoning.

7 months ago

Just like RFK Jr was the LONE presidential candidate telling the truth about the vaccines, he also wants to eliminate 95 percent of plastics.
Problem is, thats impossible to do without crashing the world economy. We’re screwed

Rhonda lachance
Rhonda lachance
7 months ago

This is happening to me now im glad im not crazy

Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
7 months ago

It seems they can scrape the plastic and Fluoride crystals out of our veins.