
More reasons to boycott Doritos

They knew what they were doing

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10 months ago

it’s everywhere unfortunately. Once you start to notice, you see that it’s everywhere and inescapable..

10 months ago

Grow your own food, fk this fake stuff, better to eat your own than modified poison corn with some addictive flavoring.

10 months ago

Wow….. thats pretty blatant. And on a snack that kids and adults eat. I see this kinda thing and then wonder what the point of it is. Are they subversively saying they advocate this deviance or are they in some way involved in it themselves? Any trafficking going on? Disney is very much guilty of putting that symbol out there too which somehow makes more sense. But why a company like Doritos? My only theory at this point is that anything LGBT or deviant is being pushed by not little brands but the heavy hitters. Bud Light, M&Ms, Oreos, I believe Jack Daniel’s did something with their ads featuring a transformer as well.

A quick glance at the Wikipedia page for Doritos shows they are owned by Frito Lay which is a wholly owned subsidiary of PepsiCo. So it’s ultimately at the top, a Pepsi brand issue. But taking it a step further, who is funding Pepsi? Who are their share and stake holders?

This is probably more of a guilty by association thing here, but the concept for Doritos originated at Disneyland at a restaurant managed by Frito-Lay in 1964.

Last edited 10 months ago by fuzz
10 months ago
Reply to  fuzz

Owned by the Rockefellers. Almost all major food brands worldwide are owned by them or the Rothschilds and most the rest are owned by families tied to them. The top families of the supremacist, anti-human Talmudic elites of elites and that’s why it’s full of poisons and poorly nutrious as well as being used for Satanic agendas such as this. They use their control of food to get us sick and then their control of medicine to keep us sick but alive (enough) to keep producing profit through labor as well as prescription “medicine.” The “food” and “medicine then keeps on making people sicker so can be sold even more prescriptions until they die taking 20 pills per day and a dozen vaccine shots per year to remain alive. Pills nobody would need if it wasn’t for the (ever increasingly) poorly nutrious and toxic food they feed us.

10 months ago
Reply to  fuzz

The answers to your questions are: VanGuard and BlackRock own everything—including Disney (who also almost owns everything). And they all expose themselves because it relieves them of guilt/karma. It’s called “Revelation of the Method.”

10 months ago
Reply to  Kay

I think BlackRock and Vanguard (which BlackRock owns, I believe) serve to buy up control in corporations they didn’t already own. They have acomputer system that automatically buys up stock in companies they want when they reach certain valuation (i.e. crash due to sabotage or engineered crisis.) Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and other oligarch families tied to and subordinate to them, have long owned pretty much all major corporations.

10 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

True. Thank you

10 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

Oops. I meant to ask: how did those families amass so much money?!!!

9 months ago
Reply to  Kay

Banking families are the law merchants of old going back to Babylon. The federal reserve is a private banking cartel going back to 1913.

Caramella Beth
Caramella Beth
10 months ago

Don’t buy any of this crap because you certainly indirectly funding their profits.

Walkers. Lays. Doritos. PepsiCo etc.

10 months ago

That is weird! Good find.

10 months ago

This is certainly about normalizing pedophilia as pedophilia is normal among our Talmudic/Masonic “elites,” as they are inversionists/Satanists and the NWO they are striving to 6uild 6ack 6etter is to be in the image of their inverted “elite” underworld. For example, it was recently revealed that a former and recent PM of Australia as well as several top judges was recently implicated in a police document about a pedo ring. Then there’s Epstein and Savile and much more.

But they almost always have multiple objectives with their actions.

I’m thinking this may also be about fooling conservatives and right-wingers into supporting internet restrictions (like only allowing approved sites) and banning VPNs and TOR. They may have President Trump, Mk2, introduce and sign such legislation on the false grounds that it’s about protecting children. Then the wealth of information we have at our disposal will be lost, as well as our ability to spread what we know and the information we have acquired. If that happens our chances of stopping this and the rest of their heinous, anti-human agenda will be decimated.

It’s important to keep one’s distance and never allow oneself to be swept up in anything going on on social (control) media. It’s all rigged by bots, trolls and algorithms controlled by the Globalists and most posts are made by these bots and trolls. Otherwise you can easily become one of their useful idiots.

Last edited 10 months ago by flipthepyramid
10 months ago

The main reason to boycott these products and everything else from PepsiCo and other international food giants is that they’re owned by the top oligarch families in the Talmudic-Masonic crime syndicate which has taken ownership and control of our world. And also because they’re full of poisons, like toxic seed oils (canola, sunflower, etc) and toxic synthetic additives.

This is yet another reason but one that stems from the companies, like all major international food companies, are owned by pure, supremacist, human-hating, Evil.

10 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

Forgot to name the oligarch families. Almost all major food companies (and much more) are owned by the Rockefellers (who owns PepsiCo, for example) and the Rothschilds and other, subordinate, oligarch families tied to them.

the great plague
the great plague
10 months ago

The sPIral of PI build the PYramids and everything else. To reject it is to reject ssssilisssation itself.

10 months ago


10 months ago

I can hear Texe Marrs now…..

10 months ago
Reply to  ibelieve

And he’d be right.

Last edited 10 months ago by fuzz