
No such thing as ‘long COVID,’ health agency says in shocking claim: ‘Unnecessary fear’ (

Follow the science — right out the door.

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5 months ago

There’s no such thing as viruses either

5 months ago

There is no virus. There ARE no viruses. Long, short, cute, ugly, well-heeled, it doesn’t matter: Viruses are LIE-ruses. We simply do not contract illnesses from nature.

But we do get sick from being intentionally poisoned by the Military-Medical-Industrial-Entertainment Complex. And have you seen those not-actual-clouds thingies making heavy metal milkshakes in the skies? That’ll make a lot of people in the same region unhealthy at the same time. Hmmmmmm. I feel another multiple sneeze session coming on. Know what I’m sayin’?

5 months ago
Reply to  Sharine

I wouldnt go that far. I believe how we are victimized is these nefarious jackasses doong gain of function, aka mad scientist, type of experiments that cause extreme illness and then pump out a “treatment” for it.

5 months ago
Reply to  rick

she’s absolutely correct

5 months ago
Reply to  Sharine

How do you explain illness in ancient times? Why do you believe nature can’t make you sick? Tape worms are naturally occuring and they will make you ill. How do you explain illness that spreads throughout a household? How do you explain natural remedies that combat viruses? How do you explain sexually transmitted illnesses? I feel like you’ve fallen into the trap of believing everything you read on Facebook sweetheart.

5 months ago
Reply to  JimBooney

Kary Mullis the inventor of PCR that got a Nobel prize for it didn’t believe in the existence of the aids virus… I think he might have known a thing or two about it?

Curiously Luc Montagnier who was deemed the reference in the subject seemed to have completely changed his view later in his life with bizarre statements on the subject.

Pestilences in ancient times were often associated with the passages of comets. Comets that strangely enough only a few centuries ago seemed to be very common.

I have not a definitive opinion on transmitted diseases but the fact is that there are many grey areas to say the least. Check viroliegy com for example on the many strange aspects of it and make your own conclusions.

5 months ago
Reply to  JimBooney

nope that would be you buddy. zero proof viruses exist sorry thats a fact

5 months ago
Reply to  Michael

Do you believe you can get ill from bacteria? Fungus? Genetics? Rotten food? Or is every single ailment that has ever affected plants, animals and animals since the dawn of time been the result of big pharma?

5 months ago
Reply to  JimBooney

JimBooney, First, I was referring specifically to “viruses.” Tapeworms are a parasite, which are real and bad.

Second, people in the same home or office or classroom typically experience the same sets of stressors, and chronic stress is a major cause of illness. Stressors include nutritionally poor diet, lack of sunshine and fresh air, lack of movement (sitting in school, sitting in office, sitting on sofa), and ingestion or injection of pharmaceutical drugs.

When everyone is doing the same/similar lifestyle, it will lead to the same/similar results. In my home, we eat high-quality, mostly organic or at least non-GMO food that I make mostly from scratch and which consists of plants (no judgment here on carnivores, I’m just stating facts), a mix of raw and cooked food. We do not take pharmaceutical drugs. We get sun and fresh air, and we use the internet for truth-seeking, not for “entertainment.” We have not been ill in more than 8 years since changing our diet, nearly mitigating refined sugars, refined flours, and refined/pressed oils.

Think about the typical American lifestyle throughout a calendar year: The “new year” starts with some type of dietary and/or exercise cleanse, but then Valentine’s Day rolls around and everyone eats fancy rich food and fatty crappy chocolates for a week. Then comes Easter and more rich food, followed by Mother’s Day and the week-long celebration of motherhood with fatty, unhealthy food. Memorial Day comes next, the long party weekend of insane amounts of fatty food consumption. After that, it’s Father’s Day and Graduation Day, which turns into half of June filled with 16-oz. steaks and sausages and fried foods galore, all to celebrate Dads and Grads. Oh, hey, it’s already Fourth of July, better fire up the grill with some more brats and burgers because we know that food that tastes *this good* MUST BE GOOD FOR US! Then comes the ever-exciting build-up to the start of government indoctrination camp for the children and young adults. It’s so LIFE-AFFIRMING to send your most precious creations, your children, to a brick box where they will sit on their little butts most of the day being drilled with useless facts and mostly fictions, and either eat a horrific version of food called “school cafeteria lunch” or bring the lame sack lunch you bought for them at the f*****g Walmart which consists of processed poison. Then, when everyone is starting to settle in to the new confinement program, with parents running around in their cars to bring children to sportsball practice and games, church events, and social event, Halloween descends upon the entire world, bringing pharmaceutical-based corn-syrup products known as CANDY, which most people will buy, give for free to door beggars, and allow their own children to eat until it is all gone. Yay. Anyone feeling fabulous still? Let us not forget the time-honored tradition of Thanksgiving, the feast of true gluttony, followed by Christmas and/or Hanukkah and New Year’s Eve. During this 6-8 week period, most people will consume the most egregious amounts of fat/sugar/flour and have absolutely no thought about it whatsoever, because, “tradition.” Oh, and let’s top all of that off with cocktails, lots of cocktails.

What do you think, JimBooney, or anyone else who reads my diatribe?

Does our unhealthy diet and lifestyle contribute to an unhealthy mind/body/spirit?

5 months ago
Reply to  Sharine

Beautifully stated!

5 months ago
Reply to  Sharine

u are 100% correct viruses are fake and simply put don’t exist. we are being poisoned from food drink air etc time for people to get their head outta their a*s

5 months ago
Reply to  Michael

So im a student nurse who deals with viruses in my patients all the time. How do you advise I tell my hiv patients that the virus attacking their immune system is a lie? How shall I break it to my patients on ventilators that the pneumonia virus in their lungs is a lie?

I mean no ill intent to this im just curious where you get this information?

5 months ago
Reply to  Charmander5

It’s not so much you have to break it to them that it’s a lie, but rather you have to educate them that the allopathic medicine protocols are not the [only] way to combat various dis-eases, including HIV or “viral infections”.

“Viral infections” tends to be the easy cop out answer for when MDs and specialty physicians don’t know what’s going on in a patient or dis-ease process. Even worse, what they often don’t even realize is that there’s so much more to health than one perpetrator like a “virus”. Diet, physical mental and spiritual conditioning and status, things that cause or increase (chronic or acute) inflammation, all these things come into play.

I do agree that by the time a patient is on a vent, it’s often/likely too late for proper intervention. But that’s not by accident.

Idk if you need to hear this but the system you’re in is, at best, just a business, and at worst/more aptly, a satanic system. It will fall soon, just like all the rest of the worldly systems. You are giving your energy (in exchange for money) to continue and/or attempt to further that business/undue control and manipulation of health.

I pray for you, as a nursing student. Not out of pity, but I truly hope and pray you contemplate the above in heart and mind, and allow the Spirit to lead you properly, in whatever way that may be.

5 months ago
Reply to  Charmander5

For starters, read the book “Virus Mania”. I think you will find it enlightening, particularly alternate theories on what causes HIV. It is very well researched.

5 months ago
Reply to  Sharine

@Sharine you learned this “There ARE no viruses” idea from Greg Reese Infowars right?
Don’t be fooled, Infowars is also part of the system just like CNN.

5 months ago
Reply to  origami

Yes! I actually saw that video by him. I like some of his videos but some go too far! lol
He’s way out there!

5 months ago
Reply to  origami

It’s not just Infowars, which I agree is part of the system. There have been plenty of intelligent researchers who have come to the same conclusion. Check out the book “Virus Mania”.

5 months ago
Reply to  origami

Infowars, and other forms of controlled opposition, mix truth with lies. One must use discernment with all information, no matter the source. If you dismiss something outright simply because it was on Infowars, then you are falling in the same trap as those who take everything from such a source as gospel.

5 months ago

Long Covid is getting the vaccine and being f-d for life. Yes it was effective, for what they wanted